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  1. https://www.lx7aircraft.com/ Maybe Lance can afford it.
  2. AH1 If you have any switch covers left, how can I buy some? Sent PM. Thanks
  3. Thanks Jose, I will try that.
  4. I have seen it in cruise and shortly after starting. The last time I saw it was after starting, but increasing RPM did not clear it.
  5. I occasionally see a flashing voltage light which indicates low voltage which is usually caused by an alternator malfunction, belt slippage, or tripped breaker. I think the low voltage indicator is set for 12.4 to 12.5 volts. When I get the light, my JPI EDM 700 shows 13.5 - 13.7 and the ammeter is zero. The breaker is not tripped, the belt is tight and the battery is fully charged and easily starts the engine. Do I have a problem? If so, how should it be fixed? Thanks
  6. Clarence, That's true and turbines engines are about 50 times more reliable than piston engines, but if you have an A3B6D, does it make more sense to overhaul the A3B6D or get a rebuilt A3B6? According to Air Power, Engines, most owners are choosing the A3B6.
  7. Correction, the link for the Lycoming warranty is actually. https://www.lycoming.com/sites/default/files/New_Rebuilt_Engine Warranty_With Additional_12_Months.pdf
  8. Does it make sense to overhaul an IO-360-A3B6D engine? Lycoming offers the following warranty for an IO-360-A3B6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies The quotes I have seen for an overhaul of the A3B6D are around 30K. A rebuilt A3B6 is about 35.5K. All American’s valuation tool says the A3B6 adds about 4K to the plane’s value. It takes about a week to remove the old engine and install a rebuilt A3B6. It will probably take six weeks to overhaul the A3B6D and another week for installation. Shipping costs can be substantial. When it comes to sales taxes, location matters. Oklahoma has no sales tax on parts or labor. .
  9. Continental eliminated ECI competition with their product line, but retained ECI products that compete with Lycoming. http://www.airpowerinc.com/productcart/pc/cylinders.asp?catid=70&subcat=75 Ominous future if Textron sells Lycoming to the Chinese.
  10. kmyfm20s mentioned Lycon. Barrett is also excellent. http://www.bpaengines.com/services/ For precision, they use Serdi valve seat cutting machines. http://www.serdimachines.com/index.php/us/ For an expert opinion, give Monty Barrett a call, 918-835-1754.
  11. All American Aircraft recently sold a Mooney Rocket with an engine rebuilt by Dugosh. Dugosh replaced the Contnental cylinders with ECI cylinders. Are ECI cylinders better or more durable than the Continental cylinders?
  12. New autopliot options from Garmin. https://www.garmin.com/en-US/blog/aviation/third-party-autopilot-support-for-g5-expanded/ http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20170718005448/en/Garmin®-unveils-revolutionary-cost-effective-retrofit-autopilots-general
  13. gsxrpilot With an experienced pilot operating as a named renter, the insurance cost will likely not increase. This arrangement eliminates title issues. A simple cost sharing agreement where the partner makes a refundable deposit and agrees to pay half the fixed costs, half the maintenance expenses, all of his fuel costs and a reasonable amount per hour for the engine reserve works well. The Air Force requires four hours per month to stay on flight status. For some reason that is getting harder to do.
  14. http://www.tc.faa.gov/its/worldpac/techrpt/ar0949.pdf See page 1
  15. For a J and just to keep it simple, assume the jets and ATC aren’t pushing you. Approach level 2400 at 17 for about 120 At GS or FAF, gear down Prop forward Flaps half to reduce stall by about 6 knots Fly ILS at 90 to 100 knots For non precision 5 T’s Descent -800 to MDA+300, -500 to MDA +50 Level MP to 20 for about 90 Full flaps optional with runway in sight Stabilize on final and plan to cross threshold at 70
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