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Samurai Husky

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Samurai Husky last won the day on October 2 2016

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About Samurai Husky

  • Birthday 08/04/1980

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    Milpitas - kpao Palo Alto

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  1. And like a ghost from the shadows he appears; So a few things: 1. take the Db reading from inside your plane; I used a ipad app called Decibel X; I found up front the readings were around 100; The back seat was about mid 90s; the back seat directly behind the front seat was low 90s and on the floor (yes sometimes they would find their way to the floor) it was in the low 80s; Here is a short breakdown of noise level and exposure risk before damage. 100dba: 2 hours 95Dba: 4 hours 90 Dba: 8 Hours Anything below 90 is considered 'safe'; Sudden loud noises are normally ok; (unless we are talking explosion loud in the 150+ range); but loud noises for a long period of time is where the damage is done. My Dogs refuse to wear the mutt muffs; they eventually wiggle their way off and so gave up. As for blood saturation; i haven't found a good way of testing it; i asked my vet tech cousin if there was a good way to get it, and she said no; I also tried to reach out to a few companies that make o2 chambers for dogs; These are used in vet hospitals after a surgery so that they dont need to use a ventilator; The results were a big no; the cages are not sealed where it would pressurize the enclosure. Its used to increase the 02 saturation levels at sealevel; The highest i have been with them was at 17500 for 10 mins; then back down again. This was due to unavoidable weather over the Sierra's; For the 10 mins they didnt exhibit any additional symptoms that they were not experiencing at 12500; Though when i did this test my dogs were in much better shape; The 1 is quickly approaching her end and has a hard time breathing; So since then i haven't been taking them anywhere via plane; In the end the biggest take away was: if you want to fly high with dogs, get a pressurized plane.
  2. Thanks, Im shocked people still remember me!
  3. Im still here; Actually the cirrus is up for sale; need to scale back on expenses and the dogs are getting to old to fly That and covid really puts a damper on things. in 5 years i might circle back and look at Mooney again; Maybe down size a little bit to save on costs. Its a shame they dont make the M22 anymore; if they had a more modern version of that i would be all over it because of the pressurization. Hmm. thought i posted this hours ago, dont know why it didnt
  4. I will be in vegas and AZ in oct; I plan on flying to vegas to do the chute then drive down to AZ while they work on it; If not then, then xmas would probably be the next time before spring training. On the plane, Yea, it was a lot of stuff, but i knew it was due; you cant avoid taxes or insurance. There is hope for next year that the annual will be about $3500, but who knows; mx always seem to find something. Seeing that 35k of it is either 1 time or every 10 yrs, its not so bad. The next time the chute has to be redone it will be $5000 instead of $16k; the extra cost is because of a fault they found in the ignition system, so they redesigned it to be electrical instead of mechanical, but that also means running wires all over the plane for the new system. Right now its been 3 months since i've been in the air, so i just want to get back in the seat again.
  5. Yea, so tons happeand this summer and nothing to do with flying I put my house up for sale in feb to cash in on the bay area market craze; didnt sell; Put it up again in May with the agreement that my dogs would not be around (the agent paid of staging, cleaning etc) so ended up flying them down to AZ to live with the rents for a while; Got to use my IFR for the first time to get through the marine layer (had to leave early because weather in phx was est to be 109F by 11am ) tower was closed so had to call ATC on the phone.. nice lady answered and had no idea what she was doing. Supervisor helpped her, but then she gave me 2 clearances which confused the hell out of me. It was 'cleared to kffz via the published odp, turn 090 within 1mil of the airport (route) climb to 3500, expect 5000. What confused me was that the ODP and turn 090 within 1 mile conflicted with each other; eventually she said, just turn 090 within 1mi. BTW the ODP is direct SJC.... got IFR release on the ground with ATC, who said; as soon as you can call me back i have 5 flights coming in and i have to shut down the airspace for you); called him 800ft off the ground, vectors me WAY the hell out of the way, then hands me off; next guy takes over... ask him for higher since i was still at 3500ft... he said 'what the other guy didnt tell you to climb?,, me: no, him: expedite your climb to requested alt, turn 20d right to avoid terrain.... me: well crap.. thanks for telling me., i cant see #%@. Canceled IFR around LA thinking i would be nice; Got to PHX airspace and was basically told 'stay out of the bravo, stay out of the surface area of scottsdale and deer valley, stay below 4000 ft.. blah blah blah; basically i dont want to here but cant tell you to go away either. Got below 4k and the temps were already in the 100's; Landed 10lbs lighter from sweating, dogs were hot but fine. Ended up selling the house 2 weeks later for more then asking; Started to panic because i had no place to live; Rushed out and bought a new construction spec house because there was literally nothing left; Pros paid cash for the house and it has 1gb fiber internet for $70/m cons, at the departure end of runway 30 of KTCY.... pros, i can ride a bike to my plane (1.5 mi away). Cons, touch and gos on runway 30 putting planes 100ft above my house. Im devising a plan to put a giant sheet on my roof that says 'if you can read this, you missed base' Plane went in for annual Aug 2nd.... still in annual because of back ordered parts. Figured since it was torn apart i should do the upgrades i needed/wanted. Ended up putting in the CiES fuel system, boom beam landing light and the orion strobe/nav lights. Should get it back either tomorrow or monday; Mid oct flying to vegas to have the chute done. Ended up doing the CiES because i had a scare a while back where a fuel sender went bad mid flight; Thought i was going to run out of gas in the middle of the desert. Since it was $1200 for the sender anyway, i decided to upgrade. Literally had 40k in stuff due for the plane this quarter because of life limited parts, annual, chute, insurance, taxes, maps...... All the money from selling the house found a new home in my mechanics wallet. Good news is my compression's are still rockstar, so at least i dont have to worry about the engine anytime soon, but now too poor to go anywhere. I knew this stuff was coming up, so i have been saving like crazy; still underwater a little bit, but should be debt (except plane) free by jan. Next summer will be the summer of samurai I have a buddy down in Tampa who wants to get his ppl in the spring, he wants to get his float licence and fish off the keys; so i think that would be really fun. Im also looking into a Alaskan caravan trip.
