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Everything posted by JoshMan

  1. That is the fastest we have been in the iv-p, but it's a turbine. Pound for pound that acclaim speed is much more impressive.
  2. This was in the lancair iv-p over the weekend!
  3. Thanks, guys. You have allayed my biggest fear about the 30 which is it being a pain in the a** on approaches. Will go with the 30+gpss.
  4. To those with an STEC 30. I am debating whether to install the 30 with gpss or the 55. I like the price of the 30 better than the 55, but wondering just how inferior it really is. I know it wont fly a coupled approach but will it atleast get you to the localizer hands off? How does altitude work with the 30? Do you have to completely disengage the system to descend or climb? If so, I feel like this would be a pain when shooting an approach. Thanks in advance! Josh
  5. I flew 200 hours last year as a surgical intern
  6. Paul, I am a second year cardiac surgery resident in Indiana. Just bought an M20E this year. It really opens doors to get back home to see friends and family given the small amount of free time we have. Good luck! Josh
  7. Out of curiosity, do any of you have 100 hour inspections done?
  8. Hey, guys I was traveling from KDAB-->KHFY today and everything was going great. The descent was very turbulent and I noted my manifold pressure gauge bounce around for a second and then peg at 30. I landed no problem and took off the cowling and found a broken manifold pressure line right at the firewall. It was fixed in 15 minutes I am just wondering what your routine maintenance consists of. Do you guys perform thorough inspections every 50 hours? 100 hours? etc.
  9. I just got a g5 as well and was planning on replacing the AI with it. Are you guys recommending against this?
  10. Hey, guys. Out of curiosity have any of you taken your mooney to muncie aviation in Indiana? What about Byerly aviation in Peoria Illinois? Thanks! Josh
  11. Thanks, guys. You talked me into it. Scheduled annual with Paul and Eric
  12. Thanks for the input, guys. Does anyone have any experience with Carpenter Avionics in Tennessee?
  13. Hey, everyone. Quick question regarding annual this year. I have a 1969 M20E that I bought in June fresh out of an annual. I have a great mechanic here in Indianapolis (mostly works on beechcraft though) but am wondering if you guys recommend taking to a MSC. I just had the tanks resealed in Willmar and had a great experience, so was thinking I may take it back to them in a few months. Has anyone here had Eric and Paul do their annual? Thanks in advance for your thoughts. Josh
  14. Hey, Jason. I am based at KHFY in Indianapolis and routinely fly into KLOU to get dinner on the field. I have a 1969 E and will let you know the next time I am down there. Josh
  15. Interesting. Thanks for the info
  16. Out of curiosity. When is it recommended to get a new alternator?
  17. Anyone else having trouble downloading newest low IFR charts on garmin pilot or is it just me? It will only let me download cycle 1605 which expired 11/9
  18. Thanks, there is definitely a leak under left tank but I agree a leaking line makes sense, too. Unsafe to fly with a leak? Can it wait until January or should I pursue fixing earlier?
  19. Hey, guys. I have a quick question about fuel tanks. I recently bought a 1969 M20E. Tanks have not been resealed since then. I filled both tanks up for the first time and noticed the smell of gas when I was on final. There was a noticeable leak under the left wing. I am scheduled to take the plane up to Minnesota for resealing of both tanks in January, but am wondering how to approach the problem in the interim. I filled the left tank with 10 gallons and there was no leak or odor. I filled it with 15 gallons last night and the hangar and cockpit smell like fuel. I assume this is unsafe to fly? How have you guys managed the leaking fuel issue? Thanks a lot Josh
  20. Hey, guys. Is there any way the servo could be involved?
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