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Found 17 results

  1. Serial # 24-0953 Registration # N3827H IO-550-A, 300 HP, Continental Engine, 1920.21 Airframe, Total Time engine 565.87 on new engine. (currently being flown). Prop 3 Blade Hartzell. Prop Notes 565.87 Since new. Avionics/Radios/Equipment Contact Plane.LLC1@gmail.com with questions Century NSD 360 slaved HSI (rebuilt 6 months ago) Century 2000 2 axis autopilot with auto trim expansion, yoke button disconnect. Alt hold MX 170B and King 170B Nav /Com, w/glideslope KT 76A transponder with altitude encoding SF 2000 Strikefinder Slaved Northstar 600 GPS (VFR) Stratus GPS + Foreflight on an Ipad included KN 72 Omniconverter KN 62A DME , KR 86 ADF Hoskins CFS 1000a fuel computer/ Totalizer Insight Gem 602 graphic engine monitor, 6 cylinder SVS-11 standby vacuum system Sigtronics 4 place intercom late model wing tips w/strobes Recent leather interior Door seal hand pump Garmin G35 antenna installed ready for upgrade to ADSB Electric Trim, Push-to-Talk pilot and co-pilot on yoke Increased Gross Weight - 3200 LBS. Useful Load: 1090 , lbs (approx), speed max 230 mph +. Hangered full time. Please text for full log books and more photos
  2. During a recent annual on my 1980/1992 231 Rocket I noticed the turbocharger has dent in the housing unit and will need to be repaired(?) or replaced. Anyone know who can help me with this or can sell me a turbocharger?
  3. Looking at a Rocket and making up a sample W&B calculator. I'd heard about the forward CG, but my first looks and calculations show a nearly impossible loading situation. Anyone have a good sample loading worksheet that I can use to see if my "engineering" is wrong? Or where is my error(s) on this calculator (attached), or is the path "just fly it"?
  4. 1983 / 1993 Rocket Conversion Mooney M20K231 / 305 Rocket. Cash Price $145,000. This is one of the best equipped Mooney Rockets I know of. I have flown this aircraft over 1000 hrs. No expense spared on maintenance and upkeep; this is a great plane. Registration No: N1016U Serial No: 25-0727 Continental TSIO-520-NB17B 1993 Rocket Conversion Garmin G500 with full synthetic vision (Alt preselect / VS preselect) GTN 750 moving map Nav Com GTN 650 moving map Nav Com GTX 335 Transponder King KT150 autopilot with G500 VS Preselect / Altitude Assignment PS 8000 audio panel 406Mhz ELT LED Landing lights High intensity Wing strobe lights Onboard O2. This Rocket is fully ADS compliant and has onboard weather and traffic both 1190 & 486 and TIS) most recent AD compliant lists at the time of last annual. TSIO-520-NB17B Continental 305 HP Engine, 305 HP (Cessna 340 Engine) 3-Blade Hot McCauley Prop GAMI injectors (factory tuned, excellent LOP operation) Gross weight increase to 3200 Lbs, 858.3# Useful load Eight-point engine mount 78.6 Gal fuel tanks At last annual: · Total Time 4086.3 · Tach read 2704.5 · TSFRM 2704.5 · TSMOH 1854.7 · Prop TSN: 702.4 Paint 8.5 out of 10, Leather upholstery, showing some wear & tear in good condition. Rated 7 out of 10. This plane has always been hangered and meticulously maintained and flown routinely throughout the United States. No expense has been spared in making this Rocket an incredible flying machine. More than $65,000 in avionics upgrades alone! Will come with fresh annual from my A&P (El Paso Tx) which could be combined with a pre-buy if elected. If you want to go fast, this is a great aircraft! All out 220 kts at 24,000 or cruise at 215 kts at 24000 on 17.5 gph! Or flying low at 10,000 cruises at 182-189 kts on <17 gph. Fly down the localizer at 150 kts, pop the speed-brakes, slow to 130 kts, drop the gear, 110 kts add the flaps, and fly the final at 90 kts! Included are a significant number of other elements that I will provide to the buyer. Full PDF of the Mooney Service Manual / Official Mooney 100-hour inspection list and other special documentation and maintenance related items. Scanned logs available for pre-view. This last annual was a major annual that included a complete Rocket Factory overhaul on the exhaust system with OEM parts from Rocket Engineering, a complete overhaul of both mags, the most thorough annual I’ve had on the Rocket since I owned it. Additional accessories for sale separately, with first option to anyone who buys the Mooney. I also have a new gasoline engine powered tug (literally which has only been started to test as I have two tugs that are identical, wanted two, one for home base and one for our lake home), I’ll include my home made Mooney adapter if interested. Possible Trade Consideration: 1st Trade for commercial or property in an or around Granbury Tx or El Paso Tx. Would possibly consider controlling equity in income producing properties in other locations. rocketman@lamphere.net
  5. Hello M20K Drivers, I just spoke with the folks at Rocket Engineering in Spokane about the idea of them doing more Rocket Conversions to our existing K model fleet. I was told that if he had 20 airplanes lined up wanting the conversions then he'd likely do it, but it would take that many before his costs would be justifiable as doing onesy-twosy just wasn't cost effective for him to open up that option again. So, I ask, is there any K model drivers who might be facing an O/H soon who would be interested in converting their K to a Rocket? I have an 87' 252 now Encore that I'd love to see have more muscle under the hood. So, I am one. Are there any others? If we come up with a list of 20 K model drivers who would be interested in this idea, I believe Rocket Engineering would take our deposits and start up the conversions again. Anybody else?? Besides the nay sayers. 186 KTAS at 55% power ROP on 14 to 15 gph at 12,000 feet is a real eye opener...and then you've got all kinds of go faster options from there.
