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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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You all want lower taxes and less regulation but not a single one is actually willing to accept the reality required to achieve that dream.    Abortion saved us 30 million potential little shits in prisons and on food stamps. Did it not? How can you deny that? You can't. You see, us liberals want to save your tax dollars. And we also want to take care of all the poor ones already born and give them free IUDs so we don't have to pay for more in the future. How is that not a conservative idea? $200 to save hundreds of thousands? Am I missing something? Less poor people, less welfare, no? I mean if you want to force a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term, do you then not owe her basic necessities of life? If not her, then at least said child? Or do we let the little shit starve? Where are your answers? Cutting taxes will not feed that kid. Less abortion regulation and more reality based sex ed might prevent his existence in the first place. 


All "conservative" "logic" breaks down under questioning an average 8 year old is capable of doing. 

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Funny, our little Vancouver cell seems to have been heavily influenced by undercover agents. Original thought doesn't seem to be their strong suit. We've seen variations on these tactics in 'Mr Big' undercover investigations get tossed out of court for 'undue influence'. Wonder what will happen here.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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How? Recently radicalized, online rants. Nobody knows for sure what made him crack, but something took him to the action of doing it. Explain to me what you think it was?

Some old divinely inspired book? Am I close? They're just running 600 years behind us, that's all. We've done our killing in the name of the Lord, whom seeing us as too uncommitted and lazy now, passed the torch to them. Apparently literally, based on recent events. 


Just for you John, a nice little research paper on death directly caused by papacy and our Lord:




The are f*$%ing savages. Guess what, so are we. Ever heard of Mark 77 bomb? 

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Some old divinely inspired book? Am I close? They're just running 600 years behind us, that's all. We've done our killing in the name of the Lord, whom seeing us as too uncommitted and lazy now, passed the torch to them. Apparently literally, based on recent events. 


Just for you John, a nice little research paper on death directly caused by papacy and our Lord:




The are f*$%ing savages. Guess what, so are we. Ever heard of Mark 77 bomb? 



I have read most crusade versus Ottoman Empire crap. All the Italy invading Lybia in 1910 drool, which people explained away as the fall of world balance, instigating  WWI...blah, blah, blah. I have also heard liberals speak of post mid evil, post Spanish Caliphate, Cordoba, when all three religions lived together peacefully exchanging intellectual and artistic thought....blah, blah, blah. You are wrong above. These people have been at this, not for 600 years, but ONE THOUSAND six hundred years. Like I said once before. The Moroccan's, the Berbers and the Ottomans are welcoming themselves back. Go give them a hug. Offer to bring some steaks over for the grill.

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Here is another good from you. Of course that banning and confiscating all the guns would make us safer. Look at Japan. You know it. It won't happen, but in theory, if there was no guns, you are aware that there would not be 30,000 gun murders. Do you disagree?


You don't want more taxes, well, then you have to stop producing so many poor people. Imagine 30 more million on food stamps you'd have to be paying for. You'd have to fly a Cherokee. Oh, the humanity.

Many of those murders are society approved delayed abortions.


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I have read most crusade versus Ottoman Empire crap. All the Italy invading Lybia in 1910 drool, which people explained away as the fall of world balance, instigating  WWI...blah, blah, blah. I have also heard liberals speak of post mid evil, post Spanish Caliphate, Cordoba, when all three religions lived together peacefully exchanging intellectual and artistic thought....blah, blah, blah. You are wrong above. These people have been at this, not for 600 years, but ONE THOUSAND six hundred years. Like I said once before. The Moroccan's, the Berbers and the Ottomans are welcoming themselves back. Go give them a hug. Offer to bring some steaks over for the grill.


Aren't humans great!

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Isn't science great. Isn't the fact that liberals of their time freed us from bounds of theocracy and led us to much greater understanding of universe than anything desert dwelling goat herders could ever offer us. Few more generations, few more discoveries and Vatican will just be a museum with lots of fancy artwork...

