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Lycoming IO-360-A1A oil film

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did you get your leak fixed?  And what was finally the reason for the leak? Does your Mooney have the original unmodified engine from 1967?

It looks like that I see something similar on my Mooney M20F from 1967 with the original engine. Your photos show exactly what I see now.


what year is your engine?

The maintenance shop explained to me that my engine may have no field exchangeable thru-bolts. Only newer engines may have them.

The shop will finally check that out at the beginning of May.

Thank you.


Edited by Bunti
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No it is still leaking.  the through bolts may have something to do with it and I have thought about trying to replace the long ones and reaming them but I have had conflicting comments about if it could be done on this engine.  I'm not sure if this is the original engine or not it currently has about 1300 hours on it.


We replaced the bottom o-ring on 1,2 & 3 now 2 & 3 seem to have stopped but they started after changing #1 o-ring.  There was some evidence of fretting on #1 and think that it's the reason for the leak.

I and planning on doing the engine some time next year.  I have an older extra engine that only had about 10 hours on it SMOH.  I already know I'm in it for a cam and followers.  I will be pulling cylinders on it and sending them out for IRAN and then do the bottom having everything checked for cracks alignment and fit and complete reassembly.  This way I can spread the cost over a time frame and not have it hurt so much. 

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thanks for the update.

Just send me  a message when you are  in FL. You can land in Spruce Creek and we can checkout our planes and have lunch at the restaurant right on the field.


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On ‎23‎/‎06‎/‎2014 at 10:27 AM, 1964-M20E said:

The blue is just blue chalk line chalk mixed with lacquer thinner to a paint like consistency and painted on. Clean the area well, paint the blue on, run the engine for a few minutes and the oil leak shows itself. It is leaking enough to warrant doing something relatively quickly.




The blue washes off very easily with any engine cleaning solvent you want to use.


Great Tip! and I don't even own a plane yet.  I love learning new things I wish I knew this for working on old motorcycles and VW's


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