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Everything posted by Schllc

  1. I thought I would poll the experts for their opinions.... I acquired a 2009 mooney and am preparing to have it painted. the logs show a few minor tank sealant repairs, but nothing major. I owned a 2005, and a 2007 for several year and these also required a few minor repairs. I read a lot about wet wing tank sealant deterioration, but it mostly seems to be an issue with older mooneys. I also read if you are going to paint, do the tank reseal prior. while I don’t want to spend money on something completely unnecessary, I also don’t want to pass on the opportunity, just to save a few bucks. the sealant is only 10 years old at this point, and I would think there have been large improvements in the durability of the sealants used. anyone care the share their expertise here?
  2. Before I changed the door seal, I would travel with a roll of blue painters tape and as soon as we were lined up to take off I would tape the entire door seam off. the difference was staggering.
  3. I have some hearing damage from a prior life, and found the ANR headsets to be a lot less effective or comfortable than my clarity aloft in ear set. Ive tried them all, Clark’s, zulus, a20’s, you name it. If I have over three hours sometimes I will put a set of Bose over them but not sure it helps as much. Change the plugs about every 20 hours or so and they are way better for outside sound attenuation. At least for me... interesting about the sound proofing. I’ve read that about several planes, not just the Mooney. i guess I figured it couldn’t hurt... I have found that sealing air leaks makes a HUGE difference, and read thicker glass does as well. Did you try the thicker glass?
  4. I had close to 500 hours in my g1000 Ovation before her so my transition was pretty smooth. 8MD was a sweet sled, I miss her terribly but that wound is healing now. DM you your phone number and I’ll give you the low down on her peccadilloes.
  5. I sold my other acclaim about a month ago and have since entered the most severe case of sellers remorse of my life!!!! While it seemed I had great reasons for selling they don’t make sense now and I do not understand why I sold it. Hence, I’m the winner of the auction. N113TN does have waas, it was stated in the auction just listed oddly. It does not have the gtx345R. it also did have a mechanical incident the last day of the auction, and I subsequently found out it had flow 10+ times since the auction began. Needless to say I was a bit upset about this, but the seller and auction house are both working in good faith with me so far, and I am anxious as heck to get in my possession so I can remove that god awful paint scheme and return her to glory. Plan is to strip and paint, better soundproof, thicker windows, factory reman engine , adsb, and a new interior, and a new tail# All but the engine and adsb are discretionary but I let one go without understanding my mistake. Won’t happen again, I am going to make this just how I want it.
  6. I have some history with 98FL as well. I had retained a broker whom I won’t name, but you obviously bought the plane from them so you know who they are... anywho, I found the repo’d plane at the bank, it was at a well known Mooney shop in CA with a bill unpaid. I made an offer and the bank accepted, and called my broker to discuss the plane. Then the “broker” I hired went behind my back and outbid me with the bank, I found out because the shop who had possession at first was belligerent and rude, then wouldn’t even talk to me after the other offer was made, I assume, that since they are in the same region, he knew the firm. Then the bank told me they had a better offer and the name of the firm that made the offer. Needless to say I was pretty upset and called him and confronted him, and told them if they wanted it bad enough to screw a client they could have it. I was disappointed but didn’t want the anxiety of dealing with that clown again. I hope it’s been a good aircraft for you, but I will never deal with that Mooney shop or that broker again.
  7. I have landed several times at x01 which is 2400x50 with PLENTY of room. very easy to put down in less if you have a stabilized approach and watch your speed. what I’ve noticed when other people fly the Mooney is they think they can hedge the speed over the numbers for “insurance”. it may work that way in other planes, but not a mooney. I found that the cirrus with that spatula prop will bleed speed faster that you could imagine, the Mooney will not. I am a bit mystified how anyone can land a mooney (long bodies are all I’ve flown) gear up. I can barely slow the thing down enough to land with the gear down. I’ve (knock on wood) never even come close to forgetting, not because I’m that good, just because it’s the only way you can get the speed down.
