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Here are my numbers developed during my IR training.  Have an 86 252.  No tricks that I know of.  I put mine on my clipboard but after awhile you just remember most of them.

                              MP      RPM       Pitch            Airspeed           VSI     Gear/Flaps

Climb                      36      2700         6dg              95                 1000          U/U

Cruise                     28       2500        0dg             ---                      0           U/U

Cruise Descent         20     2500          0dg            ---                      -500       U/U

Approach Level         21    2500          +1/2dg         95                      0           D/D

Presicion Descent      16    2700          Bottom Ball   95                    -500         D/D

Non-Prec Descent     13    2700            -2dg            95                   -800          D/D



Here is what I use... I have an intercooled/merlyn 231.

N1152K Speeds and Power
Going up Cruise Going down
MP 36" MP 28" MP 20"
RPM 2700 RPM 2500 RPM 2500
TIT 1350-1400 TIT Peak + 100 Rich TIT Peak
CHT   CHT 250 - 400 CHT 250 Min
FF 20-22 GPH FF 13 GPH    
Rotate 65 Gear 130
Gear up 80 Approach 120
Flaps up 90 Pattern/flaps 110
Initial climb 95 Fence 80
Cruise climb 120 Flare 70
Maneuvering 120-100
Descent 155 500fpm $ 20" 2500 Gear up, Cowl Closed
Terminal 140 -- 20" 2500 Gear up, Cowl Closed
Marker 130 500fpm $ 15” 2500 Gear up, Cowl Closed
Pattern 110 -- 15” 2500 Gear dn / flaps ½ 
Final 75 500fpm $ 12” 2500 Gear dn / flaps dn
Max Glide 76-87        


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