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Everything posted by Mooneymite

  1. I just got my transponder/pitot-static check done. I used the same guy I used last year. Ray travels around the southeast and comes right to your hangar, so there's no transportation/waiting issue. Ray Allen's Electronics Inc 53a-6 Hangar Drive Butler, GA 31006 - View Map Phone: (478) 862-3033 Cell: (478) 837-1098 Ray charged me $260, but this June, he's going up $20. I was wondering what everyone else pays. This is the seventh check I've done since I've owned the plane. It has never needed any adjustments, or corrections. Seems like a huge waste of money to be doing this every 2 years.
  2. Fear not. The flightplan.com Android app (app and data up-dates all completely free) works fine. Between Flightplan.com on-line for flight planning and the app which works off-line, who needs anything else (except a trusty Garmin 430).
  3. Ha! Technically true until the FAA decides flying without a chart was "careless and reckless". However, as long as you are "wreckless", the FAA doesn't much care. :-)
  4. Say you post a "selfie" on you tube. Nothing spectacular, just in-flight video. Say you get a phone call from someone who says he's from the FAA and he wants to help you. He saw your N number in that video and was wondering.... Say he asks to see where your AC type certificate provides for the wing-tip camera? Well, how about an STC? Or a sign-off by a DER? Or any documentation for that camera? Is there test data to prove airworthiness for your camera mount mod? What would one say?
  5. On another discussion thread we talked about a known Garmin Antenna problem. Is it possible to switch 430 and 530 (GPS) antennas and see if the problem follows a bad antenna?
  6. My Mooney is hangared 99% of the time, but when tied down outside, I just put a fake-green-snake on one of the horizontal stabilizers. This probably wouldn't work long-term, but it sure keeps the bird droppins off for a day, or two.
  7. The Darwin effect would soon cleanse the pilot population!
  8. Thanks for sharing. It sounds like a way to legalize those evil hangar fairies!
  9. Bad treatment by the TSA is great for general aviation! :-) If the TSA gets any worse there will be a scarcity of good, used Mooneys....the "airline-alternative". Be happy.
  10. Probably coincidence. This just showed up on our neighborhood email. I have no personal knowledge of the aircraft, or owner. I'm just passing the info along, but it might be a deal: MOONEY FOR SALE 1967 C Model SN#670022 TT2965 Eng S/M 1469, ECI cylinders, Garmin 300XL (IFR), GTX327 xponder, S-tec 30 auto pilot, new bat G-35S in 2012, O/N fuel bladders, 54.8 usable fuel with blad. tanks, prop overhaul 4/08 new hub instaled to comply with AD & SB, all manuals: shop, parts, eng. 201 one piece w/shield, JPI fuel flow meter, PTT on both yokes, 4 place intercom, GEM-602 eng monitor, Garmin 100 GPS(vfr) , nite light inst lights, hinge cover installed, cowling enc., flap gap seals, brake wheel rotated, (stc), lndg gear disc replaced in 2006. Asking $37,500. Call Don Cook 678-481-5186 doncookatp@gmail.com
  11. This is just common sense! Unfortunately, there is a big gap between what the FAR's say and common sense. The owner is ultimately responsible.
  12. Surprisingly enough on the 767, it is not the engine, or the wing tip that hits first in landings, it is the flap.
  13. Yeah, that's why these videos were so exciting. Obviously rotten technique. If they'd landed like Mooney pilots do, there'd have been no video circulated......just routine boring. Do you want your landings to be subject to a viral Youtube?
  14. Uh.....I think we can say this thread is now officially hijacked! (Sorry about that!) Does anyone else have any "Fine Wire" stories?
  15. From CBP web-site: https://help.cbp.gov/app/answers/detail/a_id/176/kw/civil%20rights In part, it says: >The exact legal citation for our search authority can be found in Title 19 of the United States Code, Sections 482, 1467, 1496, 1581 and 1582. All persons, baggage, and other merchandise arriving in or leaving the United States are subject to inspection and seach by CBP officers. Various laws (including 8 United States Code (U.S.C.) 1357, 19 U.S.C. 482, 1581, 1582) enforced by CBP authorize such searches. As part of the inspection process, CBP officers must verify the identity of persons, determine the admissibility of travelers, and look for possible terrorist weapons, controlled substances, and a variety of other prohibited items.< I'm not sure that this would cover aircraft on a flight between two domestic points since it specifies "...arriving in or leaving the United States." In my work, I have to deal with CBP a lot. I am so happy that the public at large is becoming aware of the abuses of the CBP. Maybe there will be a large enough protest to reel these hoodlums in. The hoodlums comprise only about 5%, but guess which "agents" you'll remember!
  16. I hope you will post this on other forums (AOPA.org, etc) to get the widest possible distribution. I can't wait to see what AOPA does about this!
  17. I prefer the term, "economically efficient"!
  18. I have not heard of Corban 35 before, but I found this: http://krayden.com/tds/zipchem_cor-ban_35_tds.pdf Sounds like something I might need to know more about.
  19. For married guys who want to keep themselves, their wives and their airplane as one, big happy family, I suggest you NOT try Jose's suggestion!
  20. For a hot start with an O-360, turn the key. (Revenge of the 'C'!)
  21. I suspect that if you have a good set of massives, there will be little/no difference. In my case, one of the resistors in one of my plugs had gone bad...Oh, what a difference! However, I probably would have seen a big difference if I'd just changed to new massives. Here's hoping those Tempe$t plug$ last a loooooong time.
  22. I think this is a good place to start. In my limited experience, squelch issues turn out to be headset issues.
  23. The decision to ignore TBO is based on "condition inspections" at each annual. Whether we overhaul at some point beyond, or short of the manufacturer's recommendation is contingent on various parameters such as compression, oil consumption, oil analysis, etc. Without knowing much about your engine, I'd say that your engine is displaying warning signs such that a thorough, close and critical evaluation be made by a knowlegdeable engine person. Doing a "top" may just be treating the symptoms of an engine about to fail. But we're speculating.
  24. I can't imagine anyone taking offence at a "cold call". They might say, "no" for a variety of reasons, but I suspect most Mooney owners would welcome the chance to tell you why their Mooney is the best and offer to show it off. Go for it.
  25. Be sure to explain that to your wife!
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