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Found 18 results

  1. Looking to buy into a mooney of almost any model. I will buy an E or J or Bravo in case I don't find a partnership. And then I'll search for someone wanting to buy in. Reason mostly is because I dont' fly enough. Erin
  2. I was asked to share my experience in avaition partnerships and thought it would be interesting to see if others would add their insights as well. If there is already a similar thread in mooneyspace, perhaps someone can post a link. Background: Pfter obtaining my ppc, i was able to buy into a club with 3 airplanes and more than a dozen active members. My learning curve benefitted tremendously, rubbing elbows with a number of experienced pilots thru the club. With a year in the club under my belt, and an increase in flying time to approx. 120 hrs/yr, it was time to step up to a partnership. I was fortunate to locate a local mooney in an established LLC with an existing partner wanting to sell. 3.5 yrs later, my flying hours increased enough to warrant my own ride. The club and the partnership were helpful to a rookie pilot learning the ropes. I highly recommend both options for anyone flying 150 hrs / yr or less with access, or a sufficiently strong local community to start one. Partnerships: Here is a "Top 10" list from my bag of lessons learned. I hope others will chime in with their lessons as well. 1. The value proposition makes partnerships an obvious choice. In a four way partnership for example with 100-150 hr partners, for the price of 25% of the capital and maintenance costs, each partner has 80 - 90% availability access to the airplane. Upgrading to a kfc500 or a glass panel? How about a 75% discount since you are sharing costs among the other partners. 2. The challenge with partnerships is seldom the aircraft. It is more often interface issues among the partners. Buying into an existing partnership should include extensive interviews with the existing partners. Consider 80% of your decision determined by the partnership compatibility interviews and 20% by the aircraft. 3. Establish a charter, an operating agreement, and by-laws. These documents shouldn't need to be dragged offnof the shelf unless you have an unruly partner. Howeevr, well developed documents are critical as they may have to stand up in court. 4. Keep an electronic calendar for on-line scheduling, and keep it up to date. On-line calendars allow for backup schedules as well as mx schedules, squawk lists, and notes. 5. Be sure all partners are engaged with the airplane as owners. A "renters" attitude from a partner can become problematic. 6. If possible, identify a single cfii that all partners can use for proficiency flights.The cfii can help normalize best practices among all the partners over time. 7. Optional upgrades and non-airworthy repair issues may be debated but safety issues should always be repaired when discovered. 8. Keep an engine reserve. Among other things, it makes transferring ownership to a new partner much easier as the buyer gets an effectively zero-time engine. 9. Keep the flying rates dry and keep them low to encourage more flying time among the partners. 10. Require (in the by-laws) that the existing partners retain voting rights of approval (or rejection) for new candidates into the partnership. Some partnerships allow the exiting partner sole discretion on the new partner. This is a bad idea on several levels (see rule no.2) Parting thought: If you can afford to own an airplane outright, why not own 25% of four airplanes with four different mission types? Cross-country, aerobatic, seaplane, heli - my dream team.
