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You described me exactly! But a beech? Heretic! Let's get the cage and gasoline ready.

In all seriousness the Islamic State shit is scary as all hell. What's even scarier is that we're to blame for a lot of that by utterly destabilizing the region and giving those animals an opportunity to take control. And even more frightening is the measure of popular support they receive where they are. And finally, if you read the Koran or the Hadith, you'll find that a lot of what they are doing is not only biblically-justified, but also mandated (commanded) by the actual text. All that garbage about Islam being a religion of peace is utter horse puckey - the moderate Muslims, just like moderate Jews, simply choose not to literally follow the text to the letter. What makes you wonder, though, is that the Old Testament (i.e. Torah) is almost as barbaric and yet you don't see Jews engaging in the sort of behavior that Islamic fundamentalists do.

Just like moderate Christians here in US of A don't fully follow the death cult. Even the literal readers. If they did, none of them would have ever married while waiting for the Lord to return and the faith would have died out long time ago. Instead it's a giant disappointment waiting for rapture.


There are sects here in US of A that would love nothing more than to burn you, me and the rest of the heathens at the stake if they had a chance. Instead, they decided to promote death penalty for homosexuals in Africa. Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, you know, that loving group, spent hundreds of thousands promoting this shit in Africa. Cause you know, when you message no longer clicks here but with low rung, why not move onto Africa.

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Obama wanted us out. FINISH IT. Just get out already. GET OUT. Like you Lindy lovers all say "more die in bath tubs"....Just withdraw and give Iraq to Iran already.

Sorry Israel. You are surrounded. Good luck.

Saudi Arabia. Now look what you have done. Better get that fence done quick...

USA. Not exceptional. Just another player. We are taking our ball and going home.

Here are some marshmellow's as a parting gift. Enjoy while you torch, kill and destroy.


You sound very confused, the more I talk to you, Scott. Like that Taco Bell girl. You can't be a true conservative and support our little foreign ventures at the same time. It's either more debt and foreign ventures, or less debt, and keeping our much smaller armed forces at home to protect us against Canadians. But alas, that ship has sailed. Foreign ventures must continue to support the dollar as a world reserve currency so that our debt continues not to matter. 


All issues discussed here are purely theoretical things will go on like they have until they can't no more and then you'll have to reset. But it will not be voted upon by us. It will forced onto us. Tomorrow or 200 years from now. Who knows.

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I mean funding. Weapons. Aid. GET OUT.

Spend it on Community College for under-prepared high school seniors instead.



Don't worry, we'll do both. Stay there, spend there and then spend some more here...We're exceptional...Not doing this to get rouse you, just stating reality. Like that Taco Bell girl, we'll do both. Keep everyone happy.

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Go down the Republican list? Half of the Republican state legislatures are still trying to overturn Lawrence v. Texas and re-criminalize gay sex, at least according to the party platforms. Most southern and midwestern states have not repealed anti-sodomy statutes even though they are blatantly unconstitutional, because they want to send a message that government has the right and business to intrude into one's bedroom affairs.



This is a falsehood and is misrepresentative. Sure they want to repeal L v.Tx, but where you have gotten lost in your heretic point of view are bills put forth to include "reparative" therapy as an option......nothing else.

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This is a falsehood and is misrepresentative. Sure they want to repeal L v.Tx, but where you have gotten lost in your heretic point of view are bills put forth to include "reparative" therapy as an option......nothing else.


Heretic? That's a word I haven't heard for a while from any one else but ISIS. John, sorry, you missed you chance. Born few hundred years too late for the Spanish inquisition. Like I said, going to redouble my efforts to fight you and your ilk at every possibility. You wouldn't know what freedom is if it hit you on the head. The reparative therapy worked really well for the last bastion of the repressed homosexual: the catholic priesthood.

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Btw, some of the anti-miscegenation laws stayed on the books in some southern states, like Alabama, until quite recently (e.g., 2000). You know, because republican values and all that and because big government is bad.


And they were wrong. Like all liberal points of view, you seem to take credit for the evolution of society, view the past by avoiding the context of 40 years of hindsight, because you don't have the wherewithal to develop opinion of current events as they are presented to us. The last four pages of this thread have been a joke. You guys have rattled on using: McCarthyism, anti-miscegenation, slavery, race......got anything pertinent to the way we live today in your wheelhouse?


The biggest joke there is? Equating the struggle of the African American experience with basic sexual preference and thus, a civil right. Watching Rosie O'Donnell on TV equating the the American gay experience with that of Martin Luther King is a joke most Americans see through. Proof? Only 36, none by referendum. Oh, then there's Californna.


When liberal democratic failures are so glaringly apparent, you guys revert to the old historical grab bag, claiming the past as a righteousness pulpit for your misguided present. 

