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Everything posted by schule

  1. The wing sight gauges are most accurate on the ground. The cockpit gauges are only most accurate in a level attitude equivalent to flight. And I believe only guage required to be correct is the cockpit gauge when on E in flight. Although close from wing to wing and 231 to 231, they may not be exactly the same measurements, especially if the fill site has a slight left/right or fore/aft slope. Would be terrible to get someone else's measurements and run yourself out of gas thinking you have enough. Might be worth it to make your own specific to your aircraft by draining the tanks, adding in the requisite unusable, and then adding a few gallons at a time.
  2. Anyone from the late '80s able to compare new aircraft costs to autos? Average new trucks now are now, maybe $50k, what was an average truck price in '87? Has the average price of a truck gone up 700%?
  3. I guess theory 4 didn't post last night: Maybe there is a technical reason the tread is locked. The last data purge occured around page 200. The cost of maintaining this site could get prohibitively expense above the level such a popular thread drives. Buffer a max capacity of 200 by say 5ish percent and the Cyber Creations server locks everyone out around page 206+/- until an admin volunteer reduces the first 40-50 pages. It could be completely a problem with H.A.L. 9000 and not Craig or Monneyspace admin.
  4. So in light of following official site guidelines, is this the official place to post all GBCs? Where can I find the Form 9? Craig owns it and has (...his property, his site, his rules... says Byron) "absolute power" over it...Lord Acton. Ironic how those words were written by a man chastising the Roman Catholic Church's inability to progress, and now it is used to support the chilling of speech contrary to the political views of whomever. The reason Timmy kkkan no longer pursue the dream of flight is the lack of tolerance on all sides. There is a serious lack of reasonably open and civil dialog amongst those in power. Imagine the power this site has to draw in folks from very different back grounds and economic states with a common goal to improve some random stranger's Mooney Experience. What if this site relit the dream instead helping to kill it by driving supporters away? However, instead of an open discussion where Scott and Byron disagree on some important points and then go out of their way to help the new guy, they don't know from Adam, with a cheerful welcome, we end up with a hurts feelings report of censorship by the site owner when his buttons are pushed. Timmy was a fun read and sometimes crazy, but it was maybe the most popular thread in Mooneyspace history? Thanks to all who provided intellectual property for Craig's economic gain.
  5. 35,000+ views & 4,200 posts.....not including the 40 some pages lost during the Great Christmas Purge of 2014. The original story you started about Timmy is no longer to be found on page #1.
  6. I guess the NSA didn't like the conversation...............or John Candy is back in Canadian Bacon II.
  7. Clarence, Those valve covers and exhaust are so shinny I couldn't really see those last few inches. What were you saying about bigger?
  8. The Merlyn will not stop an overboost. You must control MP with throttle. The Merlyn does a good job of stabilizing upper deck pressures (i.e. MP) at a given throttle setting vice the old adjustable bolt, but even an airspeed change can affect MP inflight. The fully automatic boost controls were installed in the MB and SB (252/Encore).
  9. Wow! I have watched a snow storm develop on a clam winter morning after some heavy aircraft start generating lift for takeoff, but that video puts a whole new light on the matter. 2 and 3 min spacing plus up wind flight paths. What could have been the outcome if he flipped at pattern altitude?
  10. 14 CFR Part 91.1 Even DOD adheres to the CFRs unless there is a waiver. Do what you will, but please play wisely. It will be interesting to see how the courts handle a pilot crashing his drone inside the D.C. prohibited area, specifically the front lawn of a particular residence. I would guess any defense based on launching within his personal airspace before losing control will hold merit.
  11. All aerospace operations over U.S. territory follow the same rules. Drones/model aircraft below 300' outside controlled airspace or in specifically allowed airspace are generally allowed for non-commercial operations. Have any of these HATR incidents occurred outside of controlled airspace? All of them I have heard of are on short final or the D.C. prohibited area. Or are the operators failing to know the law? Problem is too many of these dangerous items are on the street without proper government control and knowledge about the end users. Those users likely need to have proper training, background checks, and a mental health assessments before the government may issue a permit to even purchase/own the device. A good 5 day waiting period should suffice to keep wayward children from forcing mom or dad to buy one in the heat of childish passion. Possession of these devices without proper government drone control should be banned from all except good government employees in the name of public good. Whoa the day we rely upon an educated free citizenry to make good choices respecting others.
  12. M20K 115KTAS, 2100rpm, 25", 6.5gph 160KTAS, 2500rpm, 31", 9.5gph 165KTAS, 2500rpm, 33", 10.2gph 170KTAS, 2550rpm, 33", 11gph 180KTAS, 2700rpm, 40", 24gph M20F 145KTAS, 2500rpm, Max MP, 8.2gph 155KTAS, 2500rpm, Max MP, 11gph The last couple knots are expensive. Might look up the Vz threads for a good paper on efficiency.
  13. Just replaced my split trim switch on the yoke. $800. A couple of hours soldering the jumpers and wiring. Works great. There is a thread somewhere here within in the last couple weeks mentioning a shop in Texas who can rebuild all three microswitches for less. Autopilots Central in Oklahoma was great to work with. Good luck.
