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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Willmar did all of my windows in January. Total cost was $3015. That's $280 for the 0.25" windshield (the glass was itemized), and 23 hours of labor for everything.
  2. Found these while wandering around the FAA's website. If you haven't seen them before, they're worth a look. Beautiful illustrations. Seriously. Someone spent some major taxpayer cash on these. And for a software geek like me, they contain a ton of useful information about the engine on the plane I just bought. Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook - Powerplant Vol 1 Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook - Powerplant Vol 2 The Airframe volumes appear to be just as well done, and can be found here: Aircraft Handbooks and Manuals Anyone else have any favorites? From the FAA or elsewhere?
  3. Guys, again, thanks to everyone for the info. I hope to have some interesting pics to post later this summer.
  4. I am, but only because I have so little Mooney time to date. I know from what little Arrow time I have that flying with some power on with a flatter approach is the preferred method. Trying to get used to that in the Mooney. Is there any way to practice for the higher density altitude down here (hsv elev 629MSL)?
  5. Crud. I hope it's the 330 (aircraft spruce order just arrived) and not the 327. It was hard to tell from the docs I had. My Mooney is apparently a 12V system. Hadn't even occured to me it might be something other than the bulb. Well definitely look at the wiring. Thanks.
  6. Interesting. That's about what I eyeballed it at (well, skyvector.com, and adding 3000ft to the highest terrain along a likely route). But I figured... "naaa, can't be that easy". And wouldn't be in a 172. But from what you guys are saying, this isn't a big deal in a Mooney. So the attached page from my POH isn't wrong then. I saw that diagram and had to look twice. Me not believing the chart is mostly what prompted this post. I'd run up against my own limitations (don't have an instrument rating yet, so have to stay below 18k MSL) before I hit the plane's. That actually matches the chart pretty well. I've heard engine cooling can be a problem at higher altitudes due to decreased air density. Any problems? Will do. Thanks. Any recommendations for a mountain flying course?
  7. I know nothing about mountain flying, so to save some time let's assume I'm smart enough to get appropriate training, yada yada. Can an M20J go anywhere interesting west of the rockies? A friend is moving to Provo, Utah. Sounds like a great excuse for a long x-country. Assuming the pilot is capable, is the plane? Can you go pretty much direct or do you have to pick your way through valleys?
  8. Heh. The rest of the world is catching on to this. -Everyone- is now trying to export inflation. As far as borrowing in your own currency not being a problem... Robert Mugabe might agree with you, the rest of Zimbabwe, probably not. Plane prices have been falling for years. They do not appear to have benefited from the inflation the Federal Reserve is desperately trying to ignite. This is actually a good thing for the patient buyer with cash. My plane would have been 30% or more than I paid if I'd bought it in '05. (Maybe more.)
  9. This will no doubt be a very unpopular view, but: Depending on what you think will happen with the economy, you might consider waiting. Deficit spending has allowed the current administration to "kick the can", but if/when that ends, things will get bad. If it doesn't end, gas will continue to go up, etc. Either way, expensive toys like Moonies will become less affordable for all but the truly wealthy (as the recent job survey thread on here shows, most of us aren't rich... we just have really good paying jobs). Waiting would allow you to get more airplane for potentially less money as small biz owners and older pilots unload their planes into a soft market. Toys are the first to go when you have bills to pay. Why did I buy now instead of following my own advice? Aging parents, encroaching middle age, etc. But financially it was probably the wrong time.
  10. Meh. Owned it for three weeks, flown it twice. Stupid weather....
  11. nice. The gear comes down faster than I would have thought. Wonder if anyone is using a camera like this for after action reviews with students? I was watching your landing to see how it's done and it occured to me I could learn a lot by watching my own landings to see what I need to work on. Where's the shaking coming from? Is the mount too rigid or not enough?
  12. I'd have to have acid free paper and a nitrogen air environment to preserve this stuff... Some of the POH supplements are almost unreadable due to age. Faded, brittle, wrinkled, starting to separate where folded by previous owners, etc. Scanning is the only practical way to preserve dead tree documents, as far as I know anyway. It's also not encouraging that some of my equipment manuals have not already been converted to electronic form and made available on manufacturer's web sites. Times like this it's very apparent I bought an antique.
  13. From my 81 'j' poh.
  14. This. While the annual was being done on mine, we wandered next door to Weep No More. He was in the middle of resealing... literally up to his elbows in the tank, but took time to explain what was being done. I asked about bladders and he showed me a section of wing (leaning against the hangar wall) that had had a bladder in it. He kept it around to show what a bad bladder installation can do. Both Weep No More and Willmar Air Service are great people.
  15. Ah. That's another aspect I hadn't considered. Sounds like a good poll idea.
  16. So I'm sitting here scanning my POH, and it occurs to me... Are scans of log books acceptable for any legal purpose, or are the physical dead tree books the only legit versions? I'll probably scan them anyway, just because. But I'm curious if they're going to possibly save my bacon some day.
  17. It's stuff like this that may one day motivate me to sell the Mooney (I know, I know... ) and build something. The engineering technology and mistakes present when mine left the factory are essentially frozen in place. Can't fix it unless someone has gone through the incredibly expensive process of getting something approved and I buy their incredibly expensive solution. And legally, about all I'm allowed to do is remove the bulbs. Technically, I can't do the rewiring, right? That would have to be by an A&P?
  18. Hey, Joe. I'm a software engineer on the arsenal. I work on the OH-58 D/F cockpit procedures trainer. I just bought a Mooney, and the CFII I'm getting instruction from is also a Mooney owner, works on base AND is an instructor at the flying activity. The way I read my insurance, my instructor could take you up in my plane if you want. No instruction could technically take place, but you could certainly get a feel for it.
  19. arrg. im on travel and on a tablet. an led option? very cool. is that a drop in no paperwork replacement?
  20. How did you determine which bulb to get and where did you order it from?
  21. It's supposed to have a light? That must be it, then.... there is no light at all. This, btw, will be my first "wasn't caught during the pre-buy" problem. So far everything else has been working fine. thanks y'all.
  22. I have a 1981 'J'. The gear position indicator on the floor is nearly impossible to read in most situations. So hard in fact, I'm tempted to leave a flash light somewhere handy just for that purpose. There's a lot of glare on the little window and the markings seem very low contrast. Is this normal?
  23. Nice. I'll wait until I get mine painted (the big one) then probably get something like this.
  24. Cool. Thanks. I've had Joey recommended to me by a local mooney owner. Looking forward to meeting him. I don't do the facebook thing for various reasons, but count me in... definitely going, wx permitting.
  25. Software Engr, Army flight sims.
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