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Bartman last won the day on April 12

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  1. I watched about 2/3 of the video. That's all I needed to see to confirm my decision.
  2. I'm no expert, but if this were my plane, I would replace that mechanical fuel pump before the next flight.
  3. Are you sending your fuel pump to Aeromotors for rebuild ? Mine has the Dukes pump, and now the rebuilt pump should outlast the rest of the plane.
  4. I keep it simple and have not looked at the power charts in several years, relying on the engine monitor. Takeoff balls to the wall and lean to maintain target EGT during climb as described in the Pelican Pearch articles. Close cowl flaps when I reach cruise altitude and don't touch anything else until speed stabilizes. Pull back to 2500 and set the JPI to Lean Mode. At my normal cruise of 7k - 8k set it at 10-15 deg LOP and WOT. If I cruise any higher, I will run at peak EGT. Trim, set the autopilot, and enjoy the view. If I change altitude, then I lean again. Descending nose it over and pull the throttle back as required to maintain cruise MP. There is no need to adjust Prop RPM, but I increase the Mixture just enough so she doesn't sputter when I add throttle for taxi.
  5. Before I pulled the trigger and rebuilt my IO-360 in 2020 she was leaking a good amount and at 1950 SMOH it was burning some too. It was leaking so much that the oil didn't have time to turn dark between oil changes. Despite changing at 35 hours, the oil probably had more like 20 hours. When we disassembled, it was very clean inside. No deposits and no sludge. Now its like Johnny Bench used to say in the commercial. No runs, no drips, and no errors. I like not having a mess under the engine, but my oil does get dark a bit quicker. I have never done an oil analysis. Don't plan on it.
  6. I took mine to Edison in Jan 2008. Had one leak 14 years later from a screw under the wing walk which I fixed with a SMALL amount of Permatex #3. 17 years later I remain very happy.
  7. We did a field overhaul on my IO-360 A3B6D in 2020. It took 6 months. I chose not to keep track of the cost. It was less stressful that way.
  8. In my IO-360 powered J this would be a good time to do a high-powered LOP mag check. This helped me pull the trigger on a new ignition harness and solved my intermittent stumble.
  9. In winter, I also adjust my cowl flaps to be flush or nearly so in the closed position.
  10. I cruise LOP as SOP, but the higher the cruise, the closer I lean toward peak EGT or even slightly ROP. The IO-360 formula of 14.9 x Fuel Flow will give HP while LOP and anything less than 60%, then I would be at peak EGT or slightly ROP. Down low, I lose around 5 knots and, depending on altitude may be as much as 15-25deg LOP, but enjoy fuel savings of 2-3gal/hr. That's a good tradeoff. It has been my experience that at 16,000 ft, the speed penalty would far outweigh any benefit to running LOP and I would be more like 5deg ROP. My engine runs better there at those higher altitudes.
  11. If you have questions about RPM accuracy, I recommend downloading the "Engine RPM" app to your phone. I discovered my engine and prop make full RPM, but the readings are not correct on the dial when I pull back the blue knob. When reading 2500, it is more like 2400 on the app, which uses the microphone on your phone to sense impulses. It's a cheap app, and I find it very useful. I also see you have a digital tach which may eliminate this.
  12. I have a Ground Tech canopy cover that came with my J in 2007. Have no idea when it was made and I could not find the company on an internet search. The main straps are in good shape but the bungee strap needs to be replaced. Did one of the current companies take over Ground Tech or is there another supplier for this? I’m sure I could get a bungee and modify it to work, but I’d rather have something purpose-made if possible.
  13. Buy the best M20 F that fits your budget, something ready to fly, not a project. I did not regret that approach. I flew VFR for the first 3 years, flying to destinations 2-3 hours away. After a couple of times and being lucky enough to only scare the crap out of myself, I committed to the instrument rating. IFR flying demands discipline and flying by the numbers, much like the Mooney, and I highly recommend getting your instrument rating in the Mooney rather than the 172. I did not regret that. Congratulations on your PPL !!!
  14. Problem solved. Took several minutes to get it all, and the tip about using the paper towel to act as a wick seemed to help get those last few drops.
  15. BTW….. I had bad moment a few days ago. This was parked near me and the line guys said it was the first solo after checkout and bringing her home. Said there were 3 separate prop strikes on that landing. Now THATS a bad day.
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