  14. Rik, Welcome. As in everything on the web you will get as many opinions as there are folks providing posts. Lucky for you though, you picked a good place to start. Mooney makes for a great cross country machine at relatively low cost. Good speed and stable. Highly recommend to try out a Mooney if you can find someone near you going up for a weekend proficiency flight. All the models from the front seats are within a an order of magnitude of each other. The speed thing is only tough if you train your mind to think slow getting your PPL. There are planes that fly 180 on final, and they get soloed within 10 hours using a very structured training plan. A transition from a Cessna trainer to a Mooney can be difficult because of the challenge changing the basics you first learn in the simple Cessna 172, but bouncing landings in a Mooney can get expensive. A 172 RG for the first few hours learning to land and transition to a Mooney through your PPL may help defeat the negative effects of Primacy and build the skills you will need to get out on your own better prepared. Good structured training is more important IMHO than the speed concern. This advice is warranted at the price purchased. Good luck.
  15. Why did this thread get started? It looks like Scott broke the system, and all of the early posts are being systematically replaced by these newer ones. Does the site have a post limit or did a backup occur and wipe some of the original data?????????? Maybe we have found the edge of a flat digital realm..................
  16. While doing some pattern work in an under powered taildragger today I was absolutely in pitch a for airspeed camp because the power was in idle from the time we hit downwind abeam the numbers. AOA/drag in a slip/proper turn timing were the only means of adjusting aimpoint. Never could let the energy get low until you were in the flare. Also on climb out at max power you had to adjust pitch for airspeed because there was not enough power to get it. Made it a challenge to follow the C150 doing a base for 2 mile final each lap. We took off when they called a base turn. I guess they were doing the pitch for aimpoint and power for airspeed technique. Flying is a pitch and power control application which can then be validated by the performance indicators like aimpoint, airspeed, ROC, stall/spin/die. Fly safe.
  17. Started a tailwheel checkout today. What a humbling experience to reinforce basic Airmanship skills. Any effort less than a good crosscheck of the ASI, ball, and whole runway environment resulted in something not geting stablized.......If you have not experienced it, it can look a lot like one of those mechanical bulls. An understanding of the pratical applications of AOA during idle power patterns to wheel landings made for lot more effective cross check and management of the Mooney pattern when I flew home. This thread and a couple others combined with memories of lost friends has reinvograted the search for better GA flying skills.
  18. But what is the sport of football?
  19. If you ask real nice David might be willing to do a local check out and then you fly home solo.
  20. He may be having regrets about selling. If he is a descent lawyer then it is likely not for the costs, if he is a descent pilot it is likely not for the lack of flying enjoyment, add in the apparent attachment with all the expensive labor costs associated with a reseal and enough good log book entries that you are happy with the higher price and it all adds up............I bet he loves the plane and it is a dream he is having a difficult time parting with. This is a "problem" most of us deal with. Owning a Mooney, or any GA, usually is a function of love for the sport rather than good monetary policy. On the PPI paying for the plane prior to fixes complete could be a bad idea and also ground the plane making the return trip a problem. This could be a great opportunity for you to get to know your Mooney. Fly him home telling stories and prove how much he trusts the airplane, but land before sunset. Get him to buy you all a good dinner for the effort and fly back the next morning. A good Saturday and some XC time learning will likely be cheaper than starting again. These expenses will only be a minor part of the overall ownership experience. $0.02 at the value paid. Hope it all works out for you.
  21. Sometimes, maybe, and it depends. Looking forward to watching The Theory of Everything. A zero-energy position is a relative situation I would hypothesize. The MAPA course is good for learning pitch vs power power settings. Remember though too much of one without the other can lead to disaster.
  22. A36 TN or P-51. But those are outta my price range......so the fun is the rule of the day.......Citabria.
  23. Mooney sells them on a thumb-drive which is nice and easy to carry with while traveling about if something breaks away from home.
  24. The official Mooney logo thumb-drive is where I have seen the copyright. It is not on the aircraft assigned POH. I will check the service.parts manual when I get to the hangar. It is on page one when you open it up according the instructions written in the batch file. The thumb-drive is a product sold by Mooney and it appears to me they have reserved all rights as the owner of an original work. I don't see an MSC, or anyone with physical possession, of a thumb-drive/manual bound by Mooney to be any different than a book owner giving a copy away. But if you make a derivative copy from that data and give it to someone else, you might be in violation of law. The newer K model thumb-drive is more like .pdf quality and the older vintage model thumb-drive is mostly scanned copies like from a micro-fish viewer. Back in the day I would guess printing processes/information sharing were not so easy as they are today so control by the original owner was less difficult. Again, I am not a lawyer/cop/Mooney employee, however, if you were to do this in an academic work you would be expelled. We have to careful balancing frugal with cheap bastard. Frugal is smart........but cheap bastards steal candy from babies, kick cute little puppy dogs, and push old ladies out of their way for personal gain. I have made my choice to not tread on Mooney, as I kinda like the products they have brought to market. It can make a dent in the wallet, but I choose to fly an airplane and those are part of the costs IMHO.
  25. I like how several of them help with FAA Wings credits. Took a few over the last couple of days and finished off all the Wings ground credits. Now if it would only stop raining for the flights......................
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