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MooneyBob last won the day on November 17 2017

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  1. Thank you. Done.
  2. Hallo Bob

    schade, dass Sie Ihre Mooney verkauft haben. Ein unvergesslicher Flug vor der COVID-Zeit über Südwestflorida.

    Ich habe inzwischen auch meine N201WT verkauft und werde meine neue/gebrauchte Ovation 3 in den nächsten Wochen von Südafrika/Kapstadt nach Freiburg/Schwarzwald transferieren. Ich bleibe also immer noch bei hoch und weit, aber ich kann Ihre Entscheidung absolut verstehen.

    Bitte schreiben Sie mir hensle@outlook.de Ihre persönliche E-Mail, dann können wir auf diese Weise weiter reden.

    Bis bald, Harald

  3. Hi and thank you for your responses. No bad experiences at all. It was a terrific experience to own my Mooney and be part of this community. I met bunch of great people on the forum and in person as well. It really was special. I have posted my M20J for sale here and I think I have indicated that it was sold. Long time ago ( June - Registration process is very slow this days). But I am still receiving inquires about the plane. That's why I though maybe I should delete the account. I don't mind to come back here and there ( which I do ) and check on you. Ok, no more deleting. Anyway, I have sold my Mooney since my mission changed. No more flying more than 1 passenger. No more long cross country very often. Low and slow is my new motto, but with open possibilities for IFR, Key West, Bahamas, long cross country once a while, newer simpler machine. I have order while ago Flight Design F2 ( LSA for now but who knows what the future brings). Rotax912i, high wing with huge windows, cabin 52" wide, parachute, airbags, Garmin, Autopilot,... There are some delays in production because of situation in Europe, but early summer next year is the goal.
  4. Hi, I sold my Mooney. How can I delete my account?
  5. I sold the plane long time ago. Registration takes probably very long these days. I am not on Mooneyspace anymore . I don't know how to cancel or delete my account. I don't se that option in the setting.
  6. Thanks Erik. Yes, good price. Last 5 years since I moved to Naples, 95% of my flights were 30 miles radius in perfect weather. Checking local beaches, Everglades wildlife. Occasional lunch in Bahamas, breakfast in Key West. No need for a Mooney any more. No desire to fly to NJ or anywhere else. Hard to find anything these days. I would like experimental. Something new. We'll see what's out there.
  7. I put my 1977 M20J for sale in the Aircraft Classified section
  8. I have no reason to fly cross country anymore. Probably it's time to replace it with 2 seater. I have no idea about the price, but something like $135,000 sounds like a good start. I am not looking to get rich of it. I have spent a lot of money for annuals and upgrades to keep it in the best shape possible. AFTT 3350 Engine replaced in 1991 with IO360 A3B6 Prop replaced in 1991 ETT 1243 hrs ( crankshaft, bearings, pistons, rings replaced after 974 hrs in 2017 after metal in the oil) 2017 - new starter, new alternator, electric fuel pump, mechanical fuel pump, Painted in 1991 - still nice Always hangared. Airconditioned hangar in Florida since moved from NJ to Naples. Corrosion X applied. Annual 9/2022 Fresh IFR certification All logbooks, parts manual, maintenance manual, electrical schematics All LED lights Reiff engine and oil pan preheater Seatbelts and shoulder harnesess Electronics International CGR30P engine monitor GTN 750 GDL88 FlightStream210 blutooth to ipad GAD29 to interface autopilot 2 x G5 GDL39 - backup for iphone or another ipad Backup vacuum AI Century IIB autopilot - works nicely at GPS, NAV and LOC mode. No altitude hold. Electric trim Left fuel tank developed fuel leak recently. I fly often and regularly when I am home.
  9. It was airport provided shuttle. I don't know if it is available on week days.
  10. I had a nice breakfast at Island Fish restaurant on Sunday. Free shuttle from and to the airport.
  11. What borescope did you use?
  12. I am in Naples. Private air park Wing South FA37. I can take you up in my J. I am leaving to Europe on Tuesday so it has be tomorrow or Monday. Send me the private message.
  13. 1977 J bought for $65. Spent $80k in upgrades, avionics, annuals, fuel tanks, engine over last 5 years. No money spared to keep it nice and safe. I would be lucky to get maybe $95k??? Buyers are cheap.
  14. I know guys who bought Columbia ( back then Cessna TTX now) under similar agreement. Those new expensive toys lose value very fast. First few years are brutal. Later one guy left LLC ( it could happen any time for multiple reasons) and it put enormous stress on remaining members. They even tried to sell the plane right away but it was upside down already. They kept it for few more years and they really suffered financially. Finally they couldn't keep up with the payments and they were forced to sell it. They had to come with a lot of money from their pockets to pay off the loan. Those guys lost tons of money. And they flew it very little.
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