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Found 7 results

  1. Hello Friends! I have some legacy instruments, removed from an M20F (and a few from a Cherokee) DM me and we can figure how to get these devices out of my hanger and into yours I've lowered the price King KF87 ADF receiver and indicator and antenna. $750 Two Terra TXN 920 Nav-Coms , $200 each Two Terra VOR/LOC/GS indicators. $500 (model1100-01) and $400 respectively A WX-8 Stormscope $1000 Rocky Mountain Instruments encoder $150 TMA-230D Audio Panel and Marker Beacon Receiver, and a Intervox intercom $525and $110 Narco AT50 A transponder, INOP, Parts only, $25 Horizon Tachometer $125 JP instruments EGT-CHT monitor with three exhaust and three cylinder head probes $100 Shadin Fuel flow indicator and it's transducer $400 And there is an Apollo GPS $80 works fine but databases no longer updated.
  2. ** UPDATED Aug 19th 2020. Prices reduced. I would love to clear this stuff out. Happy to make a deal for bulk. Spend $1000 and I will throw in $150 worth of extra stuff for free and pay shipping to Canada or USA (Offer not eligible on certain items noted below). NEW ITEMS ADDED and some non Mooney items** I have serial numbers for. EVERYTHING is functional/working as intended unless otherwise noted beside the item. If you are interested in an item and the part number doesn’t seem to match please inquire. I have priced things the best I could (25-50% lower on average) based on Texas Air Salvage as well as Ebay but some of them could be out of whack. Don’t hold this against me. If you are interested, simply leave me an offer and we can work something out. I live in Canada so Interac Etransfer from a Canadian bank is great, otherwise PayPal is fine. Prices are USD. Buyer pays actual shipping costs through whatever method is best for both of us, I will not gouge anyone on shipping. Items I have shipped (that fit in a shoebox sized box) generally arrive in 1-2 weeks and cost around 15-20 USD. I offer no warrenty aside from the item working as advertised so I will issue a refund for anything DOA but no time period after so please be prepared to test or install in a reasonable amount of time. You can PM me here, but for a faster response you can email me at kevinhedrei@hotmail.com or call or text 905-399-1588. If I don't respond I'm probably flying. -JPI EDM 700 Engine monitor P/N EGT-7014C. Harness included and is in great shape. 5CHT probes (not sure why I’m missing one). 6 EGT probes, TIT probe, Oil temp probe, CDT probe $700 MOONEY SPECIFIC (ish) STUFF -Mooney OEM instrument cluster. Model 6247-00066 P/N 640281-513 $300 -Mooney OEM Rheostat Dimmers P/N JS1N055P251MA w/plug and harness. (**Edit I have the knob caps) $30 -4x Mooney OEM fuel senders. Have serial/part #’s. (worked well but dirty with sealant) $300 FOR ALL -2x Power supply for wing tip strobes P/N 701295-3A $40 EACH -Nav light housings and lenses (1 for each side) + Bulbs $30 EACH -2x Klixon Switch Breakers. P/N 20TC2-BG-5 (5 amp) P/N 20TC2-BG-10 (10 amp) Covers are for elevator trim & Prop Deice but the prop deice cover came from the strobes. Ordered a new switch and changed the cover because the new strobes needed 15 amps. $50 EACH AVIONICS -King KT76A Transponder w/tray P/N 066-1062-00 $100 -1x King KR87 ADF TSO w/tray P/N 066-1072-00 (display occasionally dims/flickers when cold but fine once warmed up) $200 -King KI227 ADF indicator P/N 066-3063 $200 -King KMA24 Audio Panel w/tray *edit I found wiring harness $200 -2x DM N170-2 Antenna (hooked to transponder and DME I believe) $50 EACH -Telex Intercom control. PC4 Cat# 70650-000 $80 -Bendix Magneto Ignition Switch w/4 keys P/N 0-357210-9 $150 -Altitude Encoder/Digitizer Model# SSD120-25 $100 -Tachometer RPM 2700 Redline B&D P/N 0506-005 $200 -Narco stand alone DME $150 -Narco Audio panel (worked but was getting some static and interfeerence in a flight school plane not terrible, but annoying) $FREE you pay shipping. ODDS & ENDS -DM 121.5 Mhz ELT (Battery due) $40 -Mitchell Aircraft Products Oil PSI sender P/N PS-211-9040 $30 NEW or NEAR NEW stuff - This stuff is not mine so not eligible for the discount offer I made above but feel free to make an offer. -Ameri-King Corb Altitude Encoder P/N AD350 (BRAND NEW in box) $200 -Narco Avionics Nav 121 TSO VOR receiver indicator all in one. (Excellent condition) $500 -Terra Corp voltage converter Model# C28-5 $60 each -2x Welden Tool Co. Fuel pump. P/N C8100-F (BRAND NEW) $750 -United Instruments Altimeter P/N C661071-0101 (Out of a Cessna I believe) $500 -MGL Avionics VFH Comm Model V10 FCCID WSJV10 (Like new with Harness) $500 Non Mooney stuff - This stuff is not mine so not eligible for the discount offer I made above but feel free