  3. Hello all, I have the opportunity to buy into a 1979 Mooney 231. The bird is in what I would call fair to good shape. Older paint and interior but both are ok other then some cracking on the front of the cowl. The airplane just came out of annual and a new ifr certification. All compressions look good and the oil analysis was clean. Talked to the A/P that did the annual he has no major issues. The engine and prop are both mid to high time at about 1300 hours. 1979 231 with intercooler 1300 hours on engine and prop garmin 480 and mx20 xm wx, and music JPI 700 O2 Know issues fuel tanks will need a strip and seal soon no ADS/B So the price for my quarter share would be $15,000. The plan is to have a flat fee per month for hanger, insurance, annual and data subscription of about $250 and a charge of $50 an hour to the MX fund. The current owner no longer can fly alone (age) but doesn't want to give up his bird so he is offering 3 of us the quarter shares. We do have the right to buy his share when he no longer wants it. So yes? No? Comments? Any advice would be appreciated, I am currently renting a SR22 from a flying club at $249 and hour wet. Thanks all, DavidA
  4. 1962 Mooney M20CLocated in the Atlanta West MetroTT: 4699TBO:2699Useful load: 899 LBThis Mooney was previously owned by Pat Epps and the maintained by the maintenance department at Epps Aviation. The aircraft was re-manufactured at the Mooney factory in Texas in 2003. The engine, prop, panel, fuel tanks, and the interior were all re-done. The exterior was also repainted as well as the inside of the fuselage. I purchased the aircraft last Christmas and have put over 150 hours on it this year. It has all the gap seals and all J model mods. AvionicsGarmin 430 non-waasKing 155 nav/comKing HSIKing glide slope indicatorKing transponderStec-50 autopilot (3 axis and approach mode)EngineTT:2699, oil changes every 50 hours and oil analysis. All Compression 73 or better last annual.No ADs.PropTT:2699, has a slight grease leak on one bladeNo ADsLast annualFresh tires on all gear.Prop governor was overhauled.AD for gear rigging was performed. Gear rigging was intolerance.New cable for the cowl flaps due to old cable fraying.SquawksOne of the prop blades has a grease leak around the hub.Altitude hold on the autopilot will not work below degrees 40F.Looking for two partners in 1/4 shares. Aircraft is based at 20GA and will NOT be re-located since me and the new partner are close to the current airport. Looking to sell each share at $12,500. Monthly cost at the current airport would be $200 a month per share and a run cost of $35 an hour. Gas is currently $3.58 a gallon. Also, the airport has a mechanic on site that does the work on the plane.Current insurance requires the following, IR rating, 750 total time, 150 in retracts, and 10 hours in make and model. If you do not have this a checkout by a CFI that meets this requirement is required.If you have any other questions let me know.
  5. Starting process of looking for good solid IFR Mooney preferably "F" or "J" Model but less than $100,000 total investment with updated avionics. Thinking 1 to 3 partners total and of course number of partners dictates cost of plane. I'm flexible in choice of Middle Tennessee airports but prefer Lebanon, Cookeville or Lafayette.
  6. Hello, I'm looking to partner on a FIKI airplane in the KGEG, KSFF, KCOE area. PM me if you might know anyone with an existing partnership or who may want to start one in the future. Drew
  7. I live in Davis, CA and would like to either join or start a partnership with 1 or 2 other pilots. I would be interested in a Mooney M20C/E/F/J. I will plan on flying 60-80 hours. I am VFR rated only but will be getting IFR this year. Message me on here if you would be interested. Thanks!
  8. We've been looking for a small family x-country machine for a few months. Our requirements are; seats 2 reasonable sized adults plus 2 small adults, reasonable ASEL speed with a fuel burn that won't break the bank, affordable Mx, and IFR GPS (WAAS big plus). We are interested in forming/finding a partnership in Central Mississippi. I'm commercial/instrument rated in ASEL and helicopters. I was able to look at the below airplane in person earlier this week. It is located on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. (25 minute drive from my other office) The owner was very informative and easy going. We looked at the airplane and logbooks but did not fly due to time constraints. I'll admit that I spent more time on the airplane than the logbooks... My big conserns are the engine and prop. I'm going to do a good logbook scrub and fly the airplane before take it to a MSC for a PPI. Would any of you Mooney owners be able to add to the notes taken below? What's a good ballpark figure for this airplane? 66Y M20F N9621M 4,000 hour total time 790 hours since the engine was overhauled by Western Skyways Inc to “Factory new tolerances” in 2005. PROs G430W G500 All movable controls move easily (did not check gear) Little to no play in flight control surfaces Hanger since "$10,000" annual several years ago May 2016 Annual 2 year old battery box and gel battery New vacuumed pump Neutral New fuel bladders Autopilot without altitude hold 25 hour oil change/50 hour oil and filter CONs Approximately 50 hours on engine in last 18 months "Hub grease" on downward inboard side of the prop (sticky to touch) Dent on right wing (pictures below) Some corrosion found on landing gear door linkages, under wing, and step (pictures below) No aftermarket engine analyzer No ADSB Xpondr No sholder harness New STC'd nose wheel Right main rust Right wing rust Left main rust Right wing dent
  9. Looking for a 50% partner on a great 201J based at KFWS (Spinks) / Fort Worth.
  10. Looking for someone interested in buying a plane together OR, someone with a suitable plane who would like a partner. Resume: Mooney time in my log book. Private, instr, comm'l rating. ~1200 hours.
