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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/2013 in all areas

  1. Took off yesterday in the mooney from Rochester MN and flew 190 all the way to KHRL down near the southern tip of texas in my J. It was so nice to get some warmth and feel a little humidity. We still have 20+ inches of ice in MN. Interesting enough I was going to commitment about the IAS when I left it was -10c and it was 25c down here and although I have flown in both temp extremes, with alot larger spread than that, I have never done it in a day. There was a noticeable IAS loss of about 5kts. This makes me think about some posts in the past where it seems like I am always running a bit faster at a given power setting, which I realize now I'm not, it's just its colder in MN than the south where a majority of mooney spacer's live. I also love the cheaper gas down here.
    1 point
  2. You can find out a lot more with a compression tester. Test it at a few different places on the cylinder other then TDC. You can tell if your cylinder has taper wear. Try it after moving the prop CW and CCW, this will seat the rings against the upper and lower surfaces of the lands. If it seats well in one direction and not the other your piston is warn out. The first thing to happen if you overheat a cylinder is the piston will soften and the ring slots will get misshapen and the compression will suffer. Just make sure you are holding the prop tight when you are doing these tests so you don't get bonked in the head...
    1 point
  3. I would suggest adding review of DP to your pretakeoff checklist. If a published Departure Procedure exists, it is the pilot's responsibility to review it prior to takeoff. It is not part of your ATC clearance and ATC is not required to warn you. If you takeoff in IMC and hit a tower, it is your fault.
    1 point
  4. Glad to see your moving foward. Here are a few things that would interest me. Keep the side cheeks. I find these very handy for quickly removing to looking at the bottom of the engine. Offer an option without a cutout for the oil cooler. This gives a nice smooth look for those who have already relocated the oil cooler. Another option would be to offer a second light in the oil cooler position. I would also be very interested in a better "Inline" induction system that eleminates the ram air.
    1 point
  5. Real world experience with electronic ignitions: Note: I work as an A+P in a corporate flight department, I am a pilot and aircraft owner. I've installed, and/or been involved with the installation of a number of electronic ignition systems. Including Lightspeed's on a IO-360 equipped Velocity, Lightspeeds on an IO-540 powered F1-Rocket, E-Mags on a Velocity and others. Starting about 10 years ago. 1) the engines always operate smoother. 2) the peak power might be slightly less, resulting in a possible "slight" reduction in rate of climb. However, this is impossible to verify. 3) cylinder head temps in cruise are always higher 4) audible detonation does occur if mismanaged (running too much advance with high compression pistons for example) 5) Fuel consumption during taxi, low speed flight (such as traffic pattern, or sightseeing at low+lean power settings) and during descent is markedly improved. 6) Fuel consumption during high speed flight is unchanged. (although there may be a slight loss of top speed)(impossible to verify) 7) Overall fuel consumption is reduced on the order of 5% for the folks I've dealt with. 8) Underpowered aircraft won't see much gain in fuel economy, as engines are often run at higher power settings, where timing advance cannot be used. The F1 rocket, for example, has 300HP, and can be thought of as a clipped wing RV-4, plenty of power. He was able to see significant gains in economy. But at uncomfortable altitudes, and modest power settings, while pushing CHT limits. He has a nifty way to adjust ign timing in flight with a simple knob. Guess where that timing eventually ends up? At modest settings that mirror a 25 degree magneto setting. (yes, his engine is tightly cowled, and CHT's are a constant concern) He claims he can get down to 12-13GPH at 200MPH at 12,000 feet, with a CHT of 420. Not exactly comfortable. The Velocity on the other hand, runs it's IO-360 angle valve engine very hard, at 12 gallons per hour in cruise. He shows zero improvement in cruise fuel economy. But, gains in other areas of flight, taxi, pattern, slow speed/lean and descent. My personal feeling: I love the electronic ign systems. For the smoother operation, quick starting, and differing modes of failure. (one mag, one elec have different modes of failure) AND, for the slightly improved fuel economy. I'd guess return on investment is not the way to look at elec ign. Just don't expect more power or significant gains in economy. One regular route we fly at 7500-9500 consumes 40-41 gallons, mags or elec ign matters not on that trip.
    1 point
  6. David -- always interested in mods. Hopefully you can make a competitively price cowling. LoPresti would have gotten my business if I didn't need to give up my first born for it!
    1 point
  7. I'd fly it another 10 hours and re-check it. Marvel Mystery oil should be banned from your hangar. David
    1 point
  8. I'm happy to report that the Mooney cowling mod STC has been moved to the front of my priority list. I've had some recent business changes on FAA/PMA parts that have been shelved for the time being and now with that time and money freed up, it's time to work the cowling mod. A few decisions have been made in regards to materials and design. I will incorporate round air inlets for engine cooling, it will retain the plenum system to control cooling, it will retain the landing light in the original location, undecided about the oil cooler, undecided about the air inlet to carb/fuel injection. My intention is to have the nose bowl manufactured out of aluminum by hydroforming. I absolutely do not want to rivet fiberglass or carbon fiber to the original cowling structure. I start the modification and mold making process on my spare cowlings today. I'll post pictures as I now move forward on this project. David Staffeldt Vintage Airworks
    1 point
  9. This is the worst idea yet. We fight like hell to avoid USER FEES and someone thinks this sounds like a good idea. For a real pilot to make such a suggestion is UNBELIEVABLE. This is like the NRA voting to eliminate the second amendment. I am trying real hard not to be too rude but this is unfathomable.
    1 point
  10. We pay enough in fuel taxes and plenty more in general fund taxes due on April 15. Time to chop the government in half till the national debt is paid off.
    1 point
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