  6. Anyone have a Rocket Battery Board that would be willing to post an image and provide dimensions and let me know if it has any pins or other specifics. I need to change out my batteries during annual and Id prefer not to have the A&P crawling over and on top of all the avionics and other items in the tail getting the batteries replaced. Any help or information would be appreciated. Thanks in advance,
  7. Earlier this year I joined a Mooney Rocket partnership, though only recently have I begun flying it. The performance is phenomenal, especially compared to the Piper Cherokees I came from. As part of my checkout, I flew a 900nm trip in an afternoon and cruised easily in the O2 levels--something unimaginable to me only a few months ago. With the Pipers, I was very involved with the maintenance, and I've continued to be involved with the Mooney. We've had several large mx issues since I've joined, and though I'm fortunate to work with an A&P who is both meticulous and communicative, his time is limited, and so I'm hoping the collective experience of MSers will fill in my knowledge gaps. The latest issue is with the engine truss. One of the beams close to the turbo was corroded. If I understand correctly, the heat of the turbo corroded the paint, which opened the truss to additional corrosion. It's been cleaned off, but there's some question whether that section needs to be replaced completely. My A&P has contacted Rocket Engineering to see whether we're still within guidelines of AC 43.13-1B (where a 10% reduction in material is acceptable). In the meantime, I'm looking to learn more about it, how to avoid it, etc... in general, anyone else's experience with this. Thanks!
  8. My Rocket lost 4 quarts of oil during a 3 hour flight. I found out when it took 4 quarts to get it back to 8. Until then I was using about 1 quart every 4 hours and I didn't think much of it. During the flight manifold pressure starting to fluctuate about 4 inches, with oil pressure close to yellow range. I since figured out the MP fluctuation was due to insufficient oil pressure actuating the turbo waste gate. Landed at nearest field and local maintenance facility did leak down, one of the cylinders was around 40 lbs. No oil in exhaust or any other visible leak but lots of oil under belly. The oil was coming out of the crankcase breather tube due to blow by. They pulled the cylinder and put in new ring set and that fixed it. I also noticed the oil was still clear after a 4 hour return flight. So if you're losing an excessive amount of oil this could be due to blow by like it was for me.
  9. Hey Everyone! I just thought I'd introduce myself. Proud new owner of a '81 M20K Rocket. She's going through import right now sorting out some airworthiness issues. Will have some pictures for you guys soon. Always looking to meet new friends or some advice. Cheers, Mark
  10. Has anyone else noticed how little information is available about the real cost of major maintenance? As I'm winding up my firewall-forward project, I'm considering releasing a line-by-line cost breakdown. Does anyone have any thoughts about why that might not be a good idea? If any non-flying spouses see this post, just tell them I got ripped off and you paid a lot less.. Or maybe we could play 'The Price Is Right' and let everyone guess. Here's an {almost} complete list of work performed: TSIO-520-NB Overhaul & Test Run by Certified Engines http://www.certifiedengines.com/ Magnetos & harness Starter Fuel injection system Oil cooler Intercoolers Turbocharger, controller, PRV, & waste gate Camshaft Crankshaft Prop overhaul by Palm Beach Propeller http://www.pbapi.com/ Prop governor overhaul prop blades overhaul new hub Millennium cylinders (new) Gami nozzles (new) Tempest fine wire spark plugs (new) Hoses (all new) Exhaust (overhaul by Rocket Engineering, replaced five sections, re-welded, polished) Engine Mount (overhaul by Rocket Engineering, replaced two tubes, re-welded, powder coated) Vibration mounts We definitely got in to the "while the engine is off, we might as well..." mode of thinking. That's what happens when you have access to a maintenance hanger and your -IA lets you do a lot of the grunt work. I've learned more about how everything works in the past three months than I did in the past twenty-five years of GA flying.