  8. They need to get the cost below $600 and increase the useful load by 300lbsTheir sales would skyrocket. Not saying it’s easy, it close to a million for what is effectively a 2 person aircraft severely limits the pool of buyers. Full disclaimer, I’ve owned two mooneys and I’m still going to buy another one, regardless of what they decide It’s a wonderful aircraft and short of damage, there is very little in the way of parts that couldn’t be obtained. it’s time they exploited the part 23 rewrite and mades some real changes to make the product more attractive to non mooniancs
  9. Nope, pretty sure this isn’t the first prop strike. I looked at this when it was listed a few years ago, and remember a damage history then. I also remember it being a bit above the market at the time. I assumed it was a function of the paint job, which let’s face it, is a love it or hate it scheme.... my personal hangup with damage history is that there will almost always be a day you want to sell the plane. At that point everyone is beating you over the head with damage history... buy it right, and sell it accordingly, or wait for the guy that doesn’t care.
  10. Thanks mike. it’s been great to me too, and I maintain it the same way. if I could keep my kids little I wouldn’t sell it!
  11. Take it easy on the little fella. I suspect the one plane he flew in had a relief tube so he thinks all of them have them. Or maybe they do and the 1000 or so I’ve looked at or flown in we’re just oddballs and didnt have them. Somebody should send a memo to cirrus, Mooney, beech, diamond, piper and Cessna and tell them to knock off few hundred thousand until they install relief tubes as MEL
  12. Hahahahaha Yeah, because that’s the same thing.
  13. That’s what Gatorade bottles are for!
  14. My only other reference was my ovation with the same engine sans turbos... that engine ran great @50deg lop, and the gain in speed didn’t justify the fuel burn. when I try to lean the acclaim, at 8-10k (at all mp’s) it doesn’t even get to 30deg lop before it starts to get rough cht’s are pretty fairly matched as were the egts with the biggest disparity being between 3&6. If I leaned further it simply got rougher. I can achieve some lop operations smoothly at low altitudes and low mp. I have always read, and been told egt’s aren’t a factor in engine health. My mechanic who is well known and respected around here, when discussing this issue said that just isn’t true. He said elevated egt’s can damage your engine and plugs. I am not claiming to be a mechanic but I am far from helpless and he showed me the damage on my plugs. He cleaned all the injectors and still has the problem with 2&4. I ordered gami’s today. At this point $500 is cheap compared to the commute back and forth to the mechanic, as well as his time, and can’t hurt anything. i am interested to see how they use the engine data from the data card I didn’t realize it was in a format I could import into a spreadsheet
  15. I’m having a very similar problem. Started at just rough lop, changed plugs, adjusted timing and swapped 3/6 to correct temp inversion injectors to see if that would help. Timing helped with starting, but still rough at lop. Brought it back changed diaphragm in the pump and cleaned the strainer, changed back injectors and same rough and now 2&4 are about 80deg higher egt than rest of cylinders. Mechanic said could be debris in injectors and cleaning today.
  16. Firehawk, i responded directly to you, check your messages.
  17. Hi,

    im a new pilot, but much newer mooney owner. 

    I just bought a 2007 ovation, non waas with the Stec55x 

    im a little confused with the vernacular and myriad conflicting reports, descriptions and quotes. 

    I would like to enable the waas, and upgrade to adsb-in/out at the same time when I do my annual this year. Can you tell me where you had your work done and what your ultimate cost was?  You didn't upgrade your transponder did you?

    i was told by don maxwell that I could upgrade my 330 for the adsb-in/out if I enabled the waas on the g1000, or I could get the 345 with its own waas for the adsb, but then would have to do more work if I later upgraded the g1000 to waas.

    i was also told the vnav portion wasn't really necessary, at least most of my peers tell me this  

    any guidance you could provide would be appreciated 




    1. Jeff_S


      Hi Ray. Yes, I can definitely help you through all the options. Probably easier to do by phone.  Feel free to give me a call at 404.216.9900 (Atlanta) anytime. I'm always happy to talk about Mooneys!

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