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Showing content with the highest reputation since 09/06/2012 in Image Comments

  1. Painted and laser etched the hubcaps during annual.
    4 points
  2. Hello, I would like to do this same setup. When you say you powder coated and backfill, Im interested in how that was done?....Did you use a CO2 Laser or Blue Diode? Any way you could provide a little info?
    1 point
  3. This is exactly what i want to do.....thank you for the pics.....
    1 point
  4. Thank you for the info on the panel question I had for you. Did you use your laser engraver for this side of the panel pictured here? I am getting ready to renovate my panel on my M20B and had a few questions for you. Also, going with the Dynon units as well. There shop is in my area (Woodinville, WA) and I am sold on the Skyview units. Who cut your panel? Thanks, Chris
    1 point
  5. I had a trophy shop do this batch years ago. The same shop screwed up my newest panel and a customers, so… I bought my own laser engraver and do it myself. And it looks better. these panels in this pic are laser engraved
    1 point
  6. These are the original ones, which I have refinished in imitation leather, with seams and after some touch-ups with hot iron to reconform the plastics.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Fantastic optical illusions... clear foreground at speed... blurred background... fancy reflection on rippled water surface... beautiful, less common, grass surface... Very nice, Gilt! Have you posted this pic in the today’s flight thread? Or anywhere else? Please share widely! Best regards, -a-
    1 point
  9. Sorry, never saw this message. Lost about 38 pounds in the process.
    1 point
  10. you were headed the right way that day...
    1 point
  11. Like you I searched and searched the only kit I ever found was by GM Plastics and it is no longer made... There is a person here on Mooneyspace who has one but I have been unable to talk him out of it so far!!! I purchased the kit from a place in Europe, however the kit has a lot to be desired and this model is HIGHLY modified. Check out the two posts in the Fourm it has the details of the kit I started with. The rest I shot from the hip so to speak. Still not done yet but we are getting close. Yes I intend to fly it. Thanks for your interest let me know if you build a model would be great to swap stories and ideas.
    1 point
  12. I have one that indicates 1/2 flaps. I use it much more than the hard to see indicator. I rarely use anything but 0 (parked) 1/2 (approach and takeoff) and full (almost every landing). The system takes care of 0 and full with stops. Otherwise, I like the tape idea. So I like my 1/2 one as it is a real no brainer.
    1 point
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