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Here's the reason miscegenation was illegal until the US Supreme Court struck ant-miscegenation laws down only about 50 years ago. 



Yes...and at that time, the majority of the world's populations were homogeneous, there was little or no world travel, no internet and sorry, no Daily Koz. So, you are making a moral based judgement....again, through a set of binoculars focused only on the present. You are also claiming basic virtue doing this.

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And they were wrong. Like all liberal points of view, you seem to take credit for the evolution of society, view the past by avoiding the context of 40 years of hindsight, because you don't have the wherewithal to develop opinion of current events as they are presented to us. The last four pages of this thread have been a joke. You guys have rattled on using: McCarthyism, anti-miscegenation, slavery, race......got anything pertinent to the way we live today in your wheelhouse?


This biggest joke there is? Equating the struggle of the African American experience with basic sexual preference and thus, a civil right. Watching Rosie O'Donnell on TV equating the the American gay experience with that of Martin Luther King is a joke most Americans see through. Proof? Only 36, none by referendum. Oh, then there's Californna.


When liberal democratic failures are so glaringly apparent, you guys revert to the old historical grab bag, claiming the past as a righteousness pulpit for the misguided present. 




Go burn something in effigy, maybe with some books. It will make you feel better. You lost. Soon it will be 50. Get over yourself. We don't need no referendums. We have 3 branches for a reason.


The entire liberal struggle can be simply described as usurping the power of the church. Believe what you want to believe. Leave the rest of us alone. As simple as that. But you can never do that. Like I said, the Republican party has about 10% of the voters under 30 if that. Enjoy your next Democratic president. Even most of my Catholic friends think both the party and church are joke. All are on birth control, many donate each year when I do my planned parenthood fund raising and most enjoy good head and would never leave their kids alone with a priest. Save missionary for yourself. Most Americans do not care at all for the conservative attempts at intrusions into our private life by do gooder hipocrites lead by a bunch of pedophiles. Your last pope was force to resign because he covered up years of abuse. Sorry if I'd prefer a different ticket agent to my everlasting life. And yes, I will keep on bringing it up if you keep on bringing up your judeo christian principles as justification for anything. PEDOS.

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frcabot, on 04 Feb 2015 - 8:10 PM, said:snapback.png

And funny, because the bible is actually full of supposedly deity-sanctioned killing, murdering, lying, and just immoral acts in general. It makes me wonder if most conservatives have even read the bible. Or just very selectively, just the parts about gay sex, in between the thing about selling your slut daughter into slavery and forcing a woman who is raped and who becomes pregnant to marry her rapist and sacrificing your newborn child to please god and whatever other absolute horseshit. You know, different strokes and all that, I guess.



This is so good.... I'll just keep copying it on every page of this thread. It really speaks a great deal of the exact intolerance you claim victimizes the American Gay Establishment.


You have also brought up anti-sodemy laws. Now, you don't need more historical prospective do you? Let me indulge you. Once upon a time, long ago, in a world far far away, way before HIV, young men couldn't log on to "Adam-male" and order a twelve pack of Kimono's to protect themselves and contracted all kinds of little gems that were permanently sequestered to their prostates to pass on to whomever they pleased. Hetero-men who also liked to back door their wives, were equally dangerous and considered creeps and perverse. So, you see, morality and public health (at the time) went hand and hand. Still relevant today? Well of course, visit any church or in your case, any urology office.


Your disdain for the Christian majority of Americans is quite open and I will contest you on this thread, as I have Andy, at every turn. I'll have you babbling your nonsense (noted above) in your sleep.


I thought basic logic was a highly sought after attribute of law school candidates. No?

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frcabot, on 04 Feb 2015 - 8:10 PM, said:snapback.png


This is so good.... I'll just keep copying it on every page of this thread. It really speaks a great deal of the exact intolerance you claim victimizes the American Gay Establishment.


You have also brought up anti-sodemy laws. Now, you don't need more historical prospective do you? Let me indulge you. Once upon a time, long ago, in a world far far away, way before HIV, young men couldn't go on line and order a pack of Kimono's to protect themselves and contracted all kinds of little gems that were permanently sequestered to their prostates to pass on to whoever they pleased. Hetero-men who also liked to back door their wives, were just as dangerous and considered creeps and perverse. So, you see, morality and public health (at the time) went hand and hand. Still relevant today? Well of course, visit any church or in your case, any urology office.


Your distain for the Christian majority of Americans is quite open and I will contest you on this thread, as I have Andy, at every turn. I'll have you babbling your nonsense (noted above) in your sleep.


I thought basic logic was a highly sought after attribute of law school candidates. No?



