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  1. Soooooo as I am looking at your photos I am assuming that your current panel is the bottom one with the analog King attitude and HSI. If it were me, I wouldn't touch anything and fly with it, exactly as it is. For one, I LOVE Avidyne and see it as far superior to the competing Garmin products. Secondly, I used to fly 4 to 9 legs a day at a commuter with those King analog instruments. Mostly crap Northeast weather. I am so comfortable with your current panel. And you do not spend a dime more on anything.
  2. In addition, we need to remember my core motivation for starting this thread: This didn't happen to me. It happened to a good friend of mine who is Pilot64. And I had a direct conversation with the DOM of that shop after an American Bonanza Society event about it. He took ZERO responsibility for it and carried a very cavalier attitude. He even bashed the victim during this conversation. I was shocked and appalled. Be careful about who you trust with your airplane.
  3. I would too. We love it at the airline level. Plus, those pesky voice communications would not be interrupting my XM radio as much anymore.
  4. So this kind of information is why I love MooneySpace and the people here. You guys teach me something every time I come back. I have never shopped the fractional operators nor the jet card sellers. Is 125K a real number for 25 hours of jet time? That is doable for me and I typically fly my Mooney about 50 hours a year. But that does not account for all of the time spent on owner maintenance that I do. My hangar expenses are also not accounted for. It also would eliminate the mental stress and time spent vetting maintenance shops and managing the "Jake and Kurt Pony Shows" out there that exist to steal our maintenance money and squander our trust.
  5. He was referring to “Trustworthy Shops”.
  6. If you do not care about a shop taking responsibility when they screw something up then by all means, go to a certain MSC at Daytona Beach. However, after watching a friend's aircraft get totally screwed on major work, I would not let these people work on my kids bicycle, much less an aircraft.
  7. Good afternoon Mooniacs, I have an AOG situation and am in search of a mag. We need a: Bendix Model S6LN-25P Part # 10-79020-118 I will take anything that is serviceable and ready for install. All of the parts shops are showing a two week wait time. That is giving up too much of my spring time flying. Thank you in advance, Walt
  8. Good Morning Mooniacs, I find myself needing to replace our Concorde RG35. I am curious as to if any of you have tried any of the newer battery brands with better technology. I have always bought Concorde over the years and love their reliability but I am wondering about advancements in battery technology. Thanks, Walt
  9. Good afternoon Fellow Mooniacs, Iam on a parts search. Continential pn 646243 is a fuel line for the no 3 cylinder on the TSIO-360-LB. I am going through annual and our IA says he can not find a replacement. Apparently, ours is cracked. If you have a used or new one on your shelf, please PM me. Thank you in advance, Walt
  10. Awesome turn out of some awesome people. Joey Cole is "The Mooney Master" for organizing such a cool event. Thank you, Joey.
  11. Good morning. Redline on this engine is 40 inches. I usually set it at 38 to 39 for take off and she seems to hold just fine. Neither intercooler nor an automatic wastegate installed. And, as per my engine builder's recommendation, I run ROP all the time. I enrichen it back about 100 degrees south of peak TIT.
  12. Main Turbo in Visalia, Ca. They could not be more helpful and knowledgeable.
  13. Well after talking to the shop that overhauled my turbo last year, they feel like it is a failing pressure relief valve. And have offered to take care of it.
  14. When returning home yesterday, I was cruising at 11,500 feet and had a setting of 31.5 and 2400 rpm. The MP was cycling between 31.7 and 30.5. It seemed to be every 3 to 4 minutes.
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