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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. ^^^This. I insured mine for the purchase price. I didn't know what else to do. I can't tell if that's good or bad in this situation.
  2. Any particular reason the EU is so extreme about this? Was it a reaction to a bunch of accidents or something?
  3. She looked like an A&P mechanic that just did you a solid. That's worth at least +1 or +2 points. Attractivness is often contextual.
  4. Which is the entire problem. Stop building airplanes that take 4000+ man hours. Stop running factories like assembly lines for pieces of art and engineer the damn things for -mass- production.
  5. That's very nearly my list except for the cover, torque wrench and spare bulbs. In the "various screw drivers and wrenches" dept, I put a large craftsman toolkit I got for christmas. It's probably overkill (in that there's stuff in there just taking up mass that I won't use), but it was better than nothing. Here's what I'd like to see, either in this thread or future threads.... * What parts are easily replaceable in the field and can lead to stranding if you don't have one? * What parts AREN'T user replaceable, will strand you if you don't have one, and can be problematic to acquire on short notice? (Keep one so the A&P can just install yours) * What tools are required for those parts? Oh, yeah... in addition to your list, I have a truck tire gauge for the tires. I'd like to add a gats jar. So far I've been lucky in that there's been no water or contaminants in the fuel.
  6. You're where I got the idea. And then when I asked my old flight instructor about it (he has a 172), he's all "yeah.. I carry one of those.". It's a failure in a part I'd never considered, but now... I keep getting bogged down when I go to buy one. I admit I'm probably lazy here, or just a dumbass, but does anyone know which quick drain to get for an '81 J?
  7. Protip: Consult with a local for a potential branding problem in Greece.
  8. It does. Though the chances of finding someplace to land in Florida / Alabama are probably close to zero. Still, it'd be so freakin' cool to land, have lunch and then take off again.
  9. Well, I know at least two people that carry: * spare spark plug and the socket it takes and * a spare fuel quick drain thingy and whatever it takes to replace that. I have a couple of quarts of oil laying in the hat rack, and I count that as a part.
  10. ok.. I have questions. The beaches I've been on have, in no particular order, people, birds, "stuff", people and more birds. The scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade comes to mind. Do you buzz the beach before you land? I mean, I'd love to try this, but I'm not even sure what the rules are regarding landing off airport.
  11. I've seen various people admit to buying parts they -may- need at some point because they're available now and may not be later. At the risk of sounding like a hoarder, I'm wondering if I should be buying stuff against the day when it's either not made, or the price has gone way up for various reasons. Thoughts? And if you think this is a good idea, suggestions for parts? Owning a Mooney less than a year, I'm not even sure what I'd want to have, or be on the look out for. (Even if you discount the idea that parts may become more scarce, the federal reserve seems intent on inflating the debt away... stuff is getting / going to get more expensive. Think of it as an investment?)
  12. Everyone knows pretty much what a low engine time, low air frame time early 80's 201 is going for. Mooney, please find a way to make a profit selling a new airplane with similiar performance for a profit. Lobby the hell out of whoever you need to and make it happen. I wanted to buy new, I did NOT want to drop a quarter million just to get the new car smell, though. c'mon... surely, SURELY, someone can build a 150+kt airplane for what a single family home is going for, and make a profit, right? right?? We, as a people, have had flight for over 100 years. It should not be this hard. </rant>
  13. Fly it like you stole it.
  14. Saw this and started wondering... http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/34647-fun-at-the-beach/#comment_389 Is that possible on any sandy beach? What's take off like?
  15. No way.. NO WAY would I have though it would possible to land on sand. I guess it depends heavily (heh) on the type of sand.
  16. Jamie

    IMG 2504 1

    The rainbow is a nice touch.
  17. This. Or get a rental. Or her airplane. If it's a REAL emergency the entire airplane is expendable, all at once or in pieces, with the sole purpose of ensuring my survival. If it's not a real emergency, I have to pay for anything that happens to it.
  18. What's a storm window? Is that the pilot's side little vent window? (asks the owner of the '81 201... do I even have this?)
  19. nice!
  20. I'm coming up on a year. The plane is working perfectly for the mission I bought it for (turning a 6 hour drive into a 1.5 hour flight). As I've said before, it still doesn't seem quite real... I do a lot of "what-if"ing on skyvector.com and I'm still amazed at the answers. What is annoying though, is not having ground transportation someplace I want to go. Sometimes the trip ends up planning out as "fly as close as possible, get a rental car, and drive an hour". Yuck.
  21. MAPA is dead to me. Not because they did anything wrong, but I hit the "paypal only" speed bump when I tried to sign up, mooneyspace was convenient, and I was kind of "meh"... What's mapa got mooneyspace ain't got? Honest question, but I'll never know if someone doesn't tell me 'cause I'm not joining mapa to find out.
  22. Well. I tried. Got about 30 miles from HSV and ran into a layer at 5500 that seemed to go all the way to the ground. Visibility ahead of me was falling off rapidly. I'd hoped it would be gone by the time I took off, but a quick look see indicated otherwise. Hope y'all had a great time and sampled some BBQ.
  23. It's early, and I'm still caffinating, but Sunday is (according to 'cal'), the 13th, not the 12th. All the day /date stuff is wrong. And I know you cut-n-pasted this from the website where it's also wrong. Makes me wonder what else is wrong...
  24. ok.. I'm just full of dumb questions I guess. The TFR goes up at noon, lasts until 1800. So I don't need to be on a flight plan to arrive, but will I need to open one just to depart? Or will we be allowed to leave before 1800?
  25. Naaa. I'm not from Alabama... I just work here. I understand there's a correct answer to "Which football team do you like?" but haven't bothered to look it up.
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