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  • Birthday 03/01/1983

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    Ash Flat, AR
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  1. Came out to stalker hiding to say this: That's awesome. I now have a project for Christmas! Thank you for sharing!
  2. Maybe the buyer will chime in. I don't like to kiss and tell.
  3. Sold. Met a really nice couple today. Didn't cry.
  4. @Steingar: Would you like to make an investment as a silent, majority stakeholder, nonflying partner in another Mooney? Buy this one and I'll keep it flying for you regardless of who the president is.
  5. Thank you Fernando. I fixed the link. Josh
  6. 1974 Mooney M20C (sold) 1974 M20C TT: ~6300 Engine ~930 SMOH by Western Skyways (2008) Prop ~930 SNEW. New hub, no AD required Radios: Garmin GNS 430WAAS and G106A indicator KX155 w/ILS and KI209 indicator AT165 Transponder, LC-2 yoke mounted chronometer Electric gear and flaps. Autopilot: Brittain Accu-track II follows GPS or VOR with Brittain Altitude hold! Safety equipment: Precise flight standby vacuum, Voice annunciated gear warning, reclining rear seats, Inertia reel shoulder harnesses; Cabin door handle upgrade (leave the vice grips at home). Carb temperature gauge. The next annual inspection is due in July. Landing Gear pucks: good condition, Skytec Starter Fuel Tanks: 52 Gallon tanks. Paint: 7/10 Acryl Glo Interior: 6/10 Grey and blue cloth I’m selling my Mooney in order to invest all I have into my start-up business. 63M has been a reliable performer, carrying me and my family across the country. This is not a neglected hangar queen, and I continue to fly it on a regular basis. In a few years, after my business starts running smoothly, I’ll be in the market for another Mooney. See more photos here: https://www.flickr.com/gp/141989705@N06/L5Z80j Logs are on my website (Page 1) (Page 2) (Page 3) Call or text at 864-426-1937. Josh Murphy, Cherokee Village, AR
  7. Dum dums were our descent drug of choice. Don't know why, but it worked well.
  8. About the Loan.... it's a business loan and I'm a dentist. The life insurance requirement is par for the course, and like you said.. I probably aught to have it for my family anyhow. Before I go wandering off getting quotes, I expected some of you guys might have some helpful thoughts. There's a lot of knowledge in this place.
  9. The bank says I need life insurance as collateral for a loan. So...it's time I got life insurance. I hear it costs more for us pilots? For you guys that have worked through this, what was the method that worked for you? Anything to avoid? Anything to mitigate the costs?
  10. So the storm that came through earlier this week destroyed roughly half the based airplanes at Salem, AR. Both of them we thrown from their open air hangars and tossed around. Will that Mooney have any salvageable parts? http://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2016/may/10/photos-severe-storms-kill-power-cause-damage-acros/
  11. Two thumbs up for Hector. I followed this advice and felt like it made the Accuflite go from "eh... close enough" to "I can relax and concentrate on something else."
  12. Wife says: "We didn't buy the earplugs at the drugstore. We got these "Women's Earplugs"
  13. My 2 kids started flying with us starting at about 18 months and 3 years old. We bought two carseats specifically for the airplane. We went to Walmart and bought the smallest carseats we could find. Leave the giant Graco at home. They fit either through the baggage door or through front door. Two carseats will fit in the back. Buckling the second seat requires some agility. Our normal family flight has one kid in the back and one in the front. The front carseat had to be forward facing to clear the yoke. Sometimes the front kid gets passed to the back seat during flight and returned to the carseat for landing. After landing the kid is passed to Mom in the back. The carseat is removed and placed on the wing. Then the pilot gets out. while the line guy chuckles. 2 carseats plus a wife (3 abreast) in the back would be impossible. Hearing protection: we use ear plugs and baby banz. We went to the drug store and bought the softest earplugs we could find and added the baby banz on top. For the older kid (now 5) we now use ear plugs plus a kid sized headset. They've never had a problem with equalization while wearing earplugs. Be careful with the baby banz. Stretch the top plastic too much and they'll snap in half. Kids don't always follow the sterile cockpit rule. When you can grease it on with a kid crying murder in the back, you've become a better pilot than me.
  14. Thought this was a joke at first. Guess not. Does it work as a vacuum cleaner too? An upholstery attachment would be nice.
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