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Bart Chilcott

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About Bart Chilcott

  • Birthday 07/24/1961

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  • Location
    Wichita Kansas
  • Interests
    Flying, Investing, Music, Antique Cars, Boating, Scuba, Treasure Hunting, My Two Daughters, Spending Time With Friends
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  1. Good to know. I have a few pieces that are tired. I’ll check and see if they will sell just those pieces. Thanks N201MK
  2. Thinking of replacing my metal baffling on my 65 E (IO 360 A1A no dog house). Aside from Lasar and McFarlan / Airform, does anyone know of any other company offering these? Not looking for used. Thank you in advance Bart
  3. In the 9 years of owning my Mooney, I’ve only had one annual that was not owner assist. That one and only time was at a premier Mooney service center. The aircraft was there 10 weeks and my post annual inspection revealed; 9 quarts of oil in an 8 quart IO 360, non functional toe brakes as the brake system had not been properly bled, pilots window hinges installed backwards, a Craftsman 9/16 wrench on the engine and two missing inspection plates from the bottom of the wings. With that said, I don’t have a specific post-annual checklist as I only do owner assist. However, from my experience, I believe it’s critical that you go beyond a normal preflight, as others have pointed out, and look it over THROUGHLY.
  4. Your three blade is responsible for a portion, if not all of your slow issues. My M20E consistently shows 154 KTS TAS above 8500’. IO 360 A1A, two bladed Hartzel scimitar. No speed mods.
  5. I used Barret Precision Engines in Tulsa Oklahoma for my I0 360. They were able to acquire NEW Lycoming pistons sets for me in 8 months where other shops were quoting two years. Very happy with their communication and quality of work. Ask for Rhonda.
  6. I just had ALL hoses firewall forward replaced. The oil cooler hoses were the most expensive with their 90 degree bends. I used Aerospace Turbine Rotables here in Wichita KS. They produced them all in two days. Call (316)-943-6100 and ask for Erica in the hose shop. She can get you a quote to compare to other shops. I was happy with what they produced, although they were expensive!
  7. Needing to replace my J Bar on my 65 E model. I'm aware of a few on other sites but thought I would ask the community here for leads on a decent one. Thank you in advance.
  8. I have a new two bladed Scimitar ready to be installed this month on my 65 E model with the IO 360 A1A. I'll be happy to give a pirep once installed and I have a few flight hours behind it.
  9. I'm looking to add either the Garmin Flight Stream 210 or the Aspen Connected Panel to my Mooney. I'm currently running Aspen Max Pro PFD and MFD. I've looked on line for comparison reviews and can't seem to find any. Looking for input from those who may have had experience with both. My primary reason is I'm looking for ease of complex flight plan data and I really don't want to replace my GNS430W at this time. Panel picture attached merely for reference.
  10. There is a 1966 M20E in Eldorado Kansas for sale on FB Market Place. I believe he is asking $70K. Basic steam gauges, no cowl closure, no oil cooler relocate, etc... pretty much stock plane with average paint. I didn't see the engine details. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/366107062316954/
  11. I have a 65E with the oil cooler relocated aft in the cowl and the cowl closure mod. The highest I have ever seen my oil temp on my JPI was 230. That was on a super hot day during climb out. Normally, my oil temp is Between 189 and 192 degrees at cruise and it’s VERY consistent. My CHT’s range from 340 to 370 during all phases of flight. I run ROP. You’ve received some great technical advice here. A couple things that separate our E’s from our J brothers who share the same IO360 is, the E model doesn’t have very large cowl flaps. Unlike its J and later brethren who have larger, barn door cowl flaps that extend down much further than the E. Make sure you’re leaving those cowl flaps open on climb out and honestly, as small as they are on the E, I leave mine open during short low level flights and they are part of my landing checklist and opened up just after gear extension. Our planes engines are tightly packed in their cowlings making cooling a challenge. When it’s hot out and your climbing out, adjust your climb angle. For me, 120 indicated works perfectly. But if I decrease speed, increase pitch, I’ll see temps go up rapidly.
  12. I suppose my dealer was busy as well in the midst of wrapping up ADSB installs. (Which may go on for a few more years) Really, It’s all good. The purpose of my post was merely to seek input on the max pro and what value my fellow aviators put on the upgrade before I pulled the trigger. Was never meant to be a complaint. Aspen has always been great to me.
  13. Thank you! The Missourians call them the Ozark mountains. They sure look loke mountains when they fill up your windscreen. lol
  14. Definitely! Looking at building a 60 x 50 hangar. The lots I’m looking at are just above the private boat docks so it’s a short walk to the water. I wanted to leave enough room though for a Mooney Mite! Always wanted one.
  15. I appreciate your input. I probably live a different life than most. I’m a small business owner. I work, spend time with family and I fly. The last time I was at Oshkosh was 1987, never been to sun in fun and really have zero interest in going. Not into crowds or taking about flying. I’d rather be doing it. I fly 100 to 150 hours per year. I’m probably on Mooney space five times in a year and I don’t subscribe to AOPA, Flying or any other magazine. I recently, however found value in aviation consumer magazine and started subscribing to it this year. I grew up in aviation as a third generation pilot. When I first earned my private, i probably subscribed to all the magazines and spent time talking about a flying as at that time I couldn’t afford to actually do it. Now, it’s a different story. I’ve been flying for 33 years so the newness wore off long ago. I’m not one to sit, for very long. I’m busy running two businesses. I guess my priorities are different than most but that doesn’t qualify me as one who lives under a rock. On the contrary, I’m making things happen while others enjoy the couch. My communication with John was meant to be constructive. Just as I would hope any of my customers would give me feed back in how I can improve my communication to them. Thanks again for your insight! Bart Chilcott
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