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About Rookie

  • Birthday May 1

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    77' M20J

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  1. Still available about 70K
  2. I will Thanks
  3. Guys I'm looking for a vendor for the fuel control swivel at the injector for a IO-360. '77 M20 J. I've called Lazar and Mooney either have them in stock. Any Idea who has one? Mooney Part number 660051-005
  4. OK but give me a few days to prepair
  5. You may want to check these voltages at the starter. Current goes through a starting solenoid before it gets to the starter. There can be some drop in amperage before getting to the starter.
  6. My Bad! I was just looking at cubic inch referring to a IO-360 in my J.
  7. The listing has 6 cylinder readings and it's a TSIO360?
  8. Are you pleased with the AirTex Products still?
  9. I see it now I think I have a power issue. Thanks.
  10. Does anyone know if there is a solenoid between the flap switch and the flap motor ('77 J Model), if so where would it be located? Thanks,
  11. The EDM 700 is it still available and if so how much?
  12. Sounds good to me.
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