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gtn750 continue button turns blue (shortly after boot)

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Hi Everyone,

Had a situation yesterday while returning home...Flightstream 510 card was causing gtn750 to freeze after the 2nd "continue" (could not get beyond this screen with the 510). I was not presented with option to connect or update db's. At this point, the continue button turned blue and gtn750 became completely unresponsive. The DB's were up to date but I happen to notice that the last two (terrrain and charts?) were claimed to be missing all together. I should have grabbed video but was pressed for time and the sun was lowering along with increasing haze.

First startup of the day did the same thing but a reboot allowed me past. This time, I rebooted 4-6 times to no avail.

Normally one taps "continue" twice, but not yesterday. I was at run up area and had to return back, shutdown and fish for an older card which luckily I had. Has anyone ran into this with the flightstream 510? I'd say I have a corrupt disk but I do not want to go through this again so I really need to solve this. I suppose at this point, the lesson is that always have multiple cards on you with up to date DB's which sorta defeats my purpose of having 510 to do the updates and read in flight plans from Garmin Pilot.

Technically I could have gotten home but not without operating out my norm and sweating along the way!

Thoughts/Experiences? Thank you.





I can use the database update from the SD card from my GNC 355 in the GTN 750, and the G3X 10" and 7" cards are interchangeable 

17 hours ago, rbp said:

I can use the database update from the SD card from my GNC 355 in the GTN 750, and the G3X 10" and 7" cards are interchangeable 

And you have seen similar behavior that I did? Please describe more. Thank you.

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, FJC said:

And you have seen similar behavior that I did?

I think @rbp was just saying if you create your SD Cards as a Sync Update it will create an SD Card you can use in any of your devices.  That's how I create my cards and I do not use the FS510 card at all (it just stays in the plane).  So if there were issues with the GTN wanting to upload a DB, you could take the card out of one of your other devices and plug it into the GTN to do the update, then put it back.  (I don't know  if it is required, but I always shut down the Avionics before swapping the cards.)

If you don't have multiple Garmin devices, just get a second SD Card and update your FS510 and the spare card.  If there's a DB issue in the future, just put in your spare card to make sure the GTN's DB is current.

My GNC355 will update the GI275, but at the moment they still have not fixed the issue to allow the GNC to update the GTN (supposedly coming "soon" <cough>).  So my process is to swap the SD Card in the GNC and to pull the FS510 and put in an updated SD Card.  Then I power up and let the GTN update and confirm the GNC has also updated.  Power down and put back in the FS510.  (Then a normal start and power up the Avionics and go).  Eventually I won't even have to touch the FS510 (so less wear & tear and chance of failure), I'll just swap the one SD Card in the GNC and that will update the GTN and GI275.

On the issue of your GTN freezing, looks like you may have a bad FS510 or the slot in the GTN.  So it sounds like you have a trip to the avionics shop in your near future.  Guess you could reload all the DBs on the FS510 to confirm if the shops not on your field.  But if there are issues after updating again, one or the other are bad.



Edited by PeteMc

Thank for your write up. I do have multiple SD cards but never really had a use case till last trip which saved me stress! I really like the 510 as I always trip plan away from the airplane and have very detailed plans which quickly transfer (do not wish to tap these into the gtn750).  I also wirelessly update gi275's and gtn750. I've not transferred any cards since I installed the 510 close to a year ago.

Anyway, I was hoping someone also saw the "blue" continue button could chime in on their root cause. For me, I think its a data corruption issue. I've since reformatted the card and hoping this took care of the bad sectors, etc. Things do go bad over time and the operating system is supposed to be able to cure these types of issues but who knows what Garmin did. It would be interesting to know which OS they modeled after or if they started from scratch.




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