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About squeaky.stow

  • Birthday 06/24/1959

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    Kingston Ontario Canada
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  • Model
    M20K 252TSE
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  1. Welcome to the confusing world of Mooney ownership. You will find a lot of useful knowledge on this forum, but some stuff will be elusive. The POH for the late 1980s is pretty limited in the information it provides. My 252 is very similar to your 205 In many respects, and it originally had at least one of those mystery lights as well. They are not mentioned anywhere in the POH, at least for my model and year. On my airplane the amber light was originally the speedbrake light. I don’t know if your 205 has speedbrakes but if you do an internet search of pictures of Mooney panels from that era, many of them have a little amber light placarded as Speed Brake by the top right corner of the old vacuum attitude indicator. In my case it was relocated above the ASI, probably when the Aspen was installed. I have no idea what the green light is for but @EricJ’s response makes the most sense to me. The POH does at least talk about your ammeter/voltmeter but it still pretty vague. In my POH it describes the triple gauge as showing the alternator “output” as a percentage, but it does not say percentage of what. Likewise the bus load is a percentage but shows up to 150%. In my case I have two alternators, so my triple gauge has two alternator output gauges and the loadmeter doubles as a voltmeter at the push of a button. Interestingly my POH has a schematic diagram that labels each alternator output gauge (the 100% gauges) as “Alternator Output Voltage”. I am pretty sure it is showing amps rather than volts as it behaves exactly like an ammeter should when I add electrical load. So the POH can sometimes add to the mystery rather than solve it. Enjoy your new Mooney! Mark
  2. Not the first time that different TC regions have come up with different interpretations of the same guidance/regulations. Eastern region apparently has a more liberal interpretation. I have also seen the reverse, at least in the airline world. It might be worth contacting a couple of the Ontario shops with your details to find out how they are handling installations of the same equipment. It’s a long way to come for avionics work, so that would probably not make economic sense, but they may be able to provide some useful advice.
  3. A poem to honor the occasion..... LOW FLIGHT Oh! I have slipped the bonds of common sense And thrashed the skies with blades that ain’t quite wings; Bug-like I’ve climbed, to clear the airport fence By a good two feet,—and done a hundred things You would not care to—wobbled and shook and swung Down in the dusty deafening din. Stuck there, I’ve chased the nearest car along, and lost The race with barely any wind Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue Some jet jock tops the wind-swept heights with easy grace Me, I’m down here where never lark nor even eagle poo— And, while with silent wishing mind I’ve trod The high untrespassed sanctity of space, Put out my hand, and almost lost control. With sincere apologies to Pilot Officer John Gillespie MaGee. RCAF And congratulations!
  4. Do you know if your avionics shop has specific written guidance from TC on this? I was just speaking to the sales manager of the Canadian shop that installed my GI275 and I asked him if this had impacted his business. He had not heard anything about a ban on FAA STCs and said they have been continuing to install Garmin G3X and other avionics since May 2021 with no issues. Something doesn’t add up.
  5. Tanis is the most common manufacturer for engine preheaters. Not much to know. Just plug it in. I found user manual for mine here: https://www.tanisaircraft.com/downloads-library
  6. Did a boroscope during my annual and one intake valve had a blue fuel stain around the seat. We are thinking this is from hand turning the prop to get the valves in the right position and some fuel in the manifold leaked in but just thought it was worth putting out for other opinions in case there is something more sinister going on. Compression check on all cylinders was all good and the white colour on one side of the valve is just reflection from the horoscope light. Sorry for the lousy resolution. I texted this photo to myself and it compressed it quite a bit.
  7. My wife calls it The Mooney Pit
  8. Actually you can stream GDL69 weather to an iPad via a Flightstream but only if you are using Garmin Pilot. Other software is not supported. I can’t speak for the Aera devices as I don’t own one.
  9. Have you looked at the Wombat? I have not tried it but it looks like an easier solution than dragging the laptop along. https://bad-elf.com/pages/wombat-piston
  10. While it is easy to assume that someone is just being a jerk, there could be all kinds of other explanations. At an uncontrolled airport, it’s possible to be transmitting but not receiving and be completely unaware of it. Or it can be the reverse. My embarrassing incident being that “jerk” was the time I spent an hour at my home airport brushing up my taildragger crosswind skills by doing touch and goes on every available runway, including two grass ones, in the Fleet Canuck that belonged to our local classic aircraft club. I made all of the right radio calls as I switched from runway to runway having a grand old time. The only other aircraft in the pattern was sticking with the main runway and I kept him informed of all my changes and ensured I did not conflict with his pattern. On my last circuit another aircraft called inbound for the circuit. The other aircraft in the circuit responded with the active runway and added “watch out for a Canuck doing NORDO circuits on the grass.” After I taxied in and shut down, I discovered that I had connected my headset to the passenger side of the portable intercom, which someone had installed upside down on the aft bulkhead. It looked like I was connected to the correct side, I could hear everyone else, and I assumed I was transmitting because I could hear myself on the sidetone. Turns out I was just talking to myself on the intercom. I am not sure I would want to hear what that other pilot must have been saying about me!
  11. Moving to a new hangar soon. These will have to go. All reasonable offers considered.
  12. For all of you that offered your help and advice, thanks so much. Please standby for further. My maintenance guy was well ahead of me and appears to have found a local source. I should know in a day or so.
  13. Thanks Tom, I will pass this info on to my maintenance provider.
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