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  1. Is this Filter found in the market?
  2. This have been my limit so far: Isla Contadora in Panamá. 2100x30 a8f52adc-6e21-4380-9500-6c47a650248c.MP4
  3. Yes I did land with full flaps.
  4. I do have oxigen and AC.
  5. This was today's flight . Trim when I landed
  6. No I have never run out of trim when landing. Have you checked your W&B? Most of us come from short bodies mooney M20 C or E they are easier to land. It took me some hours to get used to it.
  7. yes I don't like it either. I think it was in 2003 when mooney decided to lower the glare shield. You are right too many pilot complain about the limitation of wiew
  8. Oh yes. I have flown around Angel Fall many times I am from Venezuela. Uruyen and Kavak are incredible places to visit when the Communism fall. I Fly a 2004 M20 R Ovation DX
  9. That is in Cozumel Mexico
  10. Cozumel 2019.mp4 This is how I land my M20 R
  11. I am based in Costa Rica, it still looks great but It has always been hangared . I visit GA every year.
  12. Kris you have a paint shop at Griffing (Tony Dias ) will do a great job. 6-2 definitely. I painted my Ovation there in 2015
  13. Who sells the STC nowadays (just the paper) and how much does it cost?
  14. I just exchanged my magnetos. And I don't know why the airplane is consuming more fuel than before 2 gallons more per hour. magnetos are dropping 110 rpm . I also feel some small vibration from the engine. I am not sure if the overhaul magnetos are responsible fot the fuel consumption and the engine vibration.

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