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carl last won the day on September 19 2015

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About carl

  • Birthday 12/03/1956

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    Duncansville , pa
  • Interests
    flying, travel, hiking

    Just got a Mooney
  • Reg #
  • Model
    1967 M20E

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  1. Dominic Neron and his girlfriend Ashley Bourgeault are the focus of a search for a missing plane in B.C. Records also show that Neron purchased the 1963, single-engine M2oD Mooney in September of this year. The Joint Rescue Co-Ordination Centre (JRCC) in Victoria was notified that the plane was overdue at around 10:40 p.m. Saturday. A spokesperson for the JRCC said the pilot’s cellphone was pinged and cell tower information indicated the cellphone may be located about 32 kilometres northeast of Revelstoke. The search efforts focused Monday on the area between Revelstoke and the Rogers Pass. “That’s the best information that we have right now for a location, so we’ll be concentrating our search efforts in that area surrounding the cellphone tower,” Katelyn Moores said. Search crews were facing “unfavourable weather conditions” on Monday morning, the JRCC said, as poor visibility and a low ceiling were hampering efforts. The search efforts included two Parks Canada helicopters and a military helicopter from a base in Comox, B.C. 2017 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.
  2. what about 10 day IFR ??? first??
  3. There are a lot of 10 day ifr courses out there -- cl. Ha ha , LoL . yeah Sam congratulations ( really) , Now a 10 day IFR , woohooo, another year of blogging!! SAm did you go Dwti,or Uwti on oil this week ??? lol
  4. We did it together! Medical reforms are now the law, and that’s a big win for general aviation.—AOPA President Mark Baker this law was signed yesterday by President Obama . Yeah !!!! Did i miss someone else posting this ? carl
  5. your name thingy says logan county ky
  6. Posted on June 21, 2016 by Maya Gockenbach (She is a family friend who set up the fund raising)_ Update on Gabi....Jen ( thats her mom) said it was a exciting day today she (Gabi) is awake now and all the therapies came in Physical therapy, Occupational therapy, and Speech. Gabi sat up and then stood up and then sat in a chair for a little while. They also tested her to see if she's ready to eat or drink so all good so far with this progress. Please continue to pray and watch this little miracle unfold! The above is from the fund website. I believe she had a pneumothorax, fractured pelvis,and head trauma requiring a intracranial monitor (Licox).I know you doctors here will agree her progress is amazing And she is only 12 I hope for a full recovery, so i think this will be my last report. carl
  7. The latest update on Todd's daughter , Gabi, . She has been extubated and is off the ventilator . She is breathing on her own and responding to commands .
  8. Hey Tony , Gaby is 12 years old , Todd's youngest , His oldest daughter Kelly is married so I guess about 20 -21 . none of them lived with Todd , they lived with Todd's ex wife, and were just flying up for a family reunion. Todd's current wife did not attend. Todd and Tatiana ( Tanya) live in Oakland park fla . Hyett and flyboy are right carl
  9. Thanks for the link
  10. Hi Carl,

    If you need to speak to someone, reach out to my wife alice. She is a psychotherapist that has been thru this with me 2 years ago, and she specializes in EMDR therapy. While not licensed in PA, she will be able to give you some guidance and help.

    alice.Elliott AT mooneysummit.com

    My deepest sympathies

    Mike Elliott


    1. carl


      Thanks Mike 

      I appreciate your concern and offer ,

      But I'll be ok .

      If not, I'll get a hold of Alice 



  11. Yes, that's all we can do .
  12. Should I sell my Mooney ? I have known so many friends who crashed and died , I talked to Todd Thursday about his flight. he wanted three hour legs cause he didn't want to push it. He gave me my first flight in his m 20 c back in the 90's . I bought my E and then he wanted an E and he got his. I feel I am to blame. ( but if that is true then parrot wizzard is to blame cause he made me want ,GET,a mooney ) Monday a guy come into the hospital who tripped in his home and hit his head, He died. ( I am a RT) so is the universe unfolding As it should or do we have any control ?
  13. Carl,

    I am so sorry for your pain you must feel for Todd. If you are in contact with Todd while he is recovering, please let him know the Mooney Summit is there to offer help for him. We will reach out to him at a more appropriate time. Now is the time for family and friends.


    Mike Elliott


    1. carl


      Thanks Mike 

    2. mike_elliott


      I just read where Todd didn't make it. I am so sorry, Carl. Perhaps we can aid his daughter. My deepest sympathy for you and all involved.


    3. carl



      it is just a total shock.


  14. Todd is a friend of mine. He was on his way up to St Louis. He is canopyman on here ( he owns Todd's canopies) I don't know what to do. carl
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