to make an offer. -Seats which were custom made for a Pitts. BRAND NEW perfect condition. Belong to a friend. I think he decided the colour wasn't good and made new ones. These are honestly perfect and never been installed. He paid well over $2000 CAD to make them. They come with booster cusions for under the finished seat and velcro for attachement. I have more pictures and can get exact measurements. Asking $1400 USD -7 point seat belt set. Blue and red in colour. All hardware and webbing in great shape. He doesn't like the colour. More pics available on request. Asking $150 USD -2 Brand new brake discs that fit a Pitts. Pics and part numbers available on request. Offer? -2x Cleveland Hub, Bearing, Brake rotor COMPLETE assembly TSO Model 40-96E (BRAND NEW these were bought for a Lancair IVP I believe but you must do your due diligence and verify. They were $4000 each). Asking $2500 each. -B+C 60A Alternator (experimental) P/N BC462-H w/28V regulator included. (BRAND NEW IN BOX WITH RECEIPT and B&C Paperwork) $450 -Harzell 2 blade prop from Piper Malibu. Good condition with paperwork. BHC - CZYF - 1BF. (I don't know much about model numbers on these but I have pictures and pictures of paperwork and can get all the info you need. If you are interested I can put you in touch with the current owner. -Hartzell 2 Blade Aerobatic prop from a Pitts. Good condition as well. Not sure on paperwork status. HC - CZY. Again, I can get whatever info you need. -3 axis Autopilot Removed from 1973 (<-I think) Cessna 182 P (<- I'm sure) model. Working when removed for upgrade. Edo air T+B indicator TSO P/N 52D75-14. Edo Roll servo P/N 1C363-1-397-R (the "397" is faded so could be wrong). Pitch servo Stec P/N 0107-P4. Trim Servo Stec P/N 0105-T10. Alt Controller Stec P/N 0117 "brain" Stec P/N 0110-2TF
  3. Lately I have noticed my KR-87 ADF *gasps - what the heck is NDB?!* is playing up a bit. It's now spins around haphazardly as if it's hunting the station (I tried various stations but getting the same result). No issue listening to the mose code and it points to right wing when it's in ANF mode (normal). Resetting it with CB didn't do anything. Wonder what would cause this? It was working fine two months ago. I know it's an old technology but it's still part of commercial syllabus here in Australia
  4. The Lucky Strike, my M20C, is equipped with a KX155 with glideslope and a King NDB, in addition to a VFR GPS com. It also has an old KN86 ADF that is inoperable. I plan on using it as an IFR trainer in the Spring (it will also be my IFR traveling machine). I'd like an IFR GPS, but between the box and the installation it just isn't in the cards right now. On the other hand I could replace the inoperable ADF with one that works without spending big money. Should I?
  5. I have the following items for sale. Condition is disclosed for each. Buyer pays the freight. KNS 80 NAV system - Screen was flickering when removed. Operating Condition is unknown. Make an offer. If it does not work for your intended purpose, you will only be out the freight of getting it and sending it back. KMA 24 Marker Beacon Receiver and Isolation Amplifier - Working order when removed last week. $350.00 (cheaper than any of them on Ebay) Bendix King KI 202 VOR / LOC Receiver - $200.00. Was working when removed. If it does not work when you get it I will refund money and you are only out the shipping both ways. Bendix King KI 227 ADF Indicator and KR 87 ADF with antenna - Sold separately or together. Make an offer. KR 87 needs a new screen - It was not working when removed so I cannot verify if the indicator was working. It may just need a new screen. However, it looks to be in good condition. PS Engineering PM 1000 panel mount intercom - working flawlessly when removed. $200.00. KS 270 Pitch Servo - not working. This would be for spare parts only for someone rebuilding a servo. Plastic case is also broken or cracked. Make an offer.
  6. I purchased this system over a year ago for $575. I decided not to install it because there are other things I wold like in the future and they would not all fit in my instrument panel. If anyone is interested I am not looking to make money on this. I am only looking to get back what I paid for it ($575). Includes: -KR87 ADF Receiver with connector and installation tray (PN:066-1072-00) -KI227 ADF Indicator with connector (PN:066-3063-00) -KA44 ADF Blade Antenna with connector (PN:071-1196-00)
  7. Folks: I am looking to purchase a used KR-87 with the tray and loop sense antenna to replace my T-12C, for about $1,000 plush shipping. Tagged units only please. I can be reached via PM or at (egravel03 at rogers dot com).
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