OK, here's what I found out today. Took a sample to Sheltair and my line guy says this isn't avgas. He smells it and it smells like avgas. We then sump some directly from the truck and it is clear as well. I called AvFuel corporate and talked to the 100ll representative and here is what I learned.
1. Use a large GATS type jar for best results. Volume is important in determining color. I'm using a narrow sump tube.
2. Blue color is directly tied to the lead. Blue hue will vary as the blend changes from summer to winter.
3. The alkalyd (expensive ingredient) can have differing hues which will cause the blue to change. Someitmes the alkalyd will have a yellow color and when mixed with the blue turns the fuel greenish.
4. The proper way to check for color is to sump a quart and view it in a white porcelain bowl, not plastic.
5. Avgas, when mixed with jetA does not turn clear, it most likely will turn greenish, a result of blue and yellow.
6. There is a maximum amount of dye permitted in 100 ll but no minimum.
7. UV light exposure will clear the dye.