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Skeyedancer last won the day on May 11 2017

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    N57 - New Garden Airport, Toughkenamon, PA
  • Interests
    Sailing, trail riding (horses), trail riding (bicycles), animal rescue
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  1. Believe it or not, that's sort of an "also ran" number. :). There are a couple of guys who have broken 3,000, and at least one who has flown > 5,000. When Debi Bois started Pilots-n-Paws (in 2008, I think) there were only a handful of us. Now there are thousands of pilots, and several pretty much do it full time. A couple have the means to support their flying habit without having to fill the kitty back up, and have pretty much devoted their flying life to transporting rescues. It's been inspiring to fly with these legends.
  2. Any of the smaller ones in the picture above will fit in the baggage compartment. If you're going to open it up inside the plane, you'll need to get a top loader. That's why I take the seat back off. I don't remember any of the measurements. Someday we can FaceTime or Skype, and you'll see how it all works ... I can measure them then.
  3. The big German Shepard is Brian Nelson's dog, Buddy. There may also be a black Lab named Wrangler, another Nelson family member. Both are extremely friendly and experienced airport dogs.
  4. As long as I'm talking about dogs, we're always looking for pilots to fly dogs up from the south ... I could use contacts interested in the southern legs ... North and South Carolina, Tennessee, and sourthern WVa to central Va. I'd fly down to meet them. I fly 2-3 weekends/month. The dogs are brought to our farm near Wilmington, De, where we arrange for their adoptions. Send me an IM if you're interested. We could use pilots for the final leg too. N57 is very near the farm, is a delightful place to visit, and usually has the cheapest fuel around too! Send me a private message if you're interested in joining our network. We are a 501c3 charity, so all flights are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the IRS regs. www.greenmorerescue.org
  5. I just read John B's post and agree with everything he said. I also have four tether points in the luggage compartment, but usually put large dogs in the back seat. I used to tether the dogs, but now when I have a large dog, I simply let them sit in the seat, and invite a dog wrangler to join me for the flight to keep him/her happy and out of the front ... better for W&B. About three years ago I started to transport larger numbers of smaller and mid sized dogs (<35#). I stopped using my collapsible crates, and acquired a bunch of wire crates in various sizes. By removing the rear passenger seat back, and the front passenger seat, I found that I could easily fit a lot of crates into the plane ... sort of a Tetris puzzle. It's very easy to pop the seats back in for normal operations. i see that you're in Buffalo ... do you ever get down toward Philly? .../ jack
  6. Alex, Matilda (my 67 M20F) and I have flown over 1,000 dogs since my first flight for PnP in 2009. I still fly about 15 dogs a month. The attached picture was from a recent mission .. all of these crates comfortably fit in the plane. Where are you located? ... I'm happy to discuss how I have evolved the setups over the past eight years by phone or in person. .../ jack
  7. The four year clock starts on the day of your physical. Here's what I would do. 1) As soon as practicable find a physician willing to participate, and schedule the exam. 2) upon completion of the exam, take the course and test, and submit the physician and exam info. 3) contine to fly under the class3 until 7/31. On 8/1, you'll automatically revert to flying under BasicMed. 4) retake the course two years from the date of you passed and submitted this time (June xx, 2019) 5) get a new physical four years from the date you received the sign off on your physical (June xx, 2021)
  8. I called AOPA Medical group looking for the same guidance. They told me that this is the #1 question ... many GPs are refusing to sign Part 3 regardless of input they may receive from the FAA or AOPA. Their suggestion was to ask my current AME ... and if that's a no-go, start polling AMEs in my area.
  9. N57 Toughkenamon, just SW of Philly link please!
  10. The panel is awesome, Chris. Don't let Julie see it. Didnt realize we could sell stuff here ... how much do you think I'd have to pay someone to take my old Narco xponder and sigtronics intercom?
  11. Absolutely! I thought Slammer was going to dribble you over today?
  12. All, I'm pleased to share this news! After a ten day journey proving that I am still in compliance with my SI, my personal physician has signed my BasicMed form. I'm officially legal again! Matilda and I are back in the rescue business! .../ jack
  13. I've got a fair amount of "C" time in a friend's airplane. It's a great two person w/luggage bird ... but trust me, you'll wish you'd gotten the "F" after a couple of hundred hours. The back seat room difference is substantial. Just my 2 cents. ...\ jack
  14. Tony, I guess I'm a little more forgiving. I often see projects with very lofty goals that ultimately fall short of forecast, but still drive real tangible improvement. Sometimes it's better to start to work on something new that's broken rather than spending energy fighting for the last little bit of gain on the original project. e t
  15. Yes indeed! .. and he's still there - and, even though we have moved, he remains a good friend!
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