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  • 2 years later...

Was Bill around at the factory in the '60s? I'd love to sort out a historical mystery about my plane that happened when it was in the factory's possesion. Being that my plane is one of the first Fs built and they were an all new product at the time, he might remember if he was there.

I've never met him, so I don't really want to bother him by sending a random email to him regarding ancient history if he wasn't there in 1966-67.


Bill was at the factory from the very beginning and never left.   In fact, he helped Al Mooney secure the property for the factory site.  Give him a try.  His email is bwheat@ktc.com.


I've spoke with Bill many times on the phone.  I'm sure he would like to talk with you about your F model.  He's probably the 1st person to fly it.  He seemed to know my plane by heart.  It's almost like every mooney is a child that was born to him.


He is truly a gem!  You can also try him at Dugosh.  (830) 896-7550  His work hours are from about mid-night till 7 AM.......that's Texas time y'all! Wink


Thanks, I'll shoot him an email. Hopefully he can answer my questions as to exactly what happened back in late '66 and '67. The more bits of information I get, the questions I have. It really makes no difference operationally today, I just like piecing together the colorful history this plane has and there is a blank spot with strange evidence during the time the factory owned it.


Well, I sent Bill an email 3 days ago, but no response. I guess maybe when you're 80, emial really doesn't matter all that much, I dunno. I'll keep waiting.

Mitch, I hope to see you this weekend at Oceano!


The last two times we saw Bill at Kerrville, he was having problems with his computer.  As a matter of fact he told us he typed in some big history of Mooney only to have the computer go tango uniform. See you Friday/Saturday Dave.

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