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  1. Try leaving your mixture leaned out as you would when leaning during taxi. The one thing to watch out for when doing this is your RPM’s are going to be a little higher on landing.
  2. I used Custom Ducts (customducts@gmail.com) 603-239-2345 last year and they did a great job.
  3. From what I understand you should never use a screw gun or electrical device when removing the inspection cover under or near the magnetometer. I have had to replace the roll servo once and both my PFD & MFD other than that I am very happy with my G1000 in my 2005 M20R.
  4. Sounds like fun I’m in. I might change my mind… ForeFlight comment section - KPGD $15 landing fee and $75 overnight fee.
  5. Sorry the screen shot was not clear but the FF was 11.6
  6. I just replaced my MFD - GDU1040 with an overhauled unit from Garmin although for a different reason and the cost was $3,014 plus $37.50 for freight.
  7. 2005 O2 has everything but TKS. Flying at 15K, OAT -1, ROP, WOT, 2,400RPM. 169 kts TAS
  8. Brian Kendrick did my WASS upgrade about 8 yrs. ago in my Ovation with the 310 hp and switched the settings in my G1000 software to the Ovation 3 which gave me 2700 RPM’s and allowed me to remove my digital tach.
  9. I never had a problem using my battery powered vac.
  10. East Coast aircraft paint and interior in Deland, I had them do some interior work for me.
  11. Where can these decals be found?
  12. Why is your elevator trim switch in the off position? The elevator trim switch needs to be on.
  13. In my “R” it seems I need to set my rudder trim left of center when in cruise, I don’t know about the others. I set my rudder trim right of center when on final and works well especially if you always plan for a go around you’re not going to need a tremendous amount of right rudder when things get busy.
  14. Check the position of your rudder trim on final and you’ll find that you will have to add more right rudder trim than you think.
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