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Come one, come all!
Mooney Ambassadors at August 23-25th KTVL South Lake Tahoe, Lake in the Sky Airshow
Join us at Lake Tahoe in 2013 for the 24th year celebration of America's High Altitude Air Show. The Mooney Ambassadors are the only type club that has specifically been invited by the event administration for the past several years. We had 22 airplanes in 2009, 14 in 2010, 24 in 2011 18 in 2012.  how many are coming in 2013? Friday night burger fry. Saturday is the big day, and we expect upwards of 11,000 visitors. There is an opportunity for six Mooney Ambassadors to take place in the air show by doing high-speed passes. Lakeside Inn rate: $69 per night. Enterprise car rental: $117.08.  including all fees/taxes. Point Persons: Michael Golden and Jolie Lucas.  











It will be great to see our Mooney family at South Lake Tahoe.  Make sure that you park or ask to park with the Mooney Ambassadors.  We believe we will be up near the FBO Mountain West Aviation, owned by Ambassador Michael Golden. If you don't care to watch the whole video, scroll to 2:23 and watch some of our fly-bys up at Tahoe.





Here are the NOTAMS for TVL:

South Lake Tahoe CA (Lake Tahoe) [TVL]: August NOTAM #1
Runway 18 precision approach path indicator out of service
South Lake Tahoe CA (Lake Tahoe) [TVL]: August NOTAM #23
Aerodrome AIRPORT closed effective from August 23rd, 2013 at 10:00 AM PDT (1308231700) - August 23rd, 2013 at 10:45 AM PDT (1308231745)
South Lake Tahoe CA (Lake Tahoe) [TVL]: August NOTAM #20
Aerodrome AIRPORT closed effective from August 23rd, 2013 at 03:00 PM PDT (1308232200) - August 23rd, 2013 at 03:45 PM PDT (1308232245)
South Lake Tahoe CA (Lake Tahoe) [TVL]: August NOTAM #21
Aerodrome AIRPORT closed effective from August 24th, 2013 at 10:00 AM PDT (1308241700) - August 24th, 2013 at 12:00 PM PDT (1308241900)
South Lake Tahoe CA (Lake Tahoe) [TVL]: August NOTAM #22
Aerodrome AIRPORT closed effective from August 24th, 2013 at 01:00 PM PDT (1308242000) - August 24th, 2013 at 03:30 PM PDT (1308242230)
South Lake Tahoe CA (Lake Tahoe) [TVL]: August NOTAM #19
Aerodrome AIRPORT closed effective from August 23rd, 2013 at 12:00 PM PDT (1308231900) - August 23rd, 2013 at 12:45 PM PDT (1308231945)
South Lake Tahoe CA (Lake Tahoe) [TVL]: August NOTAM #15
Airspace aerobatic aircraft 15000 / below 5 nautical mile radius TVL avoidance advised effective from August 23rd, 2013 at 12:00 PM PDT (1308231900) - August 23rd, 2013 at 12:45 PM PDT (1308231945)
South Lake Tahoe CA (Lake Tahoe) [TVL]: August NOTAM #16
Airspace aerobatic aircraft 15000 / below 5 nautical mile radius TVL avoidance advised effective from August 23rd, 2013 at 03:00 PM PDT (1308232200) - August 23rd, 2013 at 03:45 PM PDT (1308232245)
South Lake Tahoe CA (Lake Tahoe) [TVL]: August NOTAM #17
Airspace aerobatic aircraft 15000 / below 5 nautical mile radius TVL avoidance advised effective from August 24th, 2013 at 10:00 AM PDT (1308241700) - August 24th, 2013 at 12:00 PM PDT (1308241900)
South Lake Tahoe CA (Lake Tahoe) [TVL]: August NOTAM #18
Airspace aerobatic aircraft 15000 / below 5 nautical mile radius TVL avoidance advised effective from August 24th, 2013 at 01:00 PM PDT (1308242000) - August 24th, 2013 at 03:30 PM PDT (1308242230)
South Lake Tahoe CA (Lake Tahoe) [TVL]: August NOTAM #14
Airspace aerobatic aircraft 15000 / below 5 nautical mile radius avoidance advised effective from August 23rd, 2013 at 10:00 AM PDT (1308231700) - August 23rd, 2013 at 10:45 AM PDT (1308231745)


Look forward to seeing you Saturday morning Turbo.  There is a great breakfast that is a fund-raiser for the local Kiwanis club.  For probably the quickest ingress and egress, park near the FBO. Then it is a short walk down to the hangar where breakfast and lunch are served.  We are headed up to KTTD the last week of August. I learned to fly at Hood River 4S2.  The Ovation is getting a fuel leak repaired in Troutdale.


We will be at the red canopy with Mooney banner near FBO. Come and say howdy!


Did someone say pancakes?!  I'm planning on getting there Sat morning before the field closes for the airshow.  Sounds like a lot of fun!


Everyone be mindful of the smoke/fire.  Check out the TFRs before you launch.  Friday BBQ is at Mountain West Aviation at TVL at 6.  We fly in the airshow at 9:30-10:00 on Saturday morning.  Those flying in the fly-bys MUST attend the Safety Briefing
The Briefing will be held in the City Council Chambers in the Terminal Building.
 0830   Friday            
 0700   Saturday


Look forward to seeing everyone who can make it. Wear your Mooney hat or shirt [and PANTS]! 


There are three Mooneys up at TVL awaiting their brethren.  All are welcome. Come for the day on Saturday or for the whole weekend.  I am concerned about the smoke and want everyone to follow their personal minimums.  We might end up at Jackson/Westover KJAQ to wait out the smoke.  It is about a twenty minute flight to TVL from JAQ.  Michael Golden says at times today he couldn't see across the street, other times were blue skies. I haven't looked to see if there are any webcams in Tahoe, I bet there are.

See everyone who can make it. Young Eagle pilots are needed for Sunday morning. Must be EAA member of course.


Paul Kortopates says that there is quite a bit of ash in the air settling on the airplane in case you want to bring a cover.


Hello All

Just off the phone with Michael Golden owner Mountain West. Visibility is below one mile, and the smoke is very bad this morning. There is a real possibility that the air show is going to be cancelled or perhaps changed into an open house.  Please make sure that you take the conditions and the terrain into your equation on go-no go.

We are waiting until the afternoon to make our decision, but unless weather conditions improve with the smoke, we will be a no-go.  

Mountain West:  
1841 Airport Rd  South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
(530) 541-2110


I spoke with Sherry Noyes from Lakeside Inn.  For those of us holding reservations, there will be no charge for the cancellation


Hello All

Just off the phone with Michael, no official word yet but vis remains very low and air quality very poor.  We have made the decision to scrub the trip.  Michael said perhaps the event will be re-scheduled. If that is the case we will let you know.  If you booked a room at the LakeSide Inn please call Stacy Noyes at 775-790-4696 to cancel. I told her everyone's name, but wasn't sure who was staying there and who isn't.

Mitch and I are headed to Jackson/Westover to spend some time with my Dad.  This is super disappointing, but we can't do anything about it.  Better safe than sorry.



Quite a large fire in Yosemite.  Satellite imagery has a huge wedge-shaped smoke pattern starting from Pine Mountain Lake covering the area to the north.  Bummer about the airshow being cancelled.  Hope to see everyone at another fly-in some other time!  Alternate pancake options away from the fires might be in order.


We are looking at a possible reschedule of September 21st.  BBQ and fun for all.  I will check with the Lakeside to see if they will duplicate the rate.  Bummer about the air show, but the air quality was not good to be outside or perform/watch aerobatics.

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