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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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Ahhhhhh, still no answer and deflect.........


Dude you sound like one of those upper middle class white folks who claims his life would be so much easier if he only was a poor black woman. Do you ever for a second stop to listen to yourself? Poor oppressed rich white christian man...Wow...

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I wanna hang with the gay mafia...What special benefits will you offer if I turn?

I don't have a gay card but I have connections, let me inquire. Off the top of my head, how about a life full of intolerance, judgment, vicious attacks by Republicans, and having your basic rights voted on by others and talked about like you're some deviant pedophile? And being fired because you're gay, being denied service at restaurants and hotels, and having to fight for plenty of patently absurd things that straight being take for granted like being able to visit your spouse or partner in the hospital because the hospital won't recognize your marriage or partnership?

Does that sound enticing?

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I don't have a gay card but I have connections, let me inquire. Off the top of my head, how about a life full of intolerance, judgment, vicious attacks by Republicans, and having your basic rights voted on by others and talked about like you're some deviant pedophile? And being fired because you're gay, being denied service at restaurants and hotels, etc.

Does that sound enticing?


No, sorry, I think I will continue on with my plan to become a black woman...I hear that's where all the gubermint bling is these days...

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Today I flew a 737-700, then switched to 737-800. Tomorrow I am going to fly my Mooney, if the weather is ok? It will be the first time to pull the Mooney out of our brand new hanger at the airport. I pushed our plane into it Saturday, February 1st - the first plane to enter its door(s). What's up with you guys?,

Nice subject change.
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You described me exactly! But a beech? Heretic! Let's get the cage and gasoline ready.

In all seriousness the Islamic State shit is scary as all hell. What's even scarier is that we're to blame for a lot of that by utterly destabilizing the region and giving those animals an opportunity to take control. And even more frightening is the measure of popular support they receive where they are. And finally, if you read the Koran or the Hadith, you'll find that a lot of what they are doing is not only biblically-justified, but also mandated (commanded) by the actual text. All that garbage about Islam being a religion of peace is utter horse puckey - the moderate Muslims, just like moderate Jews, simply choose not to literally follow the text to the letter. What makes you wonder, though, is that the Old Testament (i.e. Torah) is almost as barbaric and yet you don't see Jews engaging in the sort of behavior that Islamic fundamentalists do.

I'm not sure a lot of Palestinians would agree with the last sentence.


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I don't have a gay card but I have connections, let me inquire. Off the top of my head, how about a life full of intolerance, judgment, vicious attacks by Republicans, and having your basic rights voted on by others and talked about like you're some deviant pedophile? And being fired because you're gay, being denied service at restaurants and hotels, and having to fight for plenty of patently absurd things that straight being take for granted like being able to visit your spouse or partner in the hospital because the hospital won't recognize your marriage or partnership?

Does that sound enticing?


Cry me a river. Intolerance? How about putting Christian doctrine and value in the tenable position of choosing between faith and communti\y. Again, sexual preference has wrongly been deemed a civil right. Vicious attacks by Republicans..........please......middle school drama...... Denied service? Take that cause up in federal court with a Muslim establishment....funny, doesn't happen, does it?

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Cry me a river. Intolerance? How about putting Christian doctrine and value in the tenable position of choosing between faith and communti\y. Again, sexual preference has wrongly been deemed a civil right. Vicious attacks by Republicans..........please......middle school drama...... Denied service? Take that cause up in federal court with a Muslim establishment....funny, doesn't happen, does it?

So because there exists something real, like homosexuality, we should defer to your made up bullshit doctrine just because it's old? John, let me once and for all, unequivocally state, fuck your christian doctrine outside of your 4 walls. That's where believing in fairies stops having any effect on society. Funny how your doctrine is the correct one, based on what? Based on what? Not one shred of evidence. Once again, you can do whatever you want in the privacy of your own 4 walls. In your case, it appears you choose not to do a lot of things. More power to you. Once again, fuck your christian doctrine outside of your 4 walls and outside of your head. Religious freedom has wrongly been deemed a right as far as I am concerned. You make a lot of choice daily. One more is not going to kill you.

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So because there exists something real, like homosexuality, we should defer to your made up bullshit doctrine just because it's old? John, let me once and for all, unequivocally state, fuck your christian doctrine outside of your 4 walls. Once again, you can do whatever you want in the privacy of your own 4 walls. In your case, it appears you choose not to do a lot of things. More power to you. Once again, fuck your christian doctrine


Drama.... not answers.

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Drama.... not answers.

Talking about yourself? Apparently married gay couples all over the US of A are keeping you up at night and are intruding on you and your ability to function. You have never demonstrated how. Please do not mention your beliefs. Mention how it affects you physically. What's in your head does not matter. Obviously your very existence and beliefs give me a lot of mental anguish. I do not see any court in the nation granting me any relief. What is the gay mafia doing?

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No. It does not. There is prejudice everywhere...More, in my opinion coming against Christian's than Gays currently. (I know eyes rolling and disbelief) I am learning so this again sounds like "whining" to me. "Talked about like you are some deviant pedophile"? NOPE. Being fired because you are gay? Laws protect. Denied Service? Laws...See my No carry business's...FINE with me. I will go elsewhere. Idiot's are idiot's. I enjoyed being in New Orlean's for Gay Pride Festival. Didn't know it when we booked. VERY fun and entertaining on Bourbon Street. Good fun...Shock value? Yes, but harmless. I am 100% for equel rights for gay couples. I will go to my grave disagreeing with the co-opting of word marriage. Get your own word to describe your partnership. Courts don't agree. Fine.

