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Mike A

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About Mike A

  • Birthday April 30

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    : Nashville, TN
  • Model
    M20K 231

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  1. The time has come for me to send N231QZ to a new home. Kids are older and we don’t have as much time to use her plus work has changed policies which really grounded me. I have 10 years of the engine and airframe logs scanned and can be provided upon request 1980 Mooney M20K - Aspen PFD, 430W, ADSB In/Out, STEC Autopilot with GPSS and Altitude Hold, Aerocomfort Interior, Built In Oxygen, Engine Monitor $150,000 I will entertain reasonable offers. Complete Logs - NDH Mooney Service Center Maintained since 2018 Annual Current Through 4/2025 TTAF: 2708 Engine Time Since Reman TSIO-360-LB: 1077 Engine Year: 2000 GAMIjectors Paint: 6/10 Interior: 9/10 Cruise 165 ktas/11.5GPH at 11,000 ft Also have lots of extra parts and manuals, including inflatable door seal https://www.avweb.com/features/mooney-m20k-231-252/
  2. If you are on the socials there is a group called Middle TN Aviation Network where you may be able to find a hangar during those dates. https://m.facebook.com/groups/826246501157054/?ref=sharehttps://m.facebook.com/groups/826246501157054/?ref%3Dshare&exp=9594&mibextid=haimBR I am based at Smyrna and have been to Tune. Both are good airports with expensive gas Also, in Smyrna Hollingshead has Avis on site and Enterprise will come pick you up.
  3. So as I’m waiting for the mechanic at my hangar I have the top cowling off and can see that when i turn the prop the shaft to the alternator also turns. Would this be the case with a coupling failure or do I need to think about overall alternator failure or electrical issue somewhere?
  4. 100%. Shut her down, pushed her back in the hangar, and drove instead.
  5. I’m pretty sure I know the answer, but want to see if there is anything else I should check before I have the alternator pulled on my TSIO-360-LB - I went to go for a flight yesterday and the voltage never came up above 11.5. Checked all fuses, turned electronics on and off and nothing changed. I’m assuming, as the post title implies, that I need to replace the alternator coupling. I have had voltage fluctuations before, but they normally went away after a few minutes which I understand is a telltale sign. Did 5 hrs 2 weeks ago with no issues
  6. Hey I'm out of MQY and use Joey for all my major work and annual inspections. If you are looking for someone local that can help with routine maintenance (oil changes, he swapped out mixture cable for me, etc) I have a name I can pass along if you message me. Also, when are you heading down to Cole Aviation? My plane is in annual now and hopping a ride is better than that 2.5 hr drive.
  7. I have a 231 and absolutely love it. I keep this thread as a separate bookmark from general Mooneyspace and find that i refer to it often. You won’t regret getting a 231.
  8. Is this something that I would (or could) buy or my employer? My company requires our drone subcontractors to carry $2M of liability insurance. What kind of increase in yearly insurance would that look like on a current $1M policy?
  9. I would think that whatever we make our subcontractors carry would be sufficient, but i’m sure that would be cost prohibitive. is there a marketplace for short term insurance policies?
  10. Yeah I used to do the same at a previous employer. I specifically asked when I joined my current firm, but I guess the response I got was financial and not legal. I was able to take the cheaper of IRS rate or equivalent airfare.
  11. My company informed me today that I am no longer allowed to use my personal aircraft for corporate travel. When I inquired as to what the change was, I was told that our legal council reviewed the policy after another pilot somewhere else asked and stated that we did not have “plane insurance” and crashing into a school would ruin the company. I countered the person informing me with the hypothetical of driving my car into one and he said that we have auto insurance and it’s not the same. Has anyone else come across this or know where the real liability would land? Any ideas on how to counter? Loss of use for work travel would really be catastrophic to my justification for continuing to own my K and I want to get through this somehow.
  12. Check your fuel spider. I had a similar problem with my -LB and got the spider overhauled and it solved my issues.
  13. Has anyone found an acceptable readily available touch up paint pen for Sherwin Williams Matterhorn White?
  14. #5 on my TSIO-360-LB has started leaking oil at the location where the head and the base are threaded together. Ran a bunch of tests today to confirm it wasn't coming from push rods or seals. Where is the best place to source a new cylinder from?
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