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bdavis171 last won the day on August 22 2021

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About bdavis171

  • Birthday 08/05/1984

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    Lake Elmo, MN
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  1. Wanted to correct something, only 1 Nav. And thanks, very happy with it thus far. Still trying to ensure I have the right button sequences when loading and flying approaches, then coupling the autopilot.
  2. I do have a remote #2 Com and #2 Nav
  3. Really happy with how this turned out. I went to Park Rapids Avionics in Minnesota. They did a great job! Panel was done in 6 weeks. The only thing I would do differently is go ahead and upgrade to the remote audio panel vs keeping the 350c that I already had. I had the new yokes wrapped by Aero Comfort, all new LED lights, electric retract step so no more vacuum pump. The GFC 500 has all 4 servos, very smooth! It flies like a brand new airplane!
  4. Before After
  5. Had this happen on my 430W Terrain Card a couple months ago
  6. It was a tight fit!
  7. Study hard and go in fully prepared for the oral. Get as many safety pilot hours as possible. Good luck!!
  8. Luckily flight training is considered "essential" here. It was just myself and a flight instructor for the 7 days I was there. I was able to find a DPE back home through a friend who was happy to do my check ride. Looking forward to getting more and more comfortable using the system anytime I fly, learning along the way!
  9. Just for future reference, I completed my IR training at GATTs last weekend, checkride back home went just fine and passed without problems. I know there were several people hesitant of the accelerated path, but for me, it was the best route. I went into the program with a 97 on my written and a very solid knowledge base. Between training on the sim and flying my M20F, I feel very comfortable shooting approaches and being in the system. It saved me tons of time and allowed me to really focus on flying without distractions at home and work. If this fits your learning style, do it!!
  10. I don't currently have a second card, but could attempt to find one on ebay. I may just give Garmin a call. Thanks again for the help!
  11. I did attempt to reinstall the database, but the problem remained. I assume the database is correct as I went through Garmin's website and the app when the cards were docked with my computer.
  12. It is. I know it appears as though it isn't. I left the handle out as I had tried to re-seat it multiple times.
  13. I recently attempted to update both my Nav and Terrain cards through Garmin. When I flew last the following error message was shown. "Terrain has failed. Airport terrain database integrity error." Has anyone experienced this before? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
  14. I'm booked at Gatts for April, currently studying for my written. I plan on getting a few more flights in with a friend who is a military/commerical pilot between now and then to help and try and drill in the basics.
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