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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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I think you might be racist and I find your comments offensive Flyboy4 44.


Not sure if you were serious or not. I know I wasn't.


If you have been paying attention to my posts here you would know that I find offensive all of the right-wing kooks that slander him all over the place with all of these wild allegations. 

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Your financial suggestions have been stable for years...

I was looking for the QQQs that were recommended for how to pay for a Mooney.

Any idea where that thread is?

I wanted to re-read that thread but couldn't find it...


It's going to cost you. I understand your post is sarcastic but Qs are up closer to 400% since 2008. May be close to topping, but who knows and who cares. The volatility is there, so I'd recommend monday morning $2 straddles on weekly options. Hard to lose money. Last two months, if you were not terribly greedy, you could cash out profit in both directions with auto trade.


Writing $4 out of the money covered weeklies is not a bad game either. Pays lots of bills. You use your "Mitt Romney" SEP IRA to hold the QQQ, and write calls in your taxable account, hence avoiding a tax event if they get exercised. You can milk that game forever with uncle Sam's tax "subsidy". Did you know you could do that? Most people don't.

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Nice job! Thank you, tho I didn't say apologized, if I had then the slew of examples would be coming from CNN and one of your other favorites MSNBC as well....but of course you wouldn't be so readily forthcoming with those cuz liberal apologies dont make you orgasm as much eh? Sweet dreams.

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He's a pussy. He never even goes to Camp David.


No John, you are a pussy. He is a leader of the free world. Somebody forgot where they were in the totem pole. It is him who fills you with anguish. I highly doubt he knows who you are, which makes you the pussy. Correct me if I am wrong. Not sending ground troops into a conflict that cannot be resolved is not being a pussy, it's called being smart. We all know how well we did there 2003-2008. Get over yourself and realize that not everything can be solved militarily. Once again, "Christ's Love From Above™" is not always the answer to everything. That really should be air force's motto.


I'm hearing Bibi is now trying to back pedal. Apparently he forgot who really is in charge of foreign policy. Let me let you in on a little secret. It's not John Bohner.


Typical chicken hawks. Why don't you get yourself over there and fight them yourself. You too could be a martyr and the next Catholic saint. Pussy. Bellicose pussy, the worst kind.



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The interesting point...

It was said once on MS. It was seen as a brash statement by some.

Oftentimes, finance and money are not well received in public conversations.

Time has passed...

I wanted to see how well the statement held up over time.

The shortness of the word QQQ doesn't work in the search function.

Maybe it was one of the other Long Body guys financing their Acclaim...

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What are you talking about? Leader of the free world? NOPE. Just another country. Just another player.

Spare me on the success or lack there-of regarding our military in Iraq and The Stan. Unlike the Soviet Union and all before the military completed the mission. Not there job to be peace-keepers. No will or leadership from the people. Destroyed by generations of being led by a dictator.

Again. If you are going to get out...GET OUT ALREADY. If you are going to put a line in the fucking sand you'd better back it up or you are just one big Pussy...


Completed what mission? You go out 40 miles past Kabul and tell me how much power the central government has? Zero. Took us what, 14 years now to secure a 40 mile radius parameter. Soviets could not pull it off because they were fighting "Osamas" whom we supplied with weapons and training and then when they withdrew so did we. We had a chance to stabilize the country for 1 cent on the dollar we had to spend later. We didn't. Chickens came home to roost.


Iraq was almost identical. We armed Saddam to keep Iran in check until he grew too bold and invaded Kuwait. Chickens came home to roost again.


Our foreign policy is a giant cluster fuck because we think we're exceptional. We're not. We've proven it over and over again. We're just as dumb when it comes to predicting the future as the rest of them. 14 years in Afganistan now. Yeah, we accomplished the mission. What was it again? Does any one remember? Troops in 43 countries around the world bankrupting our economy to a tune of 1 trillion a year.


Not disagreeing with you about drawing the line in the sand at all. I think we disagree differently though. You think we should have followed up with the threat. I think we should have never made in the first place. At least not publicly. Speak softly and carry a big stick. If something is truly in out interest, get in, do whatever needs to be done, get out and realize that there will be consequences one way or another.


We used to be such good friends



With this guy too:


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No, actually I agree 100% with you here. It was dumb then and it is dumb now. GET OUT ALREADY. How many times do I have to say it?

Get out of Korea. Get out of West Germany. Let the Korean's and Germans and Europe fund their own war machine. Stop wasting all the money on the UN too.

Protect interests of the US...NOT the world...or start charging.

Obama says "We're out". We aren't exceptional. Just another player.

Get on with it already.

Stop droning American's and others.


Finish it.

See what happens.

It is ALL the fault of GWB.




True conservatives would not agree with you on getting out of Iraq. Most want troops sent in to take care of ISIS once and for all.

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Protect interests of the US...NOT the world...or start charging.


Great idea. Sell insurance and have posted prices for those who have chosen not to buy it.


Mobilization fee: $50,000,000,000

One medium sized building leveled: $2,000,000

One confirmed dead russian soldier: $100,000


On Wednesdays, a twofer special...

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I think your "fees" are too low...

