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  1. What is difference between the 327 and the 328
  2. Pics of crack. Was hit with hammer so was not flush so could see crack location.
  3. There is an AD for the older Mooney engine mounts that they must be inspected every 100 hrs of service ....if it is not the new style with reinforced gussets. If you find a crack it must be replaced with the new style of engine mount per the AD.
  4. Believe me. I thought the same thing. Three mechanics thought it was something to do with after fire......carb issue?.. it sounded like a small backfire believe it or not.
  5. I had my 1966 m20 c at brackett field for its pre buy some 12 years ago.
  6. I just had to send my Garmin gns 480 in and I got lucky because I had only a few days left and after that the Garmin 480 is no longer serviceable by Garmin. The flat rate was $1100.00 and has to be sent off from a Garmin dealer. I had mine back in five days. good luck, Ed
  7. That is all very good information! thanks
  8. Wow, that is a great price.
  9. I think I do. I will go back and pull some. The crack was so small could not see it on inspection. One mechanic just happened to have his eye in the right spot during engine start while trying to diagnose the problem and saw that part of engine mount separate about a quarter inch rapidly producing the sound that had three separate mechanics scratching their heads.
  10. Ok....this has been long over due. I had three mechanics on this and spent $2000.00 chasing the problem to find out it was not after fire at all. The problem was a cracked engine mount. The lower right engine mount was cracked all the way through. When the engine would start and the torque would rotate engine it would sound like backfire noise but it was actually the engine mount hitting metal to metal. So the fix was a newer style engine mount with welded gussets . I borrowed a friends hangar and took engine off and replaced engine mount with the newer style one. Took me a month to do during spare time. Glad to have that job over with.
  11. Can you give me a call about your Mooney pars for sale? Thanks, Ed 910 431 5584
  12. Could you send me a copy of the right side brake part numbers? thanks, Ed
  13. My very first post to the group. This problem is bugging me crazy. Right after I start my 1966 M20 C Mooney I am getting a backfire (after fire to be exact) . Not able to figure out what is causing it? I replaced the left mag with an overhauled one. Replaced all spark plugs. The ignition switch and starter vibrator checks out. All ignition leads look good. After engine starts runs perfectly! Has anyone exsperienced after fire after start up?
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