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My 231 has an older Insight GEM 602 with no numeric read-out of temperatures. I amcontemplating updating. What are the experiences of owners who have JPI and later model Insights. What are your toughts about the value of the various models and price levels.



Don, I put a factory rebuilt engine in my Mooney and added the JPI 700 w/FF and OIL TEMP at the same time because I wanted the retained engine data history for analysis over time. I will add OAT at the next annual. I like the ability to look back at saved data. I went with JPI because they were offering a special at the time I was ready to buy. I think all the engine monitors are good. Actually ANY engine monitor is good compared to not having one. MY criteria included saved data, integrated FF and options/alarms. I have low fuel and max limits for any of the functions wired to an LED on the dash that will flash if the limits are exceeded.

I have found several minor issues with the engine monitor that I might never have noticed without it. The last one was a steady increase in voltage variation over several flights. At the last oil change I mentioned it to the mechanic. He crawled into the cabin and pulled the connections to the MASTER switch and cleaned them. On the flight home my voltage readings were rock solid +/- .1 volt. I never would have noticed this without the saved data. Even monitoring it during flight may not detect changes such as these.

I would love to upgrade to the new JPI 830. Maybe when I do a complete panel upgrade...... someday.


I installed a Gem 602 (used off of ebay) with new probes for my M20E and could not be happier.  The lean find is a nice tool as well as informationon for all four cylinders.  I have no desire to track data and don't value the digital temp readout as I can see what they are doing with the bars...The 602 was a bargain and has provided all I need to have a good handle on the engine...vs. waiting for $ and continuing to use a single probe for cylinder and exhaust.  I really believe that these are critical (multi-probe engine monitor) to know health and management of your engine...but if someone wants to trade me for a newer unit with bells and whistles I'm all in.


I installed a Gem 602 (used off of ebay) with new probes for my M20E and could not be happier.  The lean find is a nice tool as well as informationon for all four cylinders.  I have no desire to track data and don't value the digital temp readout as I can see what they are doing with the bars...The 602 was a bargain and has provided all I need to have a good handle on the engine...vs. waiting for $ and continuing to use a single probe for cylinder and exhaust.  I really believe that these are critical (multi-probe engine monitor) to know health and management of your engine...but if someone wants to trade me for a newer unit with bells and whistles I'm all in.


I answered on the email list and will cross-post here too:

I'm a happy EDM-700 user.  I fly LOP 95% of the time, and thus don't need an 800 to tell me what power setting I'm using because I can calculate it directly from the fuel flow.  I think the new -730/830 display looks really nice, and offers a direct USB download instead of having to mess with their special cable + an USB-Serial adaptor, so that is worth something.  Functionally, the units are identical to the -700/800 units from everything I understand, which is a good thing.

Last fall JPI was running a very good deal IMO to unload the legacy units, and it may still be going on.  Typically they offer discounts around Sun-n-Fun too.

Depending on your budget and panel space, you might consider the larger all-in-one instruments that can serve as primary instrumentation, allowing you to remove all of the legacy analog instruments.  I was thinking about upgrading my unit to a -730, but have decided to wait until the day I do a glass panel retrofit and then opt for a primary replacement so I can remove all the old stuff.


We run EI's Ubg-16, and we can download the data, but I think it takes more time to install. But I like the way its set up and it has every thing you could want. We run the EI FP-5L for fuel and its ok, the old man still has proplems trying to calibrate it.

But looking on sarasota, you could get a EDM-730 for 200 more and its color!

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