Why would I want to kill a Russian soldier?

Not like we told Ukraine "We've got your back" when they surrendered their nukes...


We did tell them…They were dumb enough to buy it. We were never going to go to war with Russia over Ukraine and we were never going to let them join NATO. Even with St Ronnie was president. Was not going to happen. GWB cut them off from NATO membership, quite correctly.


Half the Ukrainians want Russians, half don't. Once again, getting in the middle of another civil war. Bad idea.


You're probably right about my prices. Not an expert at all.

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Oh, BTW, found a little tidbit about Sarah Palin. When she took over, Wasila, AK, debt was $1 million, when she left, it was $25 million. Apparently spent on community center (how ironic)…She raised the sales tax to pay for it, too.


Link please.

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No John, you are a pussy. He is a leader of the free world. Somebody forgot where they were in the totem pole. It is him who fills you with anguish. I highly doubt he knows who you are, which makes you the pussy. Correct me if I am wrong. Not sending ground troops into a conflict that cannot be resolved is not being a pussy, it's called being smart. We all know how well we did there 2003-2008. Get over yourself and realize that not everything can be solved militarily. Once again, "Christ's Love From Above™" is not always the answer to everything. That really should be air force's motto.


I'm hearing Bibi is now trying to back pedal. Apparently he forgot who really is in charge of foreign policy. Let me let you in on a little secret. It's not John Bohner.


Typical chicken hawks. Why don't you get yourself over there and fight them yourself. You too could be a martyr and the next Catholic saint. Pussy. Bellicose pussy, the worst kind.




He's a pussy.....a tool. 

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Nice job! Thank you, tho I didn't say apologized, if I had then the slew of examples would be coming from CNN and one of your other favorites MSNBC as well....but of course you wouldn't be so readily forthcoming with those cuz liberal apologies dont make you orgasm as much eh? Sweet dreams.



And I responded to jetdriven once on this thread. It was CNN who broke this, then Fox and others went with it. It was later, responsibly redacted. Also jetdriven tried to equate Brian Williams personal disaster to this. Big difference between a compulsive liar and a TV network that realizes they went with the wrong story and redacted. Not even close.......not even dissimilarly close. I was OK with Brian Williams indiscretions until the Katrina stuff came up. And I'll bet you everyone is digging right now. Taking a sabbatical won't make this go away.

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And I responded to jetdriven once on this thread. It was CNN who broke this, then Fox and others went with it. It was later, responsibly redacted. Also jetdriven tried to equate Brian Williams personal disaster to this. Big difference between a compulsive liar and a TV network that realizes they went with the wrong story and redacted. Not even close.......not even dissimilarly close. I was OK with Brian Williams indiscretions until the Katrina stuff came up. And I'll bet you everyone is digging right now. Taking a sabbatical won't make this go away.




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Again......with Fox doubling the other cable networks combined (not in conservative prime, but daily news), you are assuming you are much smarter and better versed on issues than their viewers. Fox is successful because, the other networks are biased and had an agenda for 9 years. People are smarter than you think they are. They see through the crap and want to know what's going on without getting the public middle school version.

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Again......with Fox doubling the other cable networks combined (not in conservative prime, but daily news), you are assuming you are much smarter and better versed on issues than their viewers. Fox is successful because, the other networks are biased and had an agenda for 9 years. People are smarter than you think they are. They see through the crap and want to know what's going on without getting the public middle school version.



I just like it when Fox broadcasts goofy stuff. I posted a story they ran in late 2014 when they said that ISIS was training pilots to go up against our air force.

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Again......with Fox doubling the other cable networks combined (not in conservative prime, but daily news), you are assuming you are much smarter and better versed on issues than their viewers. Fox is successful because, the other networks are biased and had an agenda for 9 years. People are smarter than you think they are. They see through it.


Fox is successful because most older men are conservative. The only people getting their news from TV are older folks. I have never owned a TV connected to cable or an antenna. Never. I never owned a TV until I purchased my first house 9 years ago. It sat in the a box for another 3 years until friends stayed for a weekend and mounted it on the wall for me. That's how out of touch I am with America. I don't watch CNBC or Bloomberg either. 


Are you telling me Fox does not have a bias vs MSNBC and the rest? If I want to watch fair and balanced news, I'll watch the daily show. Most of my news comes via print...


If people were smarter than I think they were, the Republican party would hold about 30% of seats, Jesus himself would hold another 10%, Democrats would have 10% and the Socialists would have 60%. People are extremely dumb. Not just here in the US of A, but around the entire world. Great unwashed masses.

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Fox is successful because most older men are conservative. The only people getting their news from TV are older folks. I have never owned a TV connected to cable or an antenna. Never. I never owned a TV until I purchased my first house 9 years ago. It sat in the a box for another 3 years until friends stayed for a weekend and mounted it on the wall for me. That's how out of touch I am with America. I don't watch CNBC or Bloomberg either. 


Are you telling me Fox does not have a bias vs MSNBC and the rest? If I want to watch fair and balanced news, I'll watch the daily show. Most of my news comes via print...


Surely you watch the award winning "Keeping up with the Kardashian's", no?

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