  11. There used to be a page at mooneyland about the Rocket. Here's a copy of it for those interested: Mooney Rocket.pdf
  12. Since the Rocket has been around for a few years now, has anyone found additional WORTHWHILE improvements to the upgrade? Or is it at maximum capability as it is? Even hot rodders tweek hot rods, so I was wondering if there wasn't a viable aftermarket for the Rocket. If so, what are these upgrades? And are they worth the cost / effort? Thank you, Martin
  13. Need INPUT...ASAP on battery replacement recommendations! The shop working on my Rocket is saying that I need 2 new batteries (in the tail section & hard to get to) the current batteries were installed in 7/2010. I never had any problems with the batteries but they are reporting that after charging they won't start the engine.... They have quoted 2 each G-35 batteries and my cost is $245.94 each with acid. (don't know if that includes labor but if it is like the other items I doubt it...). They have also asked if I would be interested in the Concord sealed batteries! What say you? Need input ASAP so I can give them an answer! Thanks in advance, Lacee
  14. I have a nice 1979 Mooney Rocket 305 I am considering selling a share, or two, or three. I own too many planes (if there is such a thing) and N231BG needs to be flown more and enjoyed by the right person/s. Airframe and engine times are low, and the fully feathering prop is new. The annual was just completed and a new turbo was installed. The panel is full of Garmin stuff to include a 530 and 430W. There is even a Garmin 695 on the yoke (3 GPSs with moving maps!). She has an HSI, coupled autopilot, Stormscope, PCAS, oxygen, engine monitor, fuel flow monitor, AM/FM/CD player, and Ipod input. Outside, there are strobes, speed brakes, lower gear covers, and a one-piece belly. This is a great plane for the person who likes to fly high and fast for his/her personal and business trips. The plane is currently hangared at Wellington Airport (EGT) but could be relocated to my hangar at Cook Airfield (K50). 1/4 share for $40k and 1/2 share for $80k. We can split the monthly costs (hangar, insurance, etc.) based on our appropriate share and, if interested, charge an hourly fee to cover maintenance reserves and keep things proportionally fair by the heavy flyer. I have an online scheduling service we can use to avoid the possibility of conflicts. The 76' x 90' hangar at Cook has a remote control 50' hydraulic door and is having a heated and cooled clubhouse constructed with bathrooms, kitchen, computer, WIFI, TV, etc. that may be used by the new partner/s. Contact me if you are interested and we can discuss the partnership further. Jason (316) 708-0713 or jasonwojo@msn.com
  15. Could some rocket owners share some data on maintenance costs per year (annual and otherwise), please? I am starting to look for a 252, rocket or bravo with tks. There are certainly more bravos with tks, but the rocket is certainly top on my list... Thanks in advance
  16. I thought it was very simple. Rocket is the fastest plane out there under $200K, therefore I wanted a Rocket. However, after reading some Bravo posts and talking to some self-proclaimed Mooney experts, I'm also considering the Bravo. The typical mission is 1-2 persons, little baggage, 400-1200nm flights, get there as fast as possible burning 20 gph or less, and not be afraid of ice in the winter. Here's how this judge's scoresheet looks so far: 1. Rocket seems to be 5-15 knots faster at typical cruise altitudes, and can be honestly said to cruise faster than 200 knots at 12,000 and above. 3 points to Rocket 2. Bravo has a longer cabin. 1 point to Bravo 3. Bravo has FIKI, Rocket only has non-FIKI TKS. 1 point to Bravo 4. Bravo is factory (so hopefully good support), Rocket is after-market. 1 point to Bravo 5. Bravo has newer airframes and often nicer panels. 1 point to Bravo 5. Bravo has 2000-hr TBO ($50K overhaul), Rocket has 1600-hr TBO ($42K overhaul). Tossup 6. Useful loads all seem to hover between 825 and 1000 lb. Tossup 7. Reliability and dispatchability (is that a word?). Tossup This gives an ever-so-slight edge to the Bravo, but I'm not sure I agree with my own scoring system. I'd like to hear from some of you who have flown both aircraft and can offer some additional deciding factors, or tell me I'm way off regarding my analysis so far.
  17. Hi all, I'm in the market for a Rocket, and would like some opinions on whether buying one with a TKS system installed will reduce airspeed from the book values, and if so, how much?
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