  6. @bradp My pager was broken Not sure what to say that my famous thread doesnt say already; I trained in a SR20, so going to the 22 wasnt much of a change other than the additional HP, but since i was already familiar with the planes characteristics it didn't feel much different except with when to start descending and making sure you arnt approaching the pattern at 180knts; oh and the massive amount of right rudder you need on take off. Having the power is nice for go arounds and short runways (mines a TN) having the turbos on a hot day makes a big difference. Going from a steam 172 to a sr22 i think would be a challenge; nothing is impossible, but thats between you and your CFI. You need to get a HP endorsement anyway and he isnt going to endorse you unless you can fly the plane. In general, there are a lot of pilots out there that rush though their training, then rush to get a bigger plane once they get their PPL, those are the people that scare me. People with 50 hours flying a SR22 and dont even know how to talk on the radio properly. I almost had 100hrs when i got my 22; I think if i had gone the mooney route after my PPL, i would have needed at least another 20hrs of instruction; Heck even with 250hrs and my IFR i would still need that much time
  7. Was? im still alive!!!!!! 36.
  8. Thanks. Not yet, still working on the IFR. I might try this summer if the cubs do well enough to warrent a visit IFR training right now has been very productive because we have been able to go up in IMC; Wed we went out to the mountains and ended having to climb to fl18 to get out of the clouds. While in the clouds we started to pick up some trace icing and got to test my TKS system... which i am sad to say is only working on 1 wing I have been staying out of oil because its back to that 'this doesnt make sense' category. We set a new all time high in storage and yet oil is going up. There is just too much hope put on congress to pass a tax bill and infrastructure bill. If that doesnt go through or keeps getting delayed then crash. Im sitting all cash right now, except for the shares i bought in my IRA for CXW, not selling that since im making a 16% div on it. We have fixed gears, so were not going to clean the pavement because of error or malfunction. In that case when we go down, we go down. So its either at a point where we can pull the chute or crash and die. Though someone in Co. last month did land with out pulling the chute after a engine out, so it shows people still do that as well. I think he landed in a pasture or something like that. Either way, my thought is, at that point its the insurance companies problem not mine. I just have to get to the point where i can cash the check.
  9. Spins are a madder of poor training; Its hard to stall a cirrus. I can see how it 'can' happen on take off; you are climbing start a turn an think oh i should put up the flaps; Well, if you are just doing the normal 85knt climb enter into a 30* turn then flip the switch, then you can stall; I also see a lot of people not paying attention to the slip indicator, especially on climb which would then lead to the spin. Thats what happened in the texas crash. But the chute works at 500agl and as low as 400 (though you might hurt your self by then); You can recover a Cirrus from a Spin, its been demonstrated; Its just not certified;
  10. As a SR22 owner i should probably say something. Something.....
  11. i was thinking foam or cotton ear plugs, a ace bandage combined with a inflatable dog collar (http://www.petsmart.com/dog/supplies-and-training/collars-harnesses-and-leashes/collars/21st-century-inflatable-protective-pet-collar-5176459.html) this way they cant paw the bandage off. Granted this would be for long trips; The things we do for our animals
  12. tried that, didnt work They ended up shaking them out; Remember Huskeys have pointy ears, so its not hard for them to shake it out. I also tried the miffs with cotton hoping the miffs would at least hold the cotton in, that didnt work. Then I was trying to come up with a way of taping them in there or something, but decided to just let them be. Thats why i was thinking of the foam plugs and then maybe something slightly sticky to hold it in.
  13. I could have sworn it was in Michigan, but you are right it was probably Kentucky..... Honestly, i wasn't really paying attention to him because at the time i wasnt doing so well financially and all he wanted to do was brag about his car. I just assumed it was Michigan.... Either way, he and his dad went down for the week and watched the car built. He has a picture of him with it rolling off the assembly line.
  14. man people are making too much of that comment But to answer your question, they used to code it in the VIN. Overall it takes about 1-2 days to build a car. My friend a long time ago (early 2000's) bought a corvette something something... They sent him a invention to see his car 'born' and he went to the factory in Michigan and watched it being built. You dont get to see everything, but you see a good majority of the process. Planes on the other hand, take weeks and are much more hands on. Though they are just putting it together; Someone makes the motor, someone makes the avionics etc etc. So it would be hard to match all the pices together to ensure is was not a partial M/F plane
  15. I think its like any other complex machine out there; There will be good ones and bad ones; Which is why you never buy a car made on a monday or a friday
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