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What is meant by Rocket Engineering when they say the IO-550-A is "Autolean"?

I assume these engines run nice LOP?  What are parts that must be acquired through Rocket Engineering to keep these birds airworthy? (They say they provide support even though aircraft are no longer converted to Missiles)?



Parker, you might go poke around on Beechtalk...there is a lot of experience with that engine on Bonanzas.  The APS crew talked about it from time to time when it behaved differently than a conventional aircraft engine, but I don't recall the details now.


Quote: KSMooniac

Parker, you might go poke around on Beechtalk...there is a lot of experience with that engine on Bonanzas.  The APS crew talked about it from time to time when it behaved differently than a conventional aircraft engine, but I don't recall the details now.



Autolean is an altitude compensating fuel delivery system.  All it does is cuts fuel that is delivered to the engine as the plane climbs.  If you dig deep enough on the internet you can come across a TSB for the fuel system on the IO-550A.  I found it after I bought my Missile last fall.  From what I have read it is a "set it and forget it" adjustment, make sure the engine is getting ~26 gph at takeoff and climbout and the rest is done automatically.  You can still lean beyond what the "autolean" does without going LOP.  It is very conservative, hardly noticeable.

My plane has GAMI's on it and has no issues running LOP.  Due to an unexpected gear failure mid way through my IR I have not had the luxury of flying since Feb 19th and had to fly the big metal tube for my 1000 mile trip to Florida last week.  I should be up and running with a brand new prop and fresh OH in the next 5 weeks or so.

Hope that helps.



Parts from Rocket...... Engine mount cradle and exhaust are Rocket parts.  The 4 engine mounts are NOT rocket parts.  The Prop is a PITA to get as it is model specific and there were only ~40 missiles made.  I had to pay an upcharge to get it made and shipped from Hartzell in 2 weeks.  Standard delivery on it is 8.  It costs 18600 with NO spinner.  Thank goodness for insurance.



74657 is correct on the autolean feature.  It starts leaning around 3000' msl by reducing the fuel flow at the fuel pump.  They are great birds that give phenominal performance in climb and cruise.  I was flying yesterday on business at 7500' msl, 14C, 23.5" MP, 2450 RPM, 40 LOP, 12.8 GPH for a TAS of 177kts.  If I pushed it to 100 ROP it would have yielded about 188 kts TAS on 17 gph.  Ronnie Kramer at Dugosh has maintained my bird since new so he could be a very good resource for you.


74657, sorry to hear about your nose gear failure.  I hope she is up and running soon!

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