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Found 9 results

  1. My CFII insists that I add fuel flow (move the Red knob in) as I reduce MP at level flight during the "Slow Down" phase to get slow enough to drop the gear on an approach. Level flight at 4000 MSL, (LOP at cruise but he says that doesn't matter). This doesn't seem correct. I am at the same density altitude, not starting down yet. Opinions please, and references to actual data or expert's articles such as Mike at Savvy articles would be really appreciated. Thanks, -mark
  2. I have a factory reman IO-360-A3B6 installed with GAMI injectors and have completed the break-in process on the new engine. I also had a new EDM-900 installed with the engine. I now have 50 hours on the engine, but I have found an issue which has my mechanic and I perplexed. I can only fly with full rich mixture or with cowl flaps fully open to prevent the #1 cylinder from quickly go to 400 degrees if lean the mixture to POH specifications. I have spoken with GAMI twice and sent data over to confirm the injectors are fine and leaning appropriately. Today the injector was removed and cleaned again as well as the fuel line was blown out. We also tweaked my baffling. I took the 201 up 6500, the settings were 24/2600, cowl flaps closed, ram air open. I leaned the mixture to 11.2 fuel flow and the #1 cylinder again went immediately above 400. The EDM900 probe appears to fine, the injector appears to fine and allowing more air to flow to the cylinder by modifying the baffling didn't help. At this point I am at a loss and welcome any sugestions you guys may have. I really like flying with a fresh engine and get 165kts true, but not at 17.6 gallons per hour.
  3. So my plane is in annual and I wanted to address the slightly low peak fuel flow (17ish gph rather than 18ish gph) at takeoff under standard conditions, figuring this may help my engine temp issues in climb. I had assumed there were separate controls to set idle mixture (which I understand is relevant only at low rpm) versus main mixture settings, but per my shop this does not appear to be the case- only an idle mixture setting. I think I have the Marvel MA-4-5 carburetor. Carusoam posted a handy guide to these carbs on another thread: http://www.insightavionics.com/pdf%20files/MA-4%20Carb%20Manual.pdf I am reading but am still confused on how mixture could be enriched at WOT on takeoff for these carbs, and how it differs between carb models. Can anyone shed some light on this, and if there is an easy way to address my peak fuel flow issue?
  4. Great new youtube video on how to manage mixture and fly LOP and ROP: The most information dense filled video on the topic I can remember seeing in some time. The only real thing I would offer to add is Gami's recommend tablel on both how far to be LOP and ROP for any percent power; available here: afms gami injectors rev ir.pdf Incidentally the GAMI FAA approved mixture management is excellent guidance regardless of whether or not use Gami injectors or even if your not fuel injected. Its just that without good mixture distribution (<=0.5 GPH gami spread) an engine won't be able to fly very far LOP, if at all LOP (i.e. where all cylinders are LOP). But virtually any IO-360 can and most of the higher performance Continentals can but may require a little help. But otherwise Martin does a great job of both communicating and illustrating a wealth of information on the subject matter.
  5. Question for the brain trust. I don't know if it is normal behavior or not, but there is some 'slop' in the vernier action of our mixture control. That is, for example, on the ground I normally lean until the engine starts to stumble and then enrichen just enough to make it run smoothly. However, when I switch from leaning to enriching, it usually takes a full twist of the knob or more before it actually starts to have an effect. Same thing in flight. If I've been leaning and decide I want to enrichen, it takes a full twist or more before I see the fuel flow increase. Is there an adjustment that can be made to take the slop out? Or is it just normal? Or is it a sign of wear with nothing we can do about it other than replacement? Thanks, Bob
  6. I am trying to expand the Auto-Lean STC to work with "quadrant" style mixture control. Was wondering if there was anybody near Connecticut, with a quadrant style Mooney, who would let me take a closer look at the configuration. Wouldn't take more than a few minutes. If anybody had photos with the plastic cover removed, that would be helpful too. Thanks for any help. Feel free to PM me if you don't feel like replying in public. Rob
  7. I'm making up my own checklists for my 1962 M20C, and as I'm writing them up, I'm cross referencing them with the POH. As I read through the manuals they specify running the Carbureted O-360 engine Lean of Peak, as far as I can tell! I have always understood that this was a VERY questionable idea, pretty much asking for trouble. I cross referenced this with the manual for a 1967 M20C, and the advice was the same. Does anyone run 25 Deg LOP as the manual describes? Here is the paragraph in question: Lean the mixture for smooth operation (reference Lycoming's Operators Manual.) The Exhaust Gas Temperature Indicator is to be used only as an aid in setting the mixture during cruse at powers up to 75% power, but not take-off, climb, or descent. For lean-out procedures at 75% power or lower, lean to peak temperature, then lean until temperature drops 25 Deg F. minimum. In the '67 manual, it continues talking about Best Power Setting: To obtain a best power (maximum airspeed) setting, lean to peak temperature and then enrich mixture (push control forward) until the indicator shows a 100 Deg F. drop (four marks on the gauge) from the peak temperature. This has probably been discussed before, but I couldn't find it in a search. Thanks, James
  8. Looking for mixture control cable and housing. Does not need to be airworthy. Prefer red knob. This is for a panel mock-up.
  9. Original Mooney cables removed from 65E in good serviceable condition. $50 each
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