Soon to be Christian minority. One more generation...And I wonder what portion of vatican health expenses are spent on anti retrovirals. Bet you quite a bit. Or does raping little boys cure it? Roman catholic priests die of AIDS at rate 6 times the general population. At least they did in 80s. And what anyone does with anybody else "back door" is none of your fucking business. Once again, Republic party showing it's true colors. Kind of anal of you. Every time you leave money on the collection plate, you're making a contribution to NAMBLA. Hurts, doesn't it.

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And they were wrong. Like all liberal points of view, you seem to take credit for the evolution of society, view the past by avoiding the context of 40 years of hindsight, because you don't have the wherewithal to develop opinion of current events as they are presented to us. The last four pages of this thread have been a joke. You guys have rattled on using: McCarthyism, anti-miscegenation, slavery, race......got anything pertinent to the way we live today in your wheelhouse?


This biggest joke there is? Equating the struggle of the African American experience with basic sexual preference and thus, a civil right. Watching Rosie O'Donnell on TV equating the the American gay experience with that of Martin Luther King is a joke most Americans see through. Proof? Only 36, none by referendum. Oh, then there's Californna.


When liberal democratic failures are so glaringly apparent, you guys revert to the old historical grab bag, claiming the past as a righteousness pulpit for the misguided present. 


Civil rights were a joke most Americans saw thru as well. Had to be implemented with courts and federal guns, a little point you conveniently forgot to mention. The only failures we have as a country are a result of 35 years of Republican politics starting the Reagan. Note, I did not say conservative. The only thing that trickled down was bullshit.


Iraq, you shining beacon of democracy in the middle east is a prime example of what happens when you put Jesus in charge. Own it, bet you were salivating and screaming "fuck yeah" when we first when in.

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 Hetero-men who also liked to back door their wives, were equally dangerous and considered creeps and perverse. So, you see, morality and public health (at the time) went hand and hand. Still relevant today? Well of course, 


now it's how good Catholic girls keep their virginity for marriage...Never mind, it always has been...Remember, I went to Catholic school...Lots of good weed and backdoor only sex...Good girls saved the real deal for their husbands...

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 Well of course, visit any church

I don't think he has to, unless he's into closet cases, he's out in the open. He can met potential mates in other places, so he doesn't have to say "Honey, me and Todd are going fishing and where is that jar of vasoline? You know how dry my hands get out on that boat." And the wife is think, "I'm sure happy he's such good friends with Todd. He's such a good christian"...

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You keep on talking like that and soon you will loose whatever support you have among younger generation and then it's bye bye republican party. Won't be a big loss. 


I actually bought into this, until I realized, they aren't getting jobs. They are now bored with Facebook, Inst, Twitter and are looking at the messiah they voted for at age 18 and finally putting two and two together. They are disillusioned because they are educated and not employed. They'll also start having kids in another 4-5 years, forever changing them and this massive population bubble (GenZ -largest since the baby boomers), will realize 8 years of public policy failures irreparably impacting their young adult lives. They want work....they want success, not hand outs and excuses. Won't be long now.

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Here you go, John, since you and your ilk "love life" so much. States with highest rates of cervical cancer, a cancer almost entirely preventable that no woman should die from. Republican policies at work. Texas attorney general comparing planned parenthood to a terrorist organization. An organization that provides low income, uninsured women with pap smears and other free and/or reduced services, a terrorist. I know exactly what you and you ilk want to accomplish for the rest of the USA.




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I actually bought into this, until I realized, they aren't getting jobs. They are now bored with Facebook, Inst, Twitter and are looking at the messiah they voted for at age 18 and finally putting two and two together. They are disillusioned because they are educated and not employed. They'll also start having kids in another 4-5 years and this massive population bubble (GenZ-largest since the baby boomers), will realize 8 years of public policy failures irreparably impacting their young adult lives. They want work....they want success, not hand outs and excuses. Won't be long now.


Dream on sunshine. They'll know exactly where to lay the blame. 35 years of public policy failure, more like it. Only reason why republicans ever get elected are social issues. It was pure genius on part of Carl Rove to put gay marriage on ballots fully knowing every nut case like you would should up at the polls. Soon you'll be out of them. There is a method to our madness, too.

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Dream on sunshine. They'll know exactly where to lay the blame. 35 years of public policy failure, more like it. Only reason why republicans ever get elected are social issues. It was pure genius on part of Carl Rove to put gay marriage on ballots fully knowing every nut case like you would should up at the polls. Soon you'll be out of them. There is a method to our madness, too.


Sorry Andy, you are considering they have your historical perspective....they don't. People don't vote on decade(s) old leaders policies...they want what they want, right now. They want to be safe, they want to work and they want to succeed. They'll figure out 4 years of Hagillary won't get it done.

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What were the "social issues" when RR defeated Jimmy?............................................It's the economy stupid.

Middle East tripped up Jimmy too. Damn Iranian's....Damn OPEC.

We don't NEED the Middle East.

Israel will NOT allow Iran to get the bomb. They will do what the US does not have the need to do. Because they DO HAVE A NEED.

Not going to continue to co-exist...


You just keep on spending on the Democrats and hating all that choose to follow Jesus Christ. Your intolerance is a wonder to behold.

I agree that Carl Rove is a genius. He identified that the majority of the country does not want gay marriage.

Courts have told the majority that they are wrong. The majority still doesn't agree. Doesn't make them evil. Doesn't make them wrong.

Doesn't make them right.


Doesn't make a damn bit of a difference. We are not a democracy. My intolerance does not put anyone in prison, in financial disadvantage, or worst yet, tied around a fence post and beaten to a bloody pulp or tossed out of a tall building. That's the difference, Scott. Once again, don't take this personally, but you wouldn't know freedom if it hit you on the head. If you do not see where my hate of organized religion comes from, you will never see it. The only reason why extreme christians in US of A do not behave the way the extreme muslims behave in the middle east is because they are simply not allowed to. Go back 600 years and see there was no difference. You honestly don't believe things like that can turn back on a dime? Do you think there is something fundamentally genetically different between humans here and there?


Sorry Andy, you are considering they have your historical perspective....they don't. People don't vote on decade(s) old leaders policies...they want what they want, right now. They want to be safe, they want to work and they want to succeed. They'll figure out 4 years of Hagillary won't get it done.


Is that why they never get what they want? Proves my point. Voters are dumb. Hence we have a republic with courts, whose primary mission on appeals level is neutralizing voters. 

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Was there ever a perfect organization to belong to?

I get it. The Catholic Church isn't perfect.

I get it. Mooney airplanes aren't perfect.

I get it. Politicians aren't perfect.

I get it. Imperfect people are a part of every organization on the planet.

I get it. Some of you don't like imperfect people. You find it OK to bash them here.

I also get, the Catholic Church provides strength to their community and supports communities and individuals outside their direct influence.

I also get, when you are down on your luck, and you have no one to turn to the, Catholic Church will be there for you.

Some people find what is wrong in society and set out on a plan to make it better...

Others set idly by and ignore what is happening...

Are you guys leaders in your communities?, church, or other?

What are you doing to make a change?

The world needs your help.

Best regards,


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I am a perfect example why "The Crusades" will not happen again...You are being petty with your attacks regarding the priests. 



Well of course he is. He doesn't have much else (you'll notice his constant preoccupation with everything 50 years or prior). He's got nothing but straws.

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Do you really think it's just Jesus 


I am a perfect example why "The Crusades" will not happen again...You are being petty with your attacks regarding the priests. Does this play into my decision to NOT identify with organized religion? Probably. Religion is personal. I agree that Conservatives are spewing hate and banging the war anti-muslim drum. I am glad. I am also glad I live in a country where the majority would see someone that physically attacks another...because of sex, religion, ethinicity, etc. would be tried and convicted. I don't share your fear of a police state with "bad cops" and the religious right turning back the hands of time to a darker America. I still remain positive that elections do have consequences and a smaller more efficient and effective Federal Government is possible.

Your being so vile with your attacks on organized religion is self-serving and has obviously been "learned" not just by current events, but apparently by 1,000's of years. How progressive is that?


How is that being petty? If any other organization, I mean any other organization had that level of child abuse, it would have been dismantled long, long time ago. It would not matter what other good it did. But here they can hide behind the facade of religion. 


As to the police state, it has nothing to do with cops. They are tools, just like soldiers. The police per se never worry me. Just like tools, they get sharped every now and then and the bad ones get tossed out. There is enough people screaming about that, including me, that it self corrects over time. In the end, they do what they are told by policy makers. Policy makers worry me a lot, all the time. Darker times are always right around the corner, Scott. 


Middle East is a prime example. The radicalization happen in the last 40 years. Cairo and Tehran used to be fun places. Look at photos from 40 years ago. Women in modern dress, drinking, smoking, have a good time.


Why are you glad about the hate for muslims and yet so upset about my hate for all of them.

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Well of course he is. He doesn't have much else (you'll notice his further preoccupation with everything 50 years or prior). He's got nothing but straws.


Yes, because history does not have a habit of repeating itself, first as a farce, then as comedy. What real changes has the church done to prevent this bullshit from happening again. Zero. Ton of friends with kids, mostly baptized, mostly Sunday Catholics. I assure you their kids will not be altar boys. The three or four priests I had a chance to interact with in the last few years are such total "queens" that it's a complete farce.

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As to smaller, more efficient federal government, guess what, you have me on board. But I simply will never be able to vote for socially conservative candidate. The 10% of the conservative side kills it for anyone with any sort of historical perspective. It simply does. World is full of socially liberal, fiscally conservative people whom simply will not vote ® or (L) because of pandering to that 10%. 

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