I recently ran across a YouTube video which touched on the topic of runway separation. I am based at a non-Tower airport and have always believed that you did not take off or land on a runway with another plane on it.
Do the regulations about runway separation apply at uncontrolled airports?
Our runway is a little over 6000 feet long and has a little hump to it, so if I can’t see another plane on the runway when I’m on the ground, they are beyond the hump and therefore beyond 3000 feet, so I shouldn’t need to wait to depart for landing traffic to exit. if I can’t see them (they are past the hump) there is enough room to safely depart, and it appears to be within regulations. I often thought that it would be safe, but I’ve never done it because I thought it was not allowed. There are several commercial operators who try to save their brakes by slowly rolling all the way to the end of the runway before exiting. I just want to make sure I’m not violating any rules because some of them might not respond well to my departure announcement.