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    Wet Coast
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    M20K 262

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  1. If I recall, the manual suggest tilting the engine forward on it's mounts to get the gear driven alternator out.
  2. I've run several flights through this and more than half 'pass' the diversity requirements on that TC page even though I don't have it. There was a thread on Beechtalk about this too, with several folks posting results including those with diversity transponders.
  3. What is the preferred material for replacing the carpet-covered sidewall panels? I think the originals are cardboard or fibreboard. Is there a modern material with burn certifications that is better or recommended?
  4. That extra 200 rpm netted another 20HP. I'd rather get it like the -SB with a bit more boost. 2800rpm must be screaming!
  5. That is for the -KB variant used in Seneca 3 and 4. I don't think these were ever used in Mooneys.
  6. Good call. I seem to get my credit card compromised every couple of years. After changing the number and when the payments fail, it reveals all the accounts and subscriptions that I forgot I had.
  7. Just make sure you read the fine print at the bottom as this is an auto-renewing, forever subscription.
  8. This is a great write up and inspirational as I have the same project planned in January while waiting for my prop to get overhauled. Do you have any pictures of the finished areas of the repairs? Were you able to effectively match the texture of the panels? The SEM paint products work exceptionally well for this on the panels that I have already repaired.
  9. Aside from the panel, what maintenance items did you need to catch up on? I agree that many of these planes are neglected and need an awful lot of catchup to make them dependable. The fact the AAE will still supply pretty much any part new is a strong draw for long term support of the brand. My insurance broker also laughed at me and quoted stats for why I shouldn't even be considering one!
  10. Very nice. Did you remove the radar or does it display on one of the screens? I have almost bought an aerostar about 6 times now...
  11. I feel your pain Ken. We live on an island which has good ferry service, but is not to my schedule. I fly to the mainland at least once a week, so last year had 70 something flights but many of them were 12 minutes VFR, or 18 minutes if IFR. The scenery is beautiful and I have had every weather encounter possible in these short trips, including significant icing, but was shocked to see how low the actual hours were once I added them all up at annual. The commercials do this same flight and it is basically climb and approach, no cruise and lots of radio frequency flipping.
  12. I don't know for sure, but my understanding is the 262 conversion is a full fire wall forward conversion, aside from the 24V electrical system. They are identical so far as I know, and the STC uses all factory parts aside from the cowl flap actuator.
  13. Yeah, that looks fine. Just make sure the screw/worm drive part of the clamp clears the cowl. My clamp is kind of ovalized and the screw is on the side to stay clear of the cowl. Mine is starting to fray on the ends, but at $1AMU, I'll make it last. First thing I do when getting the plane back from annual is inspect this whole bit as it is very easy to install such that it falls off the NACA housing under full power. It then sucks closed, blocking off the air cleaner, triggering the alternate air duct to open on take off and promptly scaring the crap out of you. At least the first time....
  14. Hey, my mechanic is shaming me in to replacing my baffles. I have no temp issues but the rubber is just thrashed. Does any body do precut sets for these? I couldn't find any obvious sources. M20K with the 262 update for the MB engine. Thanks,
  15. Thanks, dropped you a PM.
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