My eyes did not roll. I know you see the picture pretty clearly. I wish I could join in the good fight for smaller, more efficient fed, but you know how I feel about the whole enemy of my enemy thing. Libertarians need to detach themselves clearly from bigotry and prejudice, and then waves would be made in polls. There is no need to pander to extremely religious right in order to win anything, in fact, it's holding the ideas back.

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Cry me a river. Intolerance? How about putting Christian doctrine and value in the tenable position of choosing between faith and communtiy. Again, sexual preference has wrongly been deemed a civil right. Vicious attacks by Republicans..........please......middle school drama...... Denied service? Take that cause up in federal court with a Muslim establishment....funny, doesn't happen, does it?

Sorry, but how does serving a gay person at a restaurant or letting gay people get married make YOU choose between your faith? Your "choice" is not to be gay (which Btw isn't a choice). Otherwise you're simply choosing between being a prick or being a mensch and treating others the way you'd want them to treat you. It's an easy choice.
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No. It does not. There is prejudice everywhere...More, in my opinion coming against Christian's than Gays currently. (I know eyes rolling and disbelief) I am learning so this again sounds like "whining" to me. "Talked about like you are some deviant pedophile"? NOPE. Being fired because you are gay? Laws protect. Denied Service? Laws...See my No carry business's...FINE with me. I will go elsewhere. Idiot's are idiot's. I enjoyed being in New Orlean's for Gay Pride Festival. Didn't know it when we booked. VERY fun and entertaining on Bourbon Street. Good fun...Shock value? Yes, but harmless. I am 100% for equel rights for gay couples. I will go to my grave disagreeing with the co-opting of word marriage. Get your own word to describe your partnership. Courts don't agree. Fine.

Actually you're wrong, in the majority of states there is no protection for sexual orientation whatsoever. And federal laws don't prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation either. Plenty of people get fired all the time JUST for being gay. And employers proudly and openly admit to that. So do some research as you know not of what you speak.
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Change of subject. Look what's happening in the middle east. Cats and dogs sleeping together. We stepped back a bit and now they are starting to work together cleaning up their own neighborhood. Funny, ha? Maybe a bit of chaos what is exactly what was needed...They no longer have a common enemy in us.

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Naw just don't lose any sleep over the plight of the black man...the gay man...the poor man. They have plenty of support. Don't wish them any mis-fortune. Don't create any adversity...I just pay taxes for courts that sort out all the B.S. that idiot's direct their way.

I am just a soon to be minority white middle aged taxpayer that follows the golden rule as his roman catholic drop-out dad taught him.


Do onto or don't onto? There is a difference.

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Sorry, but how does serving a gay person at a restaurant or letting gay people get married make YOU choose between your faith? Your "choice" is not to be gay (which Btw isn't a choice). Otherwise you're simply choosing between being a prick or being a mensch and treating others the way you'd want them to treat you. It's an easy choice.



Like our friend Rosa parks, lots of other candidates existed, but openly Christian business owners were singled out for the New Mexico gay cause.

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Talking about yourself? Apparently married gay couples all over the US of A are keeping you up at night and are intruding on you and your ability to function. 


Well, no they aren't. I just said my boss is openly gay. I also said I don't have a problem with gay people. I disagree with gay public policy and the awful behaviors of those who advance it. Their overt attacks on Christianity and their desire to ostracize religious faith with which they disagree.


 As for a physical affect.........wuh??? Have you lost your mind? You are babbling about what? You're behaving like a freaking queen. No offense frcabot.

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Like our friend Rosa parks, lots of other candidates existed, but openly Christian business owners were singled out for the New Mexico gay cause.

I'm sorry, but do the same christian business owners require a marriage certificate from the couples entering their business, or certificate of virginity from couples unable to produce the former. How about note of good standing with their priest or pastor. How about a breathalyzer results from last 15 minutes. 

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Like our friend Rosa parks, lots of other candidates existed, but openly Christian business owners were singled out for the New Mexico gay cause.

You know, I could explain to you the more complicated legal issues involved in that case than your family research Council and AFA talking points, but I have a feeling it would go way over your head so it's not worth bothering.
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Well, no they aren't. I just said my boss is openly gay. I also said I don't have a problem with gay people. I disagree with gay public policy and the awful behaviors of those who advance it. Their overt attacks on Christianity and their desire to ostracize religious faith with which they disagree.


 As for a physical affect.........wuh??? Have you lost your mind? You are babbling about what? You're behaving like a freaking queen. No offense frcabot.

No, I have not lost my mind. Essentially you are stating that only your sensibilities are being offended. Your physical well being or well being of your property is not being threatened in any way, shape or form by gays being allowed to marry. Correct? Well, then case closed. You don't get to claim you are being affected by this what so ever, in the present reality, and as such you have no standing. Simple as that. That's called freedom and it is you who is trying to deny to others. They are not denying your physical freedom in any way, share or form. 


An assault on your sensibilities is not an assault on your freedom. You faith is an assault on my faith and many others. But it not an assault on my freedom and vice versa. Meeting the demands of "gay mafia" do not affect your physical freedom in any way, shape or form. 


I am just simply pointing out John that you would not know what freedom is if it hit you. You don't stand for it. You stand for conformity to one mould.

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Well, no they aren't. I just said my boss is openly gay. I also said I don't have a problem with gay people. I disagree with gay public policy and the awful behaviors of those who advance it. Their overt attacks on Christianity and their desire to ostracize religious faith with which they disagree.

As for a physical affect.........wuh??? Have you lost your mind? You are babbling about what? You're behaving like a freaking queen. No offense frcabot.

Not sure why I would be offended. I'm probably more masculine than you are. :) That's probably why I'm comfortable in my sexuality and I'm not petrified of "teh gays" and their evil "agenda" to get the same rights that everyone else takes for granted.
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