  11. Hello all there,iam a miami area pilot and have been flying for a few years now.I am part of a club with 172s and a 182.Guys i was introduced to mooneys and it was love at first sight.im driving 1.5 hours to a club that owns a 201 and im flying from there.I love it,but its kind of far.Ia by any chance here a miami area,proud owner of a mooney willing to work something out?I either want to buy one in partnership or work with someone that already owns one.im a MAPA member and im loving it.Thanks to all
  12. I am in search for one or two other instruments rated pilots that may be interested in sharing the flying and ownership of a very well equipped M20J. If interested please PM me for details, and provide a phone number and email address where I can follow-up and contact you. Hank
  13. Exact plane is still TBD though a couple options are being looked at, but looking for an interested party for a partnership in a mid body Mooney. PM for me information.
  14. Hello all there,iam a miami area pilot and have been flying for a few years now.I am part of a club with 172s and a 182.Guys i was introduced to mooneys and it was love at first sight.im driving 1.5 hours to a club that owns a 201 and im flying from there.I love it,but its kind of far.Ia by any chance here a miami area,proud owner of a mooney willing to work something out?I either want to buy one in partnership or work with someone that already owns one.im a MAPA member and im loving it.Thanks to all
  15. Hello all there,iam a miami area pilot and have been flying for a few years now.I am part of a club with 172s and a 182.Guys i was introduced to mooneys and it was love at first sight.im driving 1.5 hours to a club that owns a 201 and im flying from there.I love it,but its kind of far.Ia by any chance here a miami area,proud owner of a mooney willing to work something out?I either want to buy one in partnership or work with someone that already owns one.im a MAPA member and im loving it.Thanks to all
  16. I have a nice 1979 Mooney Rocket 305 I am considering selling a share, or two, or three. I own too many planes (if there is such a thing) and N231BG needs to be flown more and enjoyed by the right person/s. Airframe and engine times are low, and the fully feathering prop is new. The annual was just completed and a new turbo was installed. The panel is full of Garmin stuff to include a 530 and 430W. There is even a Garmin 695 on the yoke (3 GPSs with moving maps!). She has an HSI, coupled autopilot, Stormscope, PCAS, oxygen, engine monitor, fuel flow monitor, AM/FM/CD player, and Ipod input. Outside, there are strobes, speed brakes, lower gear covers, and a one-piece belly. This is a great plane for the person who likes to fly high and fast for his/her personal and business trips. The plane is currently hangared at Wellington Airport (EGT) but could be relocated to my hangar at Cook Airfield (K50). 1/4 share for $40k and 1/2 share for $80k. We can split the monthly costs (hangar, insurance, etc.) based on our appropriate share and, if interested, charge an hourly fee to cover maintenance reserves and keep things proportionally fair by the heavy flyer. I have an online scheduling service we can use to avoid the possibility of conflicts. The 76' x 90' hangar at Cook has a remote control 50' hydraulic door and is having a heated and cooled clubhouse constructed with bathrooms, kitchen, computer, WIFI, TV, etc. that may be used by the new partner/s. Contact me if you are interested and we can discuss the partnership further. Jason (316) 708-0713 or jasonwojo@msn.com
  17. I live in the McKinney TX area near TKI and T31. Interested in partnering on Garmin 530 or 430 equipped normally-aspirated M20E,F or J. I typically fly 50 to 75 hours per year. IFR rated 1,000 hours +. Ideal partnership would be a total of 2 or 3 co-owners. Apologize if this is not the correct forum for this topic. I can be reached at markeallen@gmail.com. Thanks
  18. Hi all, I'm considering a partnership in a plane with (a) the right group of people and (b ) the right airplane...well, the right MOONEY airplane. About me: ~3000TT, CFI/MEI mix of SE, ME, turbine, and glider (50hrs in a Mooney-F) non-aviation "day job" income will comfortably support full ownership of a clean mid-time F model w/covered parking pt135 instructor/check airman/chief pilot Mission: 2-4 people within 300nm of Phoenix area (skiing/beach), occasionally as far as Oakland to visit friends/family Prefer a base at Falcon Field (KFFZ) or Scottsdale (KSDL) If I'd fit into your partnership (or you want to form one), please contact me.
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