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This isn't as bizarre as it sounds. The offspring will have no physical characteristics of the donor since it's only the mitochondria that's being transferred.

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You want answers? I'll give you CONSERVATIVE answers.

As a Conservative I do not accept your premise that "if not for government sponsored abortion we would have 30 million "potential" little shits in prison and on food stamps". As a Conservative I say-Life has consequences. If you want to have sex...the result can be conception. This is the 21st century. I, as a taxpayer, spend a lot of money on sex ed in public schools and birth control. If you become pregnant because you were pursuing life and have liberty. There are options. Adoption and abortion. I, as a taxpayer do not wish to provide money for state sponsored abortion. My hope is that the state would stay out of this area completely. If you play, you'd better be prepared for the consequences. If the state, through my tax dollars, was not providing for the ability to feed, cloth, provide shelter, phones etc...perhaps you would pursue 21st century birth control and education to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Either way you were free to make your own decisions. NOW LIVE WITH THEM.

Cutting taxes will not and should not feed "the kid". The mother and father should work and have a kid when they can afford to have one.

It is so simple an eight year old can figure this stuff out. Corporations, churchs, private citizens provide (as they see fit) for those that just can't seem to make decisions that don't impact others in a negative way.

Freedom. It is a real struggle. Or not.


What about Little Timmy. He had no say in any of it. What if he is starving? Not Timmy's womb and sperm donors. What do we do with Little Timmy?


Solve that, find me a true conservative candidate that will agree we need to have 3 laws on the books: don't kill, don't steal, don't assault and you have my vote. They don't exist as it stands currently. Instead of spending money on real sex ed and birth controls, they want to spend money abstinence only and outlaw contraception. Instead of creating flat, fair tax, they want to create more "personage exemptions" for clergy. And the list goes on. You really think I'm a liberal? I'm a true libertarian Scott. But as I do not see anything changing anytime soon, I just want some return on my tax dollars in the mean time. And I want to pay less, hence I think the little nice church down the street can afford to swing for their fair share of property taxes so that mine would be less. I am a cold blooded realist without any pretense. I really don't care what happens to Little Timmy but since everyone else is so f#$%ing concerned, I want the best bang for my welfare buck. Screw drug testing for welfare recipients, give them all IUDs and let them get as high as they want to.

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This isn't as bizarre as it sounds. The offspring will have no physical characteristics of the donor since it's only the mitochondria that's being transferred.


And this will be a ski lift ticket to the slickest slope one could imagine. Chipping away....chipping away............

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And this will be a ski lift ticket to the slickest slope one could imagine. Chipping away....chipping away............


Chipping away at what? Your ideal society? Skiing ice can be fun if you have sharp edges...Sorry buddy, if I get can cancer in the future, I want the best science can deliver. And if that means research on embryonic stem cells donated by consenting adult, it's none of your business. You do not get to dictate what research a private company gets to do. You do not get to play "god" in another couple's reproductive decisions because of some papal decree. He gets to decree whatever he wants to about lalaland in the afterlife. On this planet, he gets to decide what art work in hang in the Vatican and that's it. What about freedom don't you understand? Same with everything else. Unless you can directly prove that whatever it is I am doing, directly adversly affects you in an actual, physical way and not just causing you mental anguish, you do not get to legislate. Wow, that would be a concept, wouldn't it. Do not do onto others as you would have done to do you, their tastes may not be similar.


You in the future will be free to reject all and any cures arrived at by research in genetics. It is not your right to deny it to others. Because of the bullshit of last 20 years, we are already 20 years behind research done in other countries. We are slowly fading away, at this rate it will be Chinese and Korean exceptionalism we will be talking about 50 years down the line.

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Chipping away at what? Your ideal society? Skiing ice can be fun if you have sharp edges...Sorry buddy, if I get can cancer in the future, I want the best science can deliver. And if that means research on embryonic stem cells donated by consenting adult, it's none of your business. You do not get to dictate what research a private company gets to do. You do not get to play "god" in another couple's reproductive decisions because of some papal decree. He gets to decree whatever he wants to about lalaland in the afterlife. On this planet, he gets to decide what art work in hang in the Vatican and that's it.



Interesting you mentioned stem cells. I liken Bush's banning of stem cell research to Obama's position on Keystone, although others here won't quite see it that way.

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Wonder what you said about Baby Louise back in the late 70's.

I didn't have the wherewithal then...I do now. I'll tell you something, Mike. I was 32, just married and didn't have kids yet. A good friend and female elder (a feminist) asked why we didn't have children. My reply was, "well, I am just getting going in my career......we want to travel......I can provide better for children if I am more accomplished, etc." She said, "John, you have it all wrong. Raising children to be loving, caring, successful and purposeful people, requires energy, youth and vigor". She went on to explain that this is the basis of divorce rates, troubled kids and the likely decline of feminism. I had kids at 34.....damned if she wasn't right. My wife and I want more....but it is too late, for this reason alone.

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I didn't have the wherewithal then...I do now. I'll tell you something, Mike. I was 32, just married and didn't have kids yet. A good friend and female elder (a feminist) asked why we didn't have children. My reply was, "well, I am just getting going in my career......we want to travel......I can provide better for children if I am more accomplished, etc." She said, "John, you have it all wrong. Raising children to be loving, caring, successful and purposeful people, requires energy, youth and vigor". She went on to explain that this is the basis of divorce rates, troubled kids and the likely decline of feminism. I had kids at 34.....damned if she wasn't right. My wife and I want more....but it is too late, for this reason alone.



My first arrived when I was 33 and the second when I was 35. My wife and I did a lot of traveling before then and now that they are out of the house (but not off the family dole), we resumed traveling. By the time we got married we were both established in our careers and making good money. Unfortunately, I'm currently in the most expensive phase of my life, putting them both through college (nobody back then warned me that was coming).

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Chipping away at what? Your ideal society? Skiing ice can be fun if you have sharp edges...Sorry buddy, if I get can cancer in the future, I want the best science can deliver. And if that means research on embryonic stem cells donated by consenting adult, it's none of your business. You do not get to dictate what research a private company gets to do. You do not get to play "god" in another couple's reproductive decisions because of some papal decree. He gets to decree whatever he wants to about lalaland in the afterlife. On this planet, he gets to decide what art work in hang in the Vatican and that's it. What about freedom don't you understand?


The LBGT community wants three-way (and more) partners in marriage to be legal and accepted. This is the next quest. "Well, I am "bi"....I love Dan and Bob, Bob has bi tendencies and we all love each other, so.....let's ........... order up a child".

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The LBGT community wants three-way (and more) partners in marriage to be legal and accepted. This is the next quest. "Well, I am "bi"....I love Dan and Bob, Bob has bi tendencies and we all love each other, so.....let's ........... order up a child".


And if they can swing for it financially, more power to them. None of your business. At least the child will come with a price tag, so they are more likely to take care of it. Straight people have been doing it for years. It's called having a mistress, a pool boy and a bastard. I have a great idea. No special rules and regulations of marriage what so ever. None, zero. No additional costs and no additional benefits. Write a contract, with as many involved parties as you want. Shit, turn marriage into an INC or an LLC. Mr and Mrs Smith, LLC. Solves the problem of inheritance instantly.

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And if they can swing for it financially, more power to them. None of your business. At least the child will come with a price tag, so they are more likely to take care of it. Straight people have been doing it for years. It's called having a mistress, a pool boy and a bastard. I have a great idea. No special rules and regulations of marriage what so ever. None, zero. No additional costs and no additional benefits. Write a contract, with as many involved parties as you want. Shit, turn marriage into an INC or an LLC. Mr and Mrs Smith, LLC. Solves the problem of inheritance instantly.



I like your use of the word "swing".

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