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  1. If you haven't found someone that has a sprayer, drop me a PM. I purchased the unit back a while ago to do my plane every so often and am willing to let you use it. Regards Nick
  2. Add me to the list. Been looking for a solution to this problem.
  3. Well it turned out to be another bad weather day, as thundershowers covered the area for about 3 hours. Well I look forward to the August 12 get together, with the hopes that the weather will finally be better.
  4. The Tower at Panama City is well aware of the summit, as are other locals. I stopped there a few weeks ago (due to weather) and ground asked me if I knew about the event. I let them know that I did and had attended last years. They said it's a pleasure to have us there seeing its their biggest event held on the field each year.
  5. Mine was also marked on the back and I used that as a general indication of where the selector was going to be located. Having put the carpet down I proceeded to lift the carpet from the back until I got to the fuel selector.Noting how close the marking on the back was to the actual selector. Then I proceeded to puncture the carpet with a utility knife and worked my way around. Palpating around the area will help greatly as you can feel where the selector is located and cutting close to the selector as possible will give you a nice circle around it.
  6. Just got an IFD540 installed in my M20J and thought it was going to be able to talk to my GDL88. Appears that is not the case. Love the unit. So far it as much more advance features then its counter part the Garmin GNT 750. 

    Now if it could only receive weather and traffic, I'd be all set.

    How long before this problem is corrected?

    1. Piloto


      I know the IFD 540 can receive traffic via the ARINC 429 input. I had a IFD 540 in the rack of my GNS 530 connected to the ATD-300 and got traffic on the ground right away.


    2. Simpson Bennett

      Simpson Bennett

      The next software update should have the support for the GDL88. We had what we thought was the right protocol but it turns out it was missing some data points. We apologize for the inconvenience.

  7. Hey guys, it's official ... 10.2 was approved by the FAA last week and is available for pilots via their avionics shops. The 100 app has been submitted to apple for placement in their App Store and should be available to the public in about 3 weeks.
  8. I have a 14v 430W with tray available.
  9. For sale: Instruments/gages taken out of my 82 M20J All are in good working order and were working when removed from plane during JPI EDM 900 upgrade. 6-pack of engine instruments ($700 or Best offer) MP/Fuel Press ($100 or Best offer) RPM ($100 or Best offer) EGT/OAT ($100 or Best offer) HDG ($100 or Best offer)
  10. I am in total agreement with gsxrpilot. The 900 is an A number 1 unit.
  11. JPI EDM 900-930 INSTALLATION & FUEL SENDERS I recently had a JPI EDM 900 installed in my 82, M20J and decided to write a report on the unit, problems with installation and or glitches with the unit and solutions to these problems which will I hope help save others money in installation hours as well as make the unit a better/more accurate fuel on board monitor. It all started when we decided to upgrade my old analog gauges for a more up to date digital system. It's the 1st of a 3 part process to convert my plane to a glass cockpit. Part 2 is going from 430W to IFD 540 (which will be done the latter part of this month) and the last part will be the introduction of an Evolution 1000 (which will do away with the steam gauges). Well, the install went well until my mechanic got to the fuel tank calibration. He struggled with it for hours, called JPI for help, had them send out a new black box (transducer). which didn't help till finally they told him that he needed to check the planes 4 fuel senders to see if they had flat spots on them. The conclusion was that the senders needed replaced and would resolve the problem. Well, when my mechanic told me that, I immediately turned to mooney space for answers and sure enough as usually, go my answer. I spoke with Scott (fuellevel) at CIES and he explained to me what the problem was (analog senders don’t send out a continual pulse, but rather an intermittent one) the new digital senders send out a continual pulse and were designed to remedy the problem we were getting. After a quick talk with Scott on the matter, I asked him to speak to my mechanic about the digital senders to see if he was in agreement with the issue and solution suggested. My mechanic called me back saying that the problems he was having with the analog senders (the intermittent sending of pulses) were exactly what Scott had confirmed and that he (my mechanic) was going to speak to JPI to see if the new senders were indeed compatible with the EDM 900 series. The answer is they are, so I ordered them through Scott (fuellevel) and the problem was resolved shortly thereafter. I now have my plane back with accuracy down to about a gallon of what the EDM 900 says they are. An expensive lesson for me, I assure you (a mechanics time isn’t cheap), so I wanted to pass it on to other Mooney owners who are considering the purchase of a EDM. I can’t speak for the other systems available out there, but I can say that the digital fuel level sensor was the answer to our calibration problem.
  12. How hard is it to remove the dorsal fin from the plane.
  13. Raptor Thanks for the quick reply. I know that the C model has 3 screws on each side, but am not sure if the J model is the same. I wasn't able to locate the scews but instead found rivets. So I'm not sure if the removal procedure is the same. By the way, how are you enjoying your plane. I assume you did pick it up on monday as planned.
  14. How does one remove the tail cone off of a M20J. Need to touchup it up. The other day when landing, wind gust caused plane to hit rear tie down and tail cone scuffing both. Want to remove tail cone so that I can touch it up. Is it the removal of 3 screws like the C/D series?
  15. Embry-Riddle Univ. at Daytona Beach Int. (KDAB) as a hyperbaric chamber. Wonder if for next year's summit we might be able to work something out with them so that whoever was interested could sign-up for a workshop or seminar on their campus where we could also get to use the chamber. I know that in their training, it's offered to students, so why not to off campus groups, like the Mooney Summit attendees who are looking to expand their safety awareness regarding Hypoxia. Sheltair Aviation is even located there.
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