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  1. Very happy to see this week's why-do-Mooneys-porpoise question include sailing references!
  2. Curious, did you ever call Travers?
  3. +1 for Travers. They have been great for us.
  4. I think understanding the 'numbers' and being able to fly them gets you along way toward being able to then handle the plane in all of the variants that derive from that baseline. If you've never attained the skill of managing stable approaches at the 'numbers' or near them all bets are off IMO.
  5. Sorry to hear the news...definitely hits home. I think I saw vis was 5 miles in haze and I listened to ATC as they told the pilot he'd flown through the final approach course. A reminder also to never hesitate to ask for assistance when flying into unfamiliar airspace / airports and request vectors early and often if need be. I realize this doesn't seem to be the direct cause of the incident, but I also know how stress can build and make things more difficult as time progresses. Phil
  6. Highly recommend getting quotes from Travers (https://www.traversaviation.com/). Have been with them for ~ 4 years with one claim (oil line came undone resulting in engine teardown) and have had great experience.
  7. Where are the details on their 'training' and 'currency' - did I miss it somewhere?
  8. Good to know - thanks for the info. I took it with about 30 minutes remaining on our flight, but will stow this away for the future.
  9. Very sorry to hear the news. We flew over Baker City enroute from La Grande to the Alvord Desert on Saturday. It was smoky, really hot, and the air was rough. So rough that I actually took a motion sickness pill enroute which I've never done in 900+ hours of flying.
  10. Good luck! I got my IR in Feb 2018 after putting it off for years. To say it makes you a safer pilot is an understatement. I moved from Portland to Seattle 4 months ago and flew / filed every weekend down and back. So much less stressful wondering if that 1500 - 2000' overcast layer will come up a bit!
  11. Hello - I've got a 1968 Mooney M20F that I recently moved from Portland to Seattle. Currently based at KAWO and am looking for an A&P for oil changes, general maintenance, and eventually an annual next year. KPAE and other close by fields are fairly convenient. Any recommendations on A&P's with Mooney experience in the area? Thanks! Phil
  12. 68 F is pretty grass friendly. Here's a picture at 6S9 (Stehekin) in WA state.
  13. 1968 M20F Useful Load = 1,044 Fuel Capacity = 64 gal. usable Full fuel payload = 660
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