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quik flite

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  1. Do it once and done ,it will definitely be more than you think it will cost ,but in the end you’ll have what you want, it will be cheaper in the long run .Guaranteed ! Overhaul it and enjoy it.
  2. Cessna 120 , no flaps , with O200 and metal wings very nice, fun to fly honest airplane. Complete electrical system with new starter , alternator and odyssey battery. New Cleveland brakes, new exhaust on and on . A lot of fun , but no wing loading. It’s bumpy in any kind of wind. But relatively easy to fly and land. In a stiff crosswind I prefer grass landings . But have done a few less than stellar landings on grass and pavement. They really are not that difficult to fly , to master it I would have to fly it a lot more
  3. Complete set for 201 , with square windows. Nice condition. With carry bag. $100 plus shipping
  4. Ed Kollin lubrication expert , for sure.
  5. 1 gallon is approximately 28 to 32 dollars. It’s been around a long time and meets proper specifications required by engine manufacturers , for aircraft piston engines.
  6. Just got off the phone with Phillips Oil Tech Rep , for those of you not flying enough, he confirmed and recommended that a 10 percent dose of Anti Rust Phillips 20/50 oil mixed with Phillips XC 20/50 is recommended and will help protect your engine all the way to TBO. I think he said It will help immensely. Mixed at 10 percent Anti Rust Oil Phillips.20/50 and 90 percent 20/50XC Phillips, Now you guys and girls can rest easy. No more worries !
  7. A friend of mine had excellent results with circle w restorations at PA72. They did a beautiful paint job on his airplane . They are near York,Pa. (It is based on a grass strip,). Cliff Weaver is the owner.
  8. Thanks, for always taking the time to be helpful on many issues. Your customers are fortunate to have such competent service.
  9. Buy the nicest model you can afford that has been well taken care of and Properly maintained with the avionics you need . , any $$$ you have to spend after the purchase could have been used to buy a nicer one in the first place Call Jimmy Garrison. at All American Aircraft. If you know what you’re buying there should be no big surprises ( just my opinion)
  10. Well , I guess nobody is perfect, so much for never hearing a complaint. Sorry , but myself and a lot of friends have had excellent work and service from Lancaster avionics. Smart avionics is a nice shop ,and Ben is a great guy.
  11. Lancaster Avionics is a shop that can be trusted to do things right and fairly priced . I highly recommend them always. The work is near perfection and always performed within a reasonable time. I have never heard a bad report and they’ve been at it a long time. A real nice bunch of guys and girls. Doing the job right. In Lancaster PA.
  12. If you own the plane approximately 1000-1500 per month , if everything goes ok. Not counting upgrades Pretty reliable average. In my location
  13. Weber’s it is. Very good, at KLNS. Lancaster, Pa
  14. How about a cheap rubber floor mat for a car (with a hole cut in it).
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