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klystron last won the day on August 20 2016

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    Los Alamos, NM
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  1. In addition to what others have said: 1) When was it last flown. 2) How frequently has it been flown in the last year. A standard gear up landing a long time ago is not really an issue as long as it was repaired well. Almost every 50+ yr old retract has had a gear up at least once in its life. Paint looks good, (might want to check that it was properly stripped before it was repainted), Interior looks good. Panel is lacking tbh. Doe is have autopilot? WAAS GPS?
  2. Yeah, it can get pretty toasty in the summer. I'd also like to put the larger oil cooler that is used on the io-360's for better cooling and it seems to make sense to do a relocation and a larger cooler all at once instead of cutting a larger hole in the cowl.
  3. I've only ever had problems starting when doing hot starts. I've gotten it to crank over just fine when the voltmeter was reading 9v on the battery
  4. So there are 3 big things my mechanic and I have been kicking around for the next annual. First mount the battery in the tail of the plane since my aircraft is already nose heavy with a 3-blade prop. Second and Third, use a larger oil cooler and mount it at the rear of the doghouse where the battery used to be. Has anyone else done this on a C model? I've seen the STC's for later models but was not sure if there was one for the C model.
  5. Is this still available and would it be possible to put it onto a C model?
  6. I would also like to know. If I could put a Turbo in my C I'd do it in a heartbeat. 12,000' DA days suck.
  7. I get the same thing: "Can you still fly in winter?" My reply is always "Winter is the best time of year to fly!" One reason we might see higher speeds during cold weather is that the efficiency at which thermal energy is converted to mechanical energy increases as the outside temperature decreases. This is primarily due to changes in the ratios of specific heat capacity of air. Also, now that I think about it.... Anyone know of an STC to put 10:1 compression ratio cylinders in an O-360???
  8. Way overpriced. Based on what I paid for my '62 M20C with similar times, newer paint, and much much nicer avionics, I wouldn't pay more than $40k for this. For $60k you could get a nice E or F.
  9. I had issues getting a 3rd class medical so I went with a sport rating first. After finishing my sport rating I managed to get a 3rd class medical and bought an M20C. I finished up my PPL in the M20C. I had 80 hours flying LSAs and took my checkride after about 20hrs dual in the Mooney, most of that was finishing up the instrument and night flying. So yes, it is doable, but it'll take you longer to finish. I'd only switch once you are super comfortable in a trainer.
  10. That is way overpriced. I paid far less for my '62C with similar engine time, newer paint, and far nicer avionics. You can see pictures of mine here: I wouldn't pay more than $50,000 for that aircraft I think.
  11. Yeah I was well below Vne. At 13,500 Vne is something like 220 knots TAS.
  12. So after giving my bird a bath on Sunday I decided to take it out for a spin and give a friend of mine a quick flight around the area. Took off and headed towards Pagosa Springs (KPSO) from KLAM but ended up deciding to turn around about 20nm out from the field due to low scattered ceilings and my desire to not get stuck between the clouds and the mountains on the way back. So I took us up to 13,500' to get over the clouds and feel a little more comfortable. Well once my 496 started telling me that I needed to descend at 500fpm to get down to KLAMs pattern altitude I punched the STec 60 to descend at 450fpm. The result of the 450fpm descent, a nice tailwind, and wonderfully smooth air was a GS of 194 knots!!! I think the bath helped a little
  13. Yeah, I guess the followup paper (the one on crickets) somehow was deleted or at least he no longer has access to it. I don't know if NASA is still working on this stuff but I know that my friend is no longer working on it.
  14. Here is my friend's NASA paper on the subject: https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=20140011454
  15. Yeah, I would think that something like RainX would probably work better than WD40.
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