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Supercop0184 last won the day on March 26 2016

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    Fort Worth Texas Hicks Airfield
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  1. Sabermech I had posted early on about wanting a set but there was so confusion at the point I posted about the moneys needed/ is there a way to get a set at this point?
  2. Nooooooo so I missed the window? No way to sneak an extra order in?
  3. Well it certainly could be worse - lol - I’ve got a call in for them to call me back tomorrow. Thanks
  4. Well, looks like I’m in the family of people who get to do this now. I just picked it up from the shop, but admittedly I don’t check this trust nearly as often as I should after I pick it up from places. I have no way to determine who did this. The shop was super nice, and I’m not One to name blame and less I know for sure where the blame lies. I guess I’m looking at about $1000?
  5. Vacuum pump problems - AI doesn’t work well when power is pulled in the pattern - It’s erratic - before I threw money at a pump - I decided to hook a gauge up to my pump to see what kind of vacuum I’m getting straight at the pump. Bought a basic gauge at the recommendation of one of my AV gurus - hooked it up and noticed it doesn’t even have the values I’m looking for. Should be between 4.5 and 6.5 vacuum. My suction gauge shows 6 when full power - 5.5 in cruise - but at idle the airplane suction gauge shows nothing! When hooked up directly to the external vacuum gauge - it shows 20 at idle and up to 24 in HG at 1500 RPM. is my external vacuum gauge missing a decimal point? No way it should be registering 20-24 in HG when the suction gauge in the airplane shows max 6 in HG. Suggestions please. Thanks!
  6. Definitely the truth right here!! And never looked back!!!
  7. Yes, you’re exactly right. We actually figured that out, but what I found was by doing that, it would not automatically switch over from GPS to VLOC like it did the first time while making the inbound turn on the procedure turn. However, once you select exit to hold an approach that fix, go in and activate the final leg, it flew correctly down and even went into the missed - Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing a better way of doing itJust wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing a better way of doing it
  8. Let me try to make this as short as possible. My attitude indicator had been dying for about a year, getting noisier and noisier as the time went on. I am getting ready to finish my instrument rating so I said the attitude indicator in for overhaul because it finally started tumbling. Got the attitude indicator back and reinstalled, and flew numerous flights with it. It did great. Then the directional Gyro started to precess way too much, so we removed it and sent it off for overhaul. Got it back and reinstalled. Took the airplane out for a flight today. The directional Gyro worked great, but I found that the attitude indicator seemed to not like doing steep turns or holding turns. The attitude indicator seemed to float more than normal. I can’t really Peg it to a certain power setting, my vacuum is right between 4.5 and 5.5 where it’s always been. The directional Gyro works great. We had six eyes on the vacuum lines as we were reinstalling them, so I don’t know that that’s the problem either. Any ideas? I’m trying to get this puppy instrument worthy for my check ride it’s in a month and a half. LOL thanks for the help
  9. Reviving a really old thread here - I’m wondering if that SIRS is drilled the same as the whisky compass mount I have In there now that mounts to the center bar.
  10. So here’s my issue - VOR / DME RWY 17 approach into F00 airport using ATTER as my IAF. Coming from the SW. use ATTER, do HILPT - come back inbound - 440 automatically switches to VLOC DURING inbound turn. Fly the approach to missed - MAN SEQ Reqd - I’m assuming due to the “climb 2400 then right turn to ATTER via BYP 022 radial and hold” make it into the hold — THIS is where it gets sketchy. Once in the hold - there is no way it seems to re activate the approach without it wanting to do a weird re entry and then another HILPT - there has to be a way to re activate the approach once in the hold - also - what about, while holding - you want to activate a flight plan and approach to your alternate? How would these things best be done? instrument check ride in a month and a half. Wanna be confident in these areas! thanks! !
  11. If we find some - count me in for one too
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