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Everything posted by JoshMan

  1. This is exactly what I am seeing. I am also re-grounding next week. Will let you know what I find. Josh
  2. It is grounded to engine. Will get it switched and see what happens. Thanks, guys.
  3. Red line is manifold pressure. Its not terrible, but definitely fluctuates more than yours, Marauder
  4. I also have the same issue and didn't really think anything of it. Those with an EDM900- is your manifold pressure completely stable in cruise?
  5. Lower RPMs keep temperature down on decent?
  6. Hey, guys. Question about rudder play I just noticed on my E model tonight. Was pre-flighting for a flight tomorrow and noticed as i moved the ailerons up and down with my hands the rudder moved slightly as well. The rudder definitely has more play than it did a flight ago. I can freely move it about 1-1.5 inches left to right. I attached a video but don't know if it will work or not. Any thoughts? I know some play is normal but I have never seen the rudder move with aileron movement. Video.MOV
  7. Love the Lancair 4pt. Can't not find a reason to ever consider an evolution over one.
  8. Hi, Mat I actually had a somewhat similar but different issue. On taxi for whatever reason the gear motor would randomly start to cycle. Luckily gear would always remained locked. The initial thought process was that it was the down limit switch. The metal pad that makes contact with the switch was actually adjusted and the problem stopped; however, you cannot adjust the rod too much because it may completely disrupt the rigging. The guys at Willmar weren't convinced this was actually the issue and sent the gear motor out to George's electric in California and said the brake in the actuator looked terrible, so it was ultimately overhauled. So, I think as the guys above said its either one of three things: the actuator, down limit switch or rigging. I would not let someone who does not know this gear well mess with the rigging at all. If your actuator has not been looked at for 30+ years its time to send it out regardless. I think George's overhauled mine for about $500ish
  9. Hey, Neil. I actually just replaced my champion spark plugs with UREM37BYs. Running great so far. I have not noticed any difference in economy or power output but my mechanic swears by these spark plugs, so I think they are a good way to go.
  10. sorry for the poor image quality. Can you guys tell me anything about the black tube with yellow writing on it? It's right next to the blow by tube on the left side. Had some fuel on the ground next to the front tire this morning and it seems to be coming from this tube. I can get some better images if needed. Thanks! Josh
  11. Replaced the champion spark plugs with Tempest UREM37BY. Run-up today was OK. Mechanic also mentioned that leads looked pretty bad and suggested that they may not be carrying enough spark to burn optimally resulting in fouling of the plug. Has this ever happened to anyone before? Either way new leads have been ordered.
  12. Thanks, guys. Will update you as soon as I know more
  13. about 200 hours on the MAGs and yes to leaning aggressively. Have flown this plane 200 hours in the last year without this issue and has happened twice now in 2 days. Picked it up from annual in Willmar last weekend.
  14. Hi, Guys. Question for you all. I have a 1969 M20E that I actually just picked up from annual one week ago. Flew home OK no problem. I flew to Peoria which is about an hour away to have some avionics work done on Saturday morning and I went to start the plane to return home and had a 250 RPM drop on the left mag. It would not clear. Also the EGT on cylinder 4 sky rocketed We checked spark plugs and definitely the bottom plugs on cylinders 1 and 3 had lead deposits. He cleaned and test fired them and all were fine. Mechanic is pretty sure he rotated the bottom plugs to the top on the same side but wasn't 100% confident today after talking to him. Went to fly today and again 250 RPM drop on L mag, but it was cylinder 2 EGT that increased the most today. I would appreciate any of your thoughts. I am busy in the hospital for the next couple days and will have a mechanic come check it out likely Tuesday but that is the information I have for now. Ryan at KPIA thinks either a bad plug or potentially the MAG but thinks its probably not the case considering it worked fine after we cleaned the plugs yesterday. He also suggested a clogged fuel injector. The spark plugs were put in brand new about 120 hours ago. Thanks Josh
  15. Andy, got plane to Peoria. They are going to add the diodes and replace the voltage regulator. Of course I got it there and they could not reproduce the issue. I am picking up Wednesday. Will let you know how it goes.
  16. Andy, You may have been right. Went out tonight and started the plane up. Showed 13.8 volts and +4amps. Do you by chance have the diagram you were talking about to reroute things?
  17. OK. Thanks, guys. I will get to the airport this weekend and do some work. Will let you know what I find. Josh
  18. Very interesting. I hope this is the issue. It's just odd that it would just now happen. Has been running perfectly for over a year now. I guess the gear motor could be going bad as HRM alluded to.
  19. What do you think the link with dropping the gear and the drop in voltage/amps is?
  20. I have an annunciator light that reads "OVR volt" The alternator was overhauled in 2008 I honestly have no clue which regulator I have. I will do some more research and get back to you
  21. I do have an alternator
  22. Hey, yall. I need some help! I have 1969 E model So I just had a bunch of avionics work done including a g5, edm900, gtx345, metal panel, new DG installed. I picked up two weeks ago and everything ran great for a couple of days. I went to fly one night last week and as I was putting my gear down the OVR volt light came in and the 900 was showing 12.1 volts and -4 amps. Typically runs at 13.8/+4 Messed around with it for a day and noticed water was low in battery. Filled it and it ran fine over to Peoria where I have maintenance done. I had them put a new concorde 35A battery and also they replaced the starter. I have flown it a couple times since then and the one thing that has been different is the amps have been fluctuating from 2-4. Tonight I was doing commercial maneuvers. Went to put my gear down, and, once again the OVR volt light comes on and 12.1/-4. I turned all electronics off and it went to 12.5/+1. When nav and landing lights came on it dropped to -6 Any thoughts would be much appreciated I have to get this thing to willmar this month for the annual
  23. Do you guys by chance know if the GTX345 fulfills the clock requirement?
  24. You should all get Chihuahuas. They love flying!
  25. I have flown commercially twice in the past two years. One of them being to my wedding and the other to my grandather's funeral. If you think he acted out of control I'd be scared to see what guys would have to say about my youtube video
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