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Everything posted by Shadrach

  1. It might require a prop inspection, but I’d like to see the data behind that requirement. If you think about it, there are many asymmetric loads within a reciprocating engine. Think about the asymmetric loads on a piston pin given the piston is reversing direction every 180°. It’s pretty amazing to consider how much pressure it takes to disrupt the hydrodynamic plane. I think the motor mounts are toast. I’d be curious to see how the firewall fared. this is a long video, but it’s very well done and conveys a lot of information that most of us don’t think about in terms of the physics of multi cylinder, reciprocating engines.
  2. That’s weird. I’m pretty sure mine is all metal. Same components but not plastic. The of flapper in my passenger butterfly valve is half missing but other than that the system has been very durable, especially given the high temps it endures. At the max heat setting, my system puts out near 200° at the center vent.. cannot imagine plastic withstanding those kind of output temps for any period of time but apparently it does.
  3. Very sorry to learn of Andrew’s passing. I enjoyed his wit and sensor humor as well as the images he shared of many beautiful flying destinations. He will be missed. RIP.
  4. You’re kind of making my point. It’s likely not the power, it’s the heat.
  5. Is it that they’re always going to be hot at 90%? I would have little concern running my NA cylinders at 90% for extended periods.
  6. I think it’s a longshot as well, but should be ruled out.. I think the easiest way to check is to just put a bit of rotational force on one of the stop brackets and see if it moves. Seems unlikely that break-in oil would have an effect on the governor. I’ve run all different types of weight oil in mine without a problem. Is the problem duplicatable on the ground?
  7. Don’t judge my safety wire too harshly. It’s super tight in there.
  8. I’m wondering if the governor is rotating in the housing. The PCU 1000 like most governors can be “clocked” within the housing to accommodate a multitude of prop cable mounting positions. It’s conceivable that if the governor was not properly tightened down or has become loose, it is moving slightly..
  9. The trends I’m quoting are per 100,000hrs. You can quibble with the methodology but it’s the best we have.
  10. Pilots have really not broken much new ground in terms of how they bend airplanes. GA accident rates are generally trending down.
  11. Well, I might agree with you if I thought that the retractable gear and prop had anything to do with this mishap. I’ve landed my plan on ice many times it’s just that there’s always been asphalt underneath.
  12. Looks to me like he was trying to make a short field landing and ran out of energy just before the threshold.
  13. Thanks for the feedback folks. And just to be clear, I have not nor have I ever set any plane afire. My question was driven by a trend I’ve seen recently of winter time engine fires from over priming and poor fuel atomization. Be careful out there.
  14. They have a fairly extensive collection of used parts. I’ve purchased parts by mail from them. They recently relocated. I’ve never had work done there but I’ve never heard anything negative.
  15. Look forward to speaking next week. Just so we’re clear on working “perfectly”.
  16. Fuel puddles in the air box when an updraft carb is over primed. In cold temps fuel atomizes poorly. Gravity wins. I’ve seen aircraft with no electrical system catch fire during hand propping. In these kinds of situations, I can’t say where the fire starts only that most of the burn occurs in the air box.
  17. Nothing to do with my engine or a specific event. I am looking for general guidance that would help one determine "if" heat levels were significant enough to warrant anything beyond cleaning.. Obviously damage to the ignition harness and other accessories warrants an external inspection, beyond that I have not found much.
  18. I switched to 83282 (Royco 782) the last time I did maintenance on my system. That being said, 5605 vs 83282 never made an operational difference. Almost all of the problems that I have encountered with the Mooney flap system have been the result of someone, for some reason, deciding that the system needed an "overhaul." As soon as humans disturb the system a host of potential issues come to the forefront.
  19. Folks, I am looking for guidance on returning an engine to service after an engine compartment fire during a failed start. No, I did not set my F model on fire. However, being a stone's throw from the fuel farm, I have seen my fair share of engine fires during start up. The damage has varied from none to minor paint work. That being said, I can find no guidance from Lycoming or Continental on external and internal inspection protocol. Your thoughts and experience appreciated.
  20. There were actually pundits on X calling for the Sec of Transportation to travel to Tuscon and make a statement.
  21. It’s not that I’ve lost interest. I think I mentioned to you in a DM several months ago that I was embarking on a new professional endeavor. Posting here has become a more delicate proposition for that reason. I still check in from time to time to see if I can be of help.
  22. Oliver, There are a host of small issues that might be causing your problem. My sense is that everything was not perfect over the summer but was acceptable enough for you to think it was functioning properly. The symptoms of having air in the system are exacerbated by the cold. We had a particular harsh winter here. The last time I flew my plane it was in the low teens and the system performed flawlessly. It’s not the system. I will DM you my phone number. More effective to have a discussion over the phone. Thanks to @Ragsf15e for conjuring me. I’m pretty scarce around these parts these days.
  23. Is the box mounted on the pilot’s sidewall? That is typically where the Brittain PC controller (at least I think that’s what it is) shown below is mounted when installed on a Mooney. That Box looks a bit more modern but if it is installed in the same place, it is likely a remnant of the last Brittain AP.
  24. Maybe it is due to the configuration of the three bay, 64 gal tanks, but I can say that I have never seen them leak fuel from the vents.
  25. The vents on my 67F are pointed tubes that protrude straight down from underside of the outermost tank. Any spillage would have to defy gravity on the ground and would evaporate almost immediately in the air. Are you getting blue stains aft of your vents?
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