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  1. No input on where to OH but I have ran into at least two banks that either required TBO run out engines OH at purchase within time/hours if close to TBO at purchase. They're looking to protect their investment, not necessarily your wallet.
  2. The last one was sent out to EI for warranty and they sent a new one after a bench test. Didn’t specify what failed. This time I’m past that but will still send it to them for analysis in-case there is a trend of some type.
  3. The transducer failed both times by having a very high FF at idle (6-8gph) and erratic bouncy readings at power. Jumps between 3-25+ every second with any number in between. I have a M20K with the LB in it. My fuel pump, distribution unit and metering unit were recently overhauled. The system has been rechecked after 10+ hrs of flight to make sure mixture and flows were correct. All done at MSC. I would consider the FF to be terry critical on a turbo engine so I’d like to get this squared away and redundant if possible
  4. Hmm. That’s a bummer. I was hoping for two redundant transducers since that’s what keeps on breaking.
  5. Next time you pop the cowling, can you snap a pic of both transducers and their mounting locations?
  6. New MX will be double-checking this.
  7. Is anyone running dual fuel flow gauges? I have an MVP50 primary that not going to be on the third transducer in three years. I'm thinking I'd like a backup MP/RMP/FF but not sure how that would work with breaking into the fuel system.
  8. I’ve gotten a quote. $14,500 single 10”G3X, not sure if included AP box. $3,200 G5 backup $1,500 New pilot panel cut. Quote did not include hourly breakdown I already have a 750,345 and 255a
  9. My biggest issue, from the 20 questions I asked, was the lack of database concierge on the g3x. I've gotten spoiled with the GTN. My list... Q: Reason for such a price delta between certified and non-certified g3x? A: Hi, we will cover that in the presentation Q: I purchased a gtx345, any chance for trade in deal on a gnx375? A: Hi, unfortunately, we are not planning any GTX trade-in at this time. Q: G3X full legacy autopilot (attitude) support for King and Century autopilots? A: The G3X, like the G5, does not have an output for attitude to 3rd party autopilots, sorry. Q: G3X full legacy autopilot (attitude) support for King and Century autopilots? A: We do interface with the KFC systems for heading and course datum, you will need to retain the existing BK gyro system Audience Question Q: Is the g3x useable for FIKI ? A: It is not currently available for FIKI equipped aircraft, thank you for the question Q: how will the onepak/pilotpak subscriptions work if you get a dual screen g3x? A: Hi, you can get more information here: https://fly.garmin.com/fly-garmin/support/pricing Q: Any plan to incorporate the gad43e interface with g3x? A: We do not have any plans to incorporate the GAD 43e at this time. Q: The G3X contains a VFR GPS antenna. Does that mean it will function as an emergency backup with moving map if the GTN kicks the bucket mid flights? A: Hi , you're correct! Q: The G3X contains a VFR GPS antenna. Does that mean it will function as an emergency backup with moving map if the GTN kicks the bucket mid flights? A: The G3X will maintain its own VFR navigation on the screen. It does provide redundancy Q: Will the g3x ADAHRS provide full data to GTN to obtain TAS on the GTN? A: Yes, the G3X Touch provides air data information to the GTN via the GAD 29B. Q: Will the g3x show dual nav sources like the aspen can? I.e. GTN and GNC ? A: Yes, the G3X Touch is approved for display of dual navigator interfaces like the GTN and GNC. Q: So the g3x will NOT get database updates via a FS510 and GTN750 with database concierge? A: This is correct. Q: How are the database updates done on the g3x? Need to remove the sd card? A: They are easily done via the SD card on the front of the screen bezel Q: You guys should develop a Bluetooth sd card updater integrated with Garmin Pilot. Concierge is amazing with the GTN and I'm lazy. No answer
  10. What a PITA. I had this exact part fail 2yrs ago and had a hell of a time sourcing the 14v version to the tune of $3200 plus R&R. We reached out to both Mooney and Continental looking to bypass the diverter and they both said absolutely not, it's part of the TC. I'm glad to see this thing go. I can tell you from experience that the engine would not run without the high-pressure boost pump. I feel fortunate it failed on the ground!
  11. Funny. Knowing what I know now from owning my MVP50, I’d get a JPI next round.
  12. I have an AV-20-s on the way. I called yesterday about shipment status and specifically asked about using it for the IFR clock requirement. The person on the phone stated that it does not meet the requirement. It may change in the future with the FAA changing its regs. Could just be a CYA.
  13. We’re along on the same thought process. Did you do any tests on the GTN and XPDR for load usage? My gtx345 may be the first thing to go followed by the 750 in event of alt failure.
  14. Your setup is one I am considering. My thoughts are that in the event of alternator failure I can turn off 2/3 displays and move over accordingly as I drain the batteries. I’ll be getting on the ground sooner than later anyway. The MVP-50 won’t last forever on battery and I like having engine instruments. I see you have backups to your JPI. This is something I should consider...
  15. I'm starting to plan out a PFD replacement for my 6-pack. I love the look of the G500, hate the price, but not a fan it still needs a backup. I'd have to go with the ESI-500 because the vacuum must go! Aspens offer a ton of functionality and I can spread out the dual installation over time. I have a huge mental block in spending the money on such low res display. Dual aspens would work as backup, which would be nice. Aspen would give the GTN enough ADC data to display the wind speed and direction. Not sure if the G500 can do that. I'd need another subscription for mapping. Dual G5's and an ADC would be a nice and clean install to my my all Garmin panel but I don't want to go that route unless Garmin STC legacy AP AI control in the future. Dual G5's and Ki-300 (if it ever sees actual daylight) may be am options. = Triple redundancy for critical instruments. Am I missing any other cost effective options? I'm waiting to see what Sun n Fun brings before making any down-payments.. The pictures are pre GTX